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An Idea to Fix the Unrest

An Idea to Fix the Unrest

Feb 17, 2020, 23:2302/17/20

An Idea to Fix the Unrest

So, I don't think there's a single soul that plays or is part of the RSL community that doesn't know about the current debacle going on right now, and the one that happened just before. I can only imagine how brutal of a blow it's been to the PR of the game and the company itself.

I caught a piece of Chosen's stream where he had suggested something along the lines of handing refunds out as a good faith gesture. I laughed at first, since no profit driven company is ever going to give back money no matter how big of a mess they've created. I imagine even with a team that loved the project, they'd rather watch the servers shut down than give back money.

Then I got to thinking. It actually costs nothing but time to hand out some pixels.

You've got a lot of people that have been locked out due to ban, and an awful lot of us that while you got us unbanned pretty quickly, we lost an awful lot even with the attempt to get back what you could (Personally, I'm still waiting on my Battle Pass and Daily Gem pack to be reinstated, I've pretty well given up on getting anything else back)

Anyway, out of all of those people, they've all spent money or a lot of time in your game, and at least the ones still pushing tickets still want to play, or at least see if they want to keep playing.

Since refunds are likely not happening, my suggestion, based largely off Chosen's comment, is to just give pixels. Plarium has a record of how much these accounts have spent, so as recompense for all the frustration, credit the affected accounts with an amount equal to how much has been spent on the account. And I'm not talking in the last X days or weeks, I'm talking within the life of that account. If it can't be done with a voucher to spend that credit where the player wants, I imagine it's not that hard to inject in-game items up to the value spent. 

For those that have only ever spent time, I'm sure your team can find a median price point among those that did spend money, or even just get whoever makes the decisions to agree on an amount that seems fair to cover their compensation.

Regardless, I'm sure the majority can agree that a Sacred shard and 10mil silver was a nice gesture, a good olive branch to extend in good faith, but it was definitely not close to enough to rectify the frustrating mess that the last week or so has been.

Sorry for the rant, but It feels good trying to be constructive instead of just bitter and mad about the whole thing, thank you for reading this, if you got this far

         Mercer Skye
Feb 17, 2020, 23:3102/17/20
I'm actually surprised a class action lawsuit hasn't been tossed at this point......(whistles away)
Feb 17, 2020, 23:5402/17/20

Kuyio said:

I'm actually surprised a class action lawsuit hasn't been tossed at this point......(whistles away)

First, you'd need to get someone willing to file a lawsuit in an international court of commerce. As in a huge firm willing to undertake the burden of building a case that there was intentional wrong doing (Since 'gross negligence' is usually only something that holds water when dealing with disruption of physical health, as in death, dismemberment, or recurring ailments)

Second, you'd need a large number of the affected to give statements and sign affidavits giving that firm authority to speak on their behalf.

Third, you'd be legally obligated to have no contact with company in any fashion (So for those that are frustrated but still want to play the game, no more playing the game)

Lastly, your 'class action lawsuit' is going to end up, after fees, boiling down to nothing more than a a fraction of a fraction of the money spent as a whole across all the affected accounts. Because you've entered the lawsuit as a class, a group, you no longer have the individuality of your account. So if you figure 1000 accounts that are F2P for every 1k$ spent, that brings the value of those accounts down to less than a dollar.

It's quite clever to toss around a 'hot buzz phrase' like class action lawsuit to feel all aloof and above the situation, but it's really just silly and unclever in its delivery, because you actually have no clue what it would actually entail.

And I only covered the general concepts of the idea. That's not even close to how detailed the enterprise would end up being.

Yeah, Plarium screwed up, or at least the RSL team. But taking them to court over what is very likely a genuine honest mistake, is just... inane.

Feb 18, 2020, 15:5202/18/20
Feb 18, 2020, 15:59(edited)

What plarium needs to do is simply to make the game stable and keep it stable. We understand minor setbacks with new upgrades. Besides the compensations, this is the only thing Plarium really can do

And of course the people who got banned for no reason, should be compensated well

I'm sorry but all other suggestions will not become reality
Feb 18, 2020, 18:1102/18/20

This is what Valk said on discord: "Hey, guys. Just a quick update. We are finishing fixing all of the issues mentioned earlier, but we won't be able to end today. Thus, we're planning on completing all of the above tomorrow. We apologize for things moving so slowly and thank you for waiting."

Feb 18, 2020, 18:5102/18/20

Mercer0516 . said:

Kuyio said:

I'm actually surprised a class action lawsuit hasn't been tossed at this point......(whistles away)

First, you'd need to get someone willing to file a lawsuit in an international court of commerce. As in a huge firm willing to undertake the burden of building a case that there was intentional wrong doing (Since 'gross negligence' is usually only something that holds water when dealing with disruption of physical health, as in death, dismemberment, or recurring ailments)

Second, you'd need a large number of the affected to give statements and sign affidavits giving that firm authority to speak on their behalf.

Third, you'd be legally obligated to have no contact with company in any fashion (So for those that are frustrated but still want to play the game, no more playing the game)

Lastly, your 'class action lawsuit' is going to end up, after fees, boiling down to nothing more than a a fraction of a fraction of the money spent as a whole across all the affected accounts. Because you've entered the lawsuit as a class, a group, you no longer have the individuality of your account. So if you figure 1000 accounts that are F2P for every 1k$ spent, that brings the value of those accounts down to less than a dollar.

It's quite clever to toss around a 'hot buzz phrase' like class action lawsuit to feel all aloof and above the situation, but it's really just silly and unclever in its delivery, because you actually have no clue what it would actually entail.

And I only covered the general concepts of the idea. That's not even close to how detailed the enterprise would end up being.

Yeah, Plarium screwed up, or at least the RSL team. But taking them to court over what is very likely a genuine honest mistake, is just... inane.

wow calm down man, i'm only trolling these forums because i'm currently banned and had nothing better to do, (and was probably sitting at a red light). That was a whole lotta serious typing for what i considered a joking statement. I'm not a lawyer nor would i invest my time into doing something so frivolous.  Take an ativan and catch your breath. 

Glad that it did get someone's attention though. =) 
Feb 19, 2020, 09:1402/19/20

Kuyio said:

wow calm down man, i'm only trolling these forums because i'm currently banned and had nothing better to do, (and was probably sitting at a red light). That was a whole lotta serious typing for what i considered a joking statement. I'm not a lawyer nor would i invest my time into doing something so frivolous. Take an ativan and catch your breath. 
Glad that it did get someone's attention though. =) 

Well, when the very first response is some flippant, shorthanded parroting of something people have seriously suggested, I guess excuse me for being a little hot at some troll trying to immediately derail a serious suggestion. Good game? /golfclap ?

Valdys said:

This is what Valk said on discord: "Hey, guys. Just a quick update. We are finishing fixing all of the issues mentioned earlier, but we won't be able to end today. Thus, we're planning on completing all of the above tomorrow. We apologize for things moving so slowly and thank you for waiting."

Oh, I'm on the discord, and I read that as well. I'm not 100% sure how that affects my suggestion. A brusque apology and continuance of lame duck excuses when a lot of us are missing items that we spent money on is just supposed to quell the unrest and dissatisfaction?

I want to continue playing the game, or I'd have risked getting my account banned having google force refunds for those purchases, since I no longer had access to the services purchased.

But here we are, a week after all the mess started, and we maybe might be getting things put back to right tomorrow.

I know as a moderator you may or may not have privilege to voice opinions, but there's no way you can tell me the pittance that was handed out for nearly a week of troubles is adequate.

I can understand the automated responses to support tickets, as I can't imagine Plarium has enough support staff for a screw up as big as this one.

I can understand that there's only so much that can be said while working to fix a problem the dev team has no idea what the cause of such is.

I can't, however, understand how that statement somehow makes everything right, and no further discussion is necessary

Feb 19, 2020, 12:5802/19/20

WeLl, WheN ThE vErY fIrSt REsPonSe iS sOmE FlipPaNt, sHOrthAnDed ParROtInG....stfu, nobody from Plarium reads these forums, the best response you can hope is from Valdys who has "slightly", i do mean "slightly" more power than you.

Feb 19, 2020, 14:2202/19/20

Kuyio said:

WeLl, WheN ThE vErY fIrSt REsPonSe iS sOmE FlipPaNt, sHOrthAnDed ParROtInG....stfu, nobody from Plarium reads these forums, the best response you can hope is from Valdys who has "slightly", i do mean "slightly" more power than you.

Rofl, I'm not shutting up on a thread I started. And where else am I supposed to try and get an idea through the cheese strainer? Here, Discord, and the Support Email. So how about you do a kindness and just get out of this conversation, since you're too bitter to do more than contribute nonconstructive rubbish 

Feb 19, 2020, 14:2702/19/20
Feb 19, 2020, 14:30(edited)
ValkyrieToday at 5:26 AM
Guys, here is a brief summary of what we have just fixed:
- we've changed some of the new rewards (after 760 stars) in FW: Rare Tome has been replaced with Epic Tome, Ancient Shard with Void Shard and 500,000 Silver with 1,000,000 Silver; 
- the bug where you only were getting 55 Multi-battle attempts instead of 100 (players who haven't logged in to the game yet will get their 100 multi-battles once they log in, but those who have already played today will get them at 00:00 UTC (at refresh);
- the bug with decreased XP earned with activated Raid Pass.
We keep working on unbanning the players that still remain banned. We will keep you updated on this.

Of course, waking up to this isn't doing much to improve my mood either. Is there really only like one coder on the dev team? 

And, who is the screwball that was all "I know all this unban stuff is going on, but let's go ahead and address this FW reward stuff  before we dig in? Who knows? Maybe we'll break some more stuff and **** them off more somehow, hahahahahahahah"

So basically, an unintentional lie, because that surely doesn't sound like 'Taking a little bit longer than we planned, should be right tomorrow, though.'