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Mid-Low end mission: upgrade great hall to level 4 (impossible)

Mid-Low end mission: upgrade great hall to level 4 (impossible)

Feb 20, 2020, 04:5702/20/20

Mid-Low end mission: upgrade great hall to level 4 (impossible)

Basically I am stuck on upgrading great hall to level 4 (400 silver medals). 

I mean there is nothing wrong in the mission except it is a low end block on other missions which are 1000x easier (like finish some dungeon on hard lol).

How does that even make sense. Much later it even asks you to get to silver rank in arena —- after you won 400 silver badges?!

Can we move this mission further down the line ?

Feb 20, 2020, 13:1002/20/20
Feb 20, 2020, 13:11(edited)
No, It would be unfair to everyone who already completed it.
Feb 20, 2020, 18:0302/20/20
Well... The missions need a rework. Maybe it was easier to finish this quest a couple of months ago when there werent so many powerful players down the bottom leagues. I found it difficult as well to reach silver 1 after just a month of free to play.
Feb 20, 2020, 18:5002/20/20
It's a tough one, just keep grinding the medals and improving your champs. You will need to do the level 4 with 400 medals twice. I'm guessing level 5 is next for me, lol. I'm stuck at the fuse justicar mission myself. Cant get spirit to drop for me. More important to keep farming and get your next 60 and upgrade your gear. 
Feb 20, 2020, 19:1602/20/20
Did anyone stop to consider if maybe its not supposed to be easy? I thought it was impossible when I ran into that same wall a couple of months ago and 2 weeks later I found myself in gold 4. Fully F2P at the time and all that happened was I got High Khatun
Feb 20, 2020, 20:0102/20/20
Betel Geuse said:

Did anyone stop to consider if maybe its not supposed to be easy? I thought it was impossible when I ran into that same wall a couple of months ago and 2 weeks later I found myself in gold 4. Fully F2P at the time and all that happened was I got High Khatun
And it's nice getting the next 4 or 5 right away. I also try to look ahead to see what the next tough one will be, and try to plan ahead a bit.