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Suggestion for artifacts

Suggestion for artifacts

Feb 20, 2020, 22:1702/20/20

Suggestion for artifacts

I apologize if this is not where my suggestion is meant to be, but it was the only place I could find to post. However my suggestion is very simple. When upgradeing an artifacts level the game takes you to a screen where it shows only the artifact clicked on. Then when you are finished you must close out the screen and click on your next artifact you want to upgrade. My suggestion is to use all of the space to the left side of the screen and put all other artifact equipped to that character there so it makes for quick selection. Yes it is very minor but for someone like me with very slow data due to my location (also an outdated phone lol) having to switch screens back and forth to upgrade gear can be a slow process. This minor change and good use of empty space could make a big difference.

Thank you.