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Feb 26, 2020, 05:3602/26/20



It is not often that I apologize.  Here goes. 

My previous posts (and only posts) so far, have done nothing but rip the PC application to shreds.  Some of my exact words were, "Incidentally, I write code for a living.  We would never let something in this state go to production." 

I was told to provide my logs to support, which I did not, as I had already "dealt with support" and was not satisfied.  I must admit, I had reviewed the logs on my own.  I was unimpressed with the log content, and even disappointed that the logs for the thin client (the actual application) were even partially encrypted.  I was ready to rant and rave about the lack of content, and even willing to risk permanent ban for outing actual log issues and what I perceived the issues to be based on those, in my opinion, "inadequate logs".

Today when I logged in I got another application update.  I was still a bit livid, but thought to my self, "OK... Let's see what happens." 

I have been pleasantly surprised to find the application did not (and still has not) crashed every few minutes.  I even found a couple of refunded boss keys and energy refills for the past couple days of unpleasant troubles.

My sincerest apologies. 

As a computer programmer, I was out of line and should know better.  While I personally hold my self to the highest standards, I do know, and recognize that we work in teams, and not every one has the same level of dedication that some of do us to.  I have also seen code released in awful states just to satisfy deadlines and consumer demand, and have personally been responsible for tracking down and fixing bugs from some of the less dedicated individuals in a team.  I do know what a thankless task it can be to spend entire days tracking down a single line of code causing an issue. 

Again, my sincerest apologies. 

Some times I just want to go home and zone out.  As a representative of my profession, I took out my frustrations inappropriately and and unprofessionally.  I am quite confident that Plarium does, in fact, have some of those outstanding few, who are as dedicated an myself, and willing to track down and identify issues from one update, and also get out a fix in quick order.  There must also be a heck of a Q&A team in place, to test and approve changes for such a quick turn around.  And my thanks to support, who did in fact, appease somewhat of a temper tantrum.

Lastly, and again, my sincerest apologies. 

I do know that the PC component is relative new addition to what was initially a mobile only game.  Writing code can be difficult for multiple platforms, even working with something like Java, which many developers are abandoning due to its performance, and outright monetization due to Oracle.  I believe this application is done in dot net... which many developers will tell you is awful, but Microsoft kind of explains that.  When writing for PC, it is often times better to use platform specific language.  I have used .Net... I understand the pain and suffering courtesy of Microsoft. 

Finally, new applications are bound to have bugs.  As programmer, I understand that bug fixes are an unwritten, and often unacknowledged, stage of the software development life cycle... even development cycles of a rapid prototyping, rapid release variety. 

From one software developer to another, thank you for showing the same dedication I expect from myself.  Thank you, to Q&A and support teams who were also involved in this quick bug fix. 

If this game keeps my interest beyond a few initial weeks (yes, I am one of those guys... always trying something new... never hanging around long)... I will certainly open my wallet in support. 


Feb 26, 2020, 16:3002/26/20

EMS1979 said:


It is not often that I apologize.  Here goes. 

My previous posts (and only posts) so far, have done nothing but rip the PC application to shreds.  Some of my exact words were, "Incidentally, I write code for a living.  We would never let something in this state go to production." 

I was told to provide my logs to support, which I did not, as I had already "dealt with support" and was not satisfied.  I must admit, I had reviewed the logs on my own.  I was unimpressed with the log content, and even disappointed that the logs for the thin client (the actual application) were even partially encrypted.  I was ready to rant and rave about the lack of content, and even willing to risk permanent ban for outing actual log issues and what I perceived the issues to be based on those, in my opinion, "inadequate logs".

Today when I logged in I got another application update.  I was still a bit livid, but thought to my self, "OK... Let's see what happens." 

I have been pleasantly surprised to find the application did not (and still has not) crashed every few minutes.  I even found a couple of refunded boss keys and energy refills for the past couple days of unpleasant troubles.

My sincerest apologies. 

As a computer programmer, I was out of line and should know better.  While I personally hold my self to the highest standards, I do know, and recognize that we work in teams, and not every one has the same level of dedication that some of do us to.  I have also seen code released in awful states just to satisfy deadlines and consumer demand, and have personally been responsible for tracking down and fixing bugs from some of the less dedicated individuals in a team.  I do know what a thankless task it can be to spend entire days tracking down a single line of code causing an issue. 

Again, my sincerest apologies. 

Some times I just want to go home and zone out.  As a representative of my profession, I took out my frustrations inappropriately and and unprofessionally.  I am quite confident that Plarium does, in fact, have some of those outstanding few, who are as dedicated an myself, and willing to track down and identify issues from one update, and also get out a fix in quick order.  There must also be a heck of a Q&A team in place, to test and approve changes for such a quick turn around.  And my thanks to support, who did in fact, appease somewhat of a temper tantrum.

Lastly, and again, my sincerest apologies. 

I do know that the PC component is relative new addition to what was initially a mobile only game.  Writing code can be difficult for multiple platforms, even working with something like Java, which many developers are abandoning due to its performance, and outright monetization due to Oracle.  I believe this application is done in dot net... which many developers will tell you is awful, but Microsoft kind of explains that.  When writing for PC, it is often times better to use platform specific language.  I have used .Net... I understand the pain and suffering courtesy of Microsoft. 

Finally, new applications are bound to have bugs.  As programmer, I understand that bug fixes are an unwritten, and often unacknowledged, stage of the software development life cycle... even development cycles of a rapid prototyping, rapid release variety. 

From one software developer to another, thank you for showing the same dedication I expect from myself.  Thank you, to Q&A and support teams who were also involved in this quick bug fix. 

If this game keeps my interest beyond a few initial weeks (yes, I am one of those guys... always trying something new... never hanging around long)... I will certainly open my wallet in support. 


Ty EMS1979,

i will send your Topic to our support!