Feb 21, 2020, 19:5202/21/20
Remove XP Brews and Mystery Shards from Dungeons
Seriously! Please take them out of the tables. Nothing is more infuriating than doing a multi battle 30 times on a dungeon and coming back to find you bilked me out of 7 or 8 dungeon runs with 4 XP brews and a crap ton of mystery shards in the loot panel.
I ran Dragon today probably 30 or 40 times and I have gotten something like 40 mystery shards and At least 6 to 8 XP brews. Enough is enough. Please take this sub par loot out of Dungeons, especially ones that cost 12-14 energy.
I mean does anyone like getting XP brews and crap shards in dungeons?
Leave them in campaign all you want but gett hem out of the dungeons! Especially from the potion ones!