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Battle Pass Challenges are Impossible

Battle Pass Challenges are Impossible

Feb 20, 2020, 00:3402/20/20

Battle Pass Challenges are Impossible

There is one challenge in the battle pass that has stood out as I am trying my best to complete them all. Which daily challenges you get are all rng, but there is one I've gotten twice now that requires me to one-shot opponents in the arena. I'm newish to the game and am stuck in low silver, where every team I see has 6 star legendaries that tear my team apart. I don't have enough damage to one shot anyone, but I can still win my battles. It makes it impossible for people like me with a more defensive based team that can't nuke to finish all of the daily challenges, which sets me back in progress along the battle pass. The only hope I have of doing it is finding someone who is feeding, which is really rare for me. 

My recommendation is to take this out. The other challenges are enough, and while this isn't a problem for many players, it is still a roadblock to many others.

(Also, it is glitched and doesn't count a one shot counterattack for the challenge.)

Thanks for reading my suggestions, and I hope you understand why its a problem for lots of people in the game.

Feb 20, 2020, 01:3802/20/20

Not impossible at all. I've had the challenge twice.

You need to pick opponents that are trying to stay at a low level in their tier.  They will have often have only a single lvl 1 common on defense.  Easiest BP challenge ever.
Feb 20, 2020, 01:4602/20/20
I agree, just be patient. No need to refresh with gems. I'm in Silver 2/3 and one pops up every few refreshes.