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Trying to rank up in arena

Trying to rank up in arena

Feb 17, 2020, 23:3102/17/20

Trying to rank up in arena

Im pretty new to the game only been playing about a month now I aquired some alright champions but they seem so weak still guessing my equipment set ups are all wrong

I have a 6 star kael and bellower

5 star legendary tyrant lximor

5 star legendary robar

5 star apothecary

Rock breaker whisperer shaman Faceless erinyes jizoh Valla ursine ironhide are all my epics

my question is what 4 should I be concentrating on to have as my main fighting arena team and what kind of equipment should I be kitting them out with as right now i can't seem to beat barely anyone!

Thanks for your time hopefully someone can guide me in the right direction

Feb 18, 2020, 01:1902/18/20

welcome to the club!

Arena is broken, It's very hard to pass bronze III for new players, and IMPOSSIBLE for Newbies F2P players ...well, i did pass to bronze IV today but my first fight put me back to III >w<;;;;

I guess the best you can do is forget about ranking up, make a defense team of 1 common at lvl 1 and start every day in bronze 1, win all your fights and you get 10 to 20 medals daily.  I mean, if you got enough tokens and are lucky.  and start grinding up your great hall with baby steps. but seriously, forget about any progress.

Feb 18, 2020, 01:4402/18/20

Pretty confident that's a load of garbage, at least the climbing out of Bronze part. I agree with ballasting using a junk champ to keep your score down, though.

You can get into gold 1 or 2 with a F2P friendly team easy enough

If you're a month in, you have High Khatun, make her your Lead. Get her speed up higher than your Kael

Farm up a Spirithost and a Warmaiden to go with your Kael. Get them both faster than your Kael, preferrably SH faster than WM

Stack your kael with at least 70% crit rate and as much damage as you can load

Roll over anyone that is slower than you. Refresh often, don't waste time on anything that might be faster than you.


Feb 18, 2020, 03:1802/18/20

I also started at bronze and worked my way to Gold 4. And, of course, there will always a road block in your progress. When that happens, you don't need to rush, just improve your gears. Keep on summoning, you might get the champion that you wanted that will help you rank up in arena. And 1 more thing, don't be like other players when they can't progress, instead of trying to improve their gears, they complain.

You can work on your Apothecary next, he will carry you in a lot in the game.
Feb 18, 2020, 10:2702/18/20

Thanks for the help guys yea I been using kael bellower tyrant lximor and robar in arena working on my apocthecary to replace robar as need some support 

My bellower I am trying to make into my campaign farmer just really need improve his crit damage and attak

Crit rate 15 + 81%

Crit damage 50+51%

Speed 99+20

Attak 936 + 1078 alot of improvement to be made on him

Guess I just need to try improve there equipment on them more :)

Kael level 60 power is 17k

Bellower level 60 is 21k

Tyrant lximor level 50 is 11k

Robar level 50 is 7.5k

Getting there slowly with them :)

Feb 18, 2020, 13:0002/18/20
Feb 18, 2020, 14:37(edited)

Mercer0516 . said:

Pretty confident that's a load of garbage, at least the climbing out of Bronze part. I agree with ballasting using a junk champ to keep your score down, though.

You can get into gold 1 or 2 with a F2P friendly team easy enough

If you're a month in, you have High Khatun, make her your Lead. Get her speed up higher than your Kael

Farm up a Spirithost and a Warmaiden to go with your Kael. Get them both faster than your Kael, preferrably SH faster than WM

Stack your kael with at least 70% crit rate and as much damage as you can load

Roll over anyone that is slower than you. Refresh often, don't waste time on anything that might be faster than you.


Are you all new players? or you guys remembering your time one year ago? if this is the case, please make a F2p account today and try to sustain that what you all say here, you won't, things have changes since the time every other you tube advise these same things.

I am talking from a new players perspective because i am a new player.  I even talk with a you tuber who advise this same things and admit to me he made a F2P account to test his advise and agree with me things have changed for the worst in arena for new players.

My team consist in Spirithost lvl 40, , mar maiden 50 , Athel 50 and Kael 60 (actually lvl 30 as still raising his level) , (after a month i got my first lvl 60) i alternate Athel with Galak 50, same results. you can't pass to silver of how Arena is now.

Team now are consistent in defense teams , so speed teams don't do much but a little damage at the start , the second round you are done for.

besides as a new account , you don't have special champions like bellower or apothecary, only if you are luck you may pull them out, but you work with what you got. level all to 60 is a 4 month investment , if it took me 1 month to raise one champion to 60 of playing daily.  I may be wrong in the times though.

Besides sacking up crit rate or what not on Kael, is easier to say than done, the RNG is a killer, i spend all my energy trying to get a descent piece of armor and even in brutal i keep getting the same crappy 2* and 3* gear, and  dragon and ice golem keep getting brews lvl 7 (to save energy) , green shard and crap rare armor.  the only good armor i have found was in MP, and that is a silver drain black hole, you get a shield in campaign and sell it for about 9k in MP same shield is sold at 100K what a rip off! Teleria is a usurers capitalism nightmare!

Feb 18, 2020, 13:1702/18/20
Feb 18, 2020, 13:47(edited)

First of all no, you are not getting 2* artifacts from brutal.
What you need is 2 lvl 60s. Those being your nukers. This is what I did. I was strictly F2P until recently and I dont even spen much at all. Mostly the monthly gem thing.

Here is what I did. Before HK (in order of turns):

  • Spirithost (lead) 40, Apoth 40, Kael 60, one of the other starters 50

I was in silver with this. Zero survivability. Full speed on spirithost and Apoth. Full nuke on Kael (80% crit+5% from masteries).

With HK:

  • HK (lead) 50, warmaiden 50, Zavia 60, Kael 60.

This got me into gold 4. Later I turned Zavia into CB champ and switched her out for a second Kael at 50. AND at this point I was pretty much only using CB and campaign artifacts.

  • HK 50, Warmaiden 50, Kael 60, Kael 50

I dropped down to gold 1 and stayd there until I got a scullcrown. Kael is hitting just as hard as Zavia btw. I bet you could reach gold even if you switch out my Zavia for another starter, like Aethel. Its easy to find nukers, you just need to 60 them.

Also like someone else already said. Only fight ppl that wont be faster than you

Feb 18, 2020, 14:4902/18/20
Feb 18, 2020, 14:50(edited)

The thing. is getting a good healer like Apothecary and a good crowd control like Bellower and also two lvl 60 is already entering in mid game terms, and that will take monthsss of daily playing.

What i am talking about here is the struggle for new players which OP and I are and are stuck in bronze tier fighting Lvl 60s all maxed out and with legendary champions in the mix.  Nobody seems to want to take in account this fact and dismiss all this saying "oh! but its easy! just get two lvl 60s and pull out a apothecary and a Bellower, also get good gear to max out this or that stat, piece of cake!" thanks for the tips though.

i mean 2* in HARD and 3* in Brutal also 4* 5* but common and uncommon crap. sorry, i needed to clear that out.

And who is HK ? is that a slag for like ...Hulk Killer?

Feb 18, 2020, 15:0902/18/20
Feb 18, 2020, 15:23(edited)

2 lvl 60s is not midgame. Not even close.

You are talking about sustain when you talk about Bellower and Apothecary. Bellower CC will not help you much in arena and you dont see apoth in arena because of his heal. He is there because of his speedboost.

About bringing sustain. That means that you dont die from one opponent round. No matter what you do (unless you got lucky with a few silly champs) you will lose the game within one opponent round. Your best bet and cheapest in terms of effort and energy is to make sure you start and nuke.

If I remember correctly, this is what you had right?

Spirithost, Bellower, Warmaiden, Kael, Athel correct?

Spirithost: Lead and stack all speed. Everything!

Warmaiden: All speed and ACC. She will benefit from books.

Kael: Full damage and some speed

Bellower: Since he is your farmer he should have high damage

If you get a speed booster you switch out bellower for that. When you get High Khatun you run her as lead and go back to 2 nukers because she will takje care of your speed problem.

Feb 18, 2020, 15:2202/18/20
Fusing Relic Keeper will get you into Gold arena fairly easily as long as you build him well and invest in him.  It did for me at least, pretty much single-handedly
Feb 18, 2020, 15:3602/18/20

I guess I got lucky I been playing 26 days got 2 level 60s bellower and kael also got a spare bellower to make 2 different kind of builds and 2 legendary champions robar and tyrant also got apot from the challenge the only thing I spent on this game is battle pass and the daily gem thing

Just building them to be strong now as like everyone stated every time I go in arena everyone's champions are all fully ascended max leveled and elite equipment so I barely beat anyone!
Feb 18, 2020, 16:2802/18/20
Feb 18, 2020, 16:34(edited)

Thats great. Both Kael and Bellower are rares so they are easy to book and easy to ascend. If you are going for Bellower as a farmer you can also use him in Arena. Just go all in on the nuke.


Spirithost, Apothecary, Kael, Bellower.

No need to lvl Spirithost and Apoth past 40/50 if you dont want to even though Apoth is one of the best Champs in the game.

Full speed on Apoth and Sporithost and full Damage on Kael and Bellower. When you get HK you take out Spirithost and Apoth for HK and Warmaiden. That WILL send you off into gold!
HK goes first with full speed and Warmaiden just after with speed and ACC

Feb 19, 2020, 06:2102/19/20
Everyone saying just keep grinding to get better and not complain are missing the point. I can't get into Silver 1 because every group I fight that isn't a Deranker wipes my face on the floor instantly. Here's the problem with that, I have full cleared Brutal campaign and Farm level 10 dungeons on Auto, but I can't get past the stupid frickin' Silver 1 progress mission! Every step past that I've done or surpassed weeks ago. Arena is broken. I focused all my resources and time into a 3 star campaign clearing team and now the closest I've ever got to Silver 1 is 1276. Bronze 1 even has people with full 50+ leveled heroes in it from time to time, ITS BROKEN.
Feb 19, 2020, 07:2302/19/20
Speed is king in arena. If you think it's bad in Silver 1, you have s rude awakening ahead
Feb 19, 2020, 08:1602/19/20

Haha you are only farming level 10 dungeon? Haha and you are already complaining? 

Forget arena for now, farm more. Try to reach at least dungeon level that gives you 6 star artifact. Improve your gear. 

ghostynoises said:

Everyone saying just keep grinding to get better and not complain are missing the point. I can't get into Silver 1 because every group I fight that isn't a Deranker wipes my face on the floor instantly. Here's the problem with that, I have full cleared Brutal campaign and Farm level 10 dungeons on Auto, but I can't get past the stupid frickin' Silver 1 progress mission! Every step past that I've done or surpassed weeks ago. Arena is broken. I focused all my resources and time into a 3 star campaign clearing team and now the closest I've ever got to Silver 1 is 1276. Bronze 1 even has people with full 50+ leveled heroes in it from time to time, ITS BROKEN.

Feb 19, 2020, 12:0102/19/20
Feb 19, 2020, 12:02(edited)

Betel ge thanks very much for your help my team has improved alot in arena with your set up of spirit host leader and apocthecary bellower and kael have alot of damage and spirit and apoc are providing alot of support for them still alot of improving to do but winning so many more battles thank you!

Will test HK and war maiden when I get them thanks again :)
Feb 19, 2020, 13:4002/19/20

ghostynoises said:

Everyone saying just keep grinding to get better and not complain are missing the point. I can't get into Silver 1 because every group I fight that isn't a Deranker wipes my face on the floor instantly. Here's the problem with that, I have full cleared Brutal campaign and Farm level 10 dungeons on Auto, but I can't get past the stupid frickin' Silver 1 progress mission! Every step past that I've done or surpassed weeks ago. Arena is broken. I focused all my resources and time into a 3 star campaign clearing team and now the closest I've ever got to Silver 1 is 1276. Bronze 1 even has people with full 50+ leveled heroes in it from time to time, ITS BROKEN.

I can tell that this is the general feeling of new players today about Arena, the people who are giving advise are probably users who remember a time when arena was easy and now they got strong teams and don't even bother on how the Arena is today for new players, they laugh and say "grind more! get better gear!" as if that is easy , brutal and hard and you STILL get crap grey 2* and 3* stars, So today in arena  there are much better champion teams, with lvl 60 legendary plaguing bronze tier today, annoying new players with newbie teams who don't stand a chance to progress and making us feel stall there, not fun!

The fact is Arena is broken for new players as how it is today, and that my friends is that. 

Feb 19, 2020, 14:3802/19/20

The only complaint I have is the pointless stat provided. Which is absolutely worthless. 

I say this with a team has epic 2 fully maxed skills and all are fully ascended along with legendary. 

104k in that being said struggle to match up at anyone 65k thru 60k. 50 to 60 k is a 1:2 ratio. Anyone over 70k I get obliterated.

Everything else is great. Why have a fake stat that isn’t even close and absolutely unreliable.

You won’t have to worry because I won’t be playing after today. I just hope it’s fixed. 

Refuse to play when the stat provided is so far off. To the best of my knowledge only recently noticed.

Due to arena or F.U.B.A.R. Stat rather makes experience playing a waste of time. Very poor. Might want to change soon before others loose interest as well. 

At least you won’t have myself worry about. Who knows if it will be fixed or how long.

Best of luck everyone.  
Feb 19, 2020, 17:0902/19/20

Arena is so easy!

You people are just unskilled at Arena.

Here is a set up which you can aim for:


Leader: Speed Aura 

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Speed Buff 

2nd move: Increase Attack 

3rd move: Decrease Enemy Defense 

4th move: AOE Damage Dealing [Damage Scales Off Attack]

^^^^^ All can be done with heroes you acquire from Campaign.

Leader: Spirithost - Speed Aura 10%

1st move: Diabolist -------------> Turn Meter Filling

2nd move: Spirithost ------------> Increase Attack

3rd move: Warmaiden ----------> Decrease Enemy Defense

4th move: Starter ----------------> AOE Damage Dealer

When you reach 30 day login, You will acquire High Khatun

High Khatun is better vs. Diabolist

High Khatun will replace Diabolist

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura 19% 

1st move: High Khatun -------------> Turn Meter Filling 

2nd move: Spirithost ----------------> Increase Attack 

3rd move: Warmaiden --------------> Decrease Enemy Defense 

4th move: Starter -------------------> AOE Damage Dealer

If you pull Bellower from a Shard, You can use Bellower in place of Warmaiden.

Bellower can do Decrease Enemy Defense.

If you pull Apothecary from a Shard, You can use Apothecary in place of Diabolist.

Apothecary can do Turn Meter Filling

You are facing level 60 teams in Bronze because those teams are bad!

If those teams were good, They would be in Gold!

The only reason you are losing is because your team is bad + under leveled vs. there bad + max leveled team.

When your team is very good, You can beat them even if some of your heroes are under leveled.

The main heroes which you need max leveled are your damage dealers which is what Betel already explained on this forum.

Feb 19, 2020, 17:3802/19/20

JoinME said:

Haha you are only farming level 10 dungeon? Haha and you are already complaining? 

Forget arena for now, farm more. Try to reach at least dungeon level that gives you 6 star artifact. Improve your gear. 

ghostynoises said:

Everyone saying just keep grinding to get better and not complain are missing the point. I can't get into Silver 1 because every group I fight that isn't a Deranker wipes my face on the floor instantly. Here's the problem with that, I have full cleared Brutal campaign and Farm level 10 dungeons on Auto, but I can't get past the stupid frickin' Silver 1 progress mission! Every step past that I've done or surpassed weeks ago. Arena is broken. I focused all my resources and time into a 3 star campaign clearing team and now the closest I've ever got to Silver 1 is 1276. Bronze 1 even has people with full 50+ leveled heroes in it from time to time, ITS BROKEN.

You're STILL missing the point, I can't do any of the super easy progress missions past the Silver 1 even though my team is crushing dungeons and campaigns far beyond the goals required. This is fundamentally broken. I've surpassed greatly all the requirements of the whole next set of progress missions but I'm stuck at getting in to Silver 1. THIS IS BROKEN. This progress missions was designed when the game was new and Silver 1 teams were probably full level 40 stacks with maybe one 50, now Silver 1 teams are full 50s and possibly two 60s and they're all finely tuned for Arena.

Don't tell me to forget about Arena when progress missions that, you know, HELP YOUR PROGRESS, are vastly unbalanced simply due to the age of the game and lack of foresight on the devs part.

Solution: Put all the Arena missions at the end of the progress mission sections, that way its the same number of missions, the same difficulty in the campaign and dungeon missions and you get to advance but at the end of the section, you can work on the Arena goals before moving to the next set. Its such a stupid easy and logical solution it makes me mad it hasnt already been done. 
Feb 19, 2020, 18:2002/19/20

Nice little guide player j well I have a bellower max mastery lvl 60 need to fully ascend on Sunday 1 speed set and 2 offence sets 98% crit rate only 100% crit dmg ATM that needs improving I guess

My kael only few masterys done max ascended lvl 60 95% crit rate only also 95% crit dmg has life steal set and offence also guess needs improvement

My apocthoroy is new so just max lvl 50 not ascended yet and no equipment  I'm guessing mainly speed stats for him and high khatun when I get him in 3 days ??