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fix your power rankings

fix your power rankings

Feb 15, 2020, 11:0002/15/20

fix your power rankings

Seriously. When my arena team gets one shotted by an opponent team that is half my power ranking, then the power ranking is utterly meaningless.

And I litterally men oneshotted. And no, they didn't even have a defence reduction debuff. First attack kills 2 of my team members. I go "huh?", then I pay attention and the 2nd attack deals around 60k damage oneshotting another of my champions.

That's appearantly a 55k power team with only 2 level 60'ies and 2 level 50'ies.

Nice balance and nice reliability of the power ranking.
Feb 15, 2020, 11:1302/15/20
 I think the power rating is resistance based. The higher your resistance the higher the rating. Which makes zero sense to me. 
Feb 15, 2020, 12:2302/15/20

Zorth said:

Seriously. When my arena team gets one shotted by an opponent team that is half my power ranking, then the power ranking is utterly meaningless.

And I litterally men oneshotted. And no, they didn't even have a defence reduction debuff. First attack kills 2 of my team members. I go "huh?", then I pay attention and the 2nd attack deals around 60k damage oneshotting another of my champions.

That's appearantly a 55k power team with only 2 level 60'ies and 2 level 50'ies.

Nice balance and nice reliability of the power ranking.

I don't want to sound offensive, but to believe that Power Rating is an objective representation of the qualities of your and your opponent's team is like believing that the yellow frame around the portrait of the character makes him better than the purple ones just by himself. Yes, it should in a sense, but that's not the whole picture. It's not even the important part of the picture.

I've said it a lot of times around here - the sooner you get rid of the idea that Power Rating is equivalent to efficiency, the sooner you start making the right decisions.

Yes, Power Rating somehow represents the effort you put into developing your character and party, but relying on it at all costs is a mistake

Check out

my post on February 14th to see that Power Rating does not play a role when it comes to synergies and efficiency.

Feb 15, 2020, 14:1802/15/20
Feb 15, 2020, 14:19(edited)

Power rating is a statstical rating based on your characters stats.

It is NOT an indication of the effectiveness of a given teams SKILLS in PVP / Clan Boss / Dungeons / Faction wars etc.

It tells you how well equipped they are, but not how high individual stats are.

It doesn't tell you they better pvp skills then your team.

If you have champs with lousy speed rating, no resistence, no defense, but attack out the wazzoo, and the lower rated team concentrates on speed & accuracy to debuff you, then attack/crit to nuke you, you'll lose every time.

I Have a 170K team, a very good team, but I'll run across people with a 60K rating with one lame ass OP broken champ that wipes me off the board.

You learn to recognize that champ, and skip those teams with a mental FU to Plarium for creating such an imbalanced champ.

Feb 15, 2020, 15:1502/15/20
summerebay said:

You learn to recognize that champ, and skip those teams with a mental FU to Plarium for creating such an imbalanced champ.

Now, that's what I call it "healthy aproatch" 😂
Feb 16, 2020, 12:3202/16/20

My team is specced for survival, yet every now and then you meet these teams that oneshot your entire team and have extremely low power rating compared to me.

THAT's what is pissing me off. IT simply shouldn't be possible that these things happen. Being oneshotted while specced for survival by a team lower level and lower geared (according to the power rating).

Either balance is shot to crap at the moment or there is something else going when these teams pop up and do ludicrous amounts of damage (60k damage in one hit against a character where I even used the defence tree of masteries to try and get extra survivability in addition to gear).
Feb 16, 2020, 18:1202/16/20
Zorth said:

My team is specced for survival, yet every now and then you meet these teams that oneshot your entire team and have extremely low power rating compared to me.

THAT's what is pissing me off. IT simply shouldn't be possible that these things happen. Being oneshotted while specced for survival by a team lower level and lower geared (according to the power rating).

Either balance is shot to crap at the moment or there is something else going when these teams pop up and do ludicrous amounts of damage (60k damage in one hit against a character where I even used the defence tree of masteries to try and get extra survivability in addition to gear).
They're bait, it's a common strategy.
Feb 16, 2020, 21:4402/16/20
Yeah sorry about that. I’ll upgrade those 2 50’s so my power moves up as soon as the server works