Black-Knight usefull at all?
as I just got my first Legendary out of an uncountet ammount of shards the excitment of seeing those golden rays of light somehow diminished when I saw the BK …
I don't know why exactly, but even when I browsed them in down-times (no Energy or pvp Tokens but still doing some rnd. stuff - you know what I'm Talking About ;) ) I found him …. underwhelming at best. Even compared to the others of his faction, his toolkit is poor by any means. 3 skills. One of them is Def+heal which Costs him a full turn (others get at least 50% back or place a SHIELD and not only a def-boost..... ) and besides the fact that he only has two DMG-dealing abilities (again, many others deal dmg and then Shield the Team or heal the Team based on the dmg done while he buffs and heals the Team and does Nothing until his next turn) scale off of different Attributes.
HP for a1 & ATT for a3.
A3 also scales "somehow" depending on the HP lost but it doesn't feel like much. It's retarded that it scales off of two stats you have to gear for (not ATT + lost HP or similar but ATT & HP in general) which is just retarded as you also Need crit-r&dmg on top of this *sigh*. As Plarium sadly never gives us ANY numbers (not even the dmg per hit number of a skill --- I wouldn't Need all numbers written out but at least Show for how much unmigitatet dmg a mob can hit? Is the A1 a 2.5k hit or a 10k hit before Defence/etc ? ) I really would like to hear some Feedback from the community.
Does he only feel to me like his hits are "piss poor" or are they actually getting better later on and does he become usefull? What do you use him for then and how well does he perform?