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Black-Knight usefull at all?

Black-Knight usefull at all?

Feb 14, 2020, 12:3602/14/20

Black-Knight usefull at all?


as I just got my first Legendary out of an uncountet ammount of shards the excitment of seeing those golden rays of light somehow diminished when I saw the BK …

I don't know why exactly, but even when I browsed them in down-times (no Energy or pvp Tokens but still doing some rnd. stuff - you know what I'm Talking About ;) ) I found him …. underwhelming at best. Even compared to the others of his faction, his toolkit is poor by any means. 3 skills. One of them is Def+heal which Costs him a full turn (others get at least 50% back or place a SHIELD and not only a def-boost..... ) and besides the fact that he only has two DMG-dealing abilities (again, many others deal dmg and then Shield the Team or heal the Team based on the dmg done while he buffs and heals the Team and does Nothing until his next turn) scale off of different Attributes.

HP for a1 & ATT for a3.

A3 also scales "somehow" depending on the HP lost but it doesn't feel like much. It's retarded that it scales off of two stats you have to gear for (not ATT + lost HP or similar but ATT & HP in general) which is just retarded as you also Need crit-r&dmg on top of this *sigh*. As Plarium sadly never gives us ANY numbers (not even the dmg per hit number of a skill --- I wouldn't Need all numbers written out but at least Show for how much unmigitatet dmg a mob can hit? Is the A1 a 2.5k hit or a 10k hit before Defence/etc ? ) I really would like to hear some Feedback from the community. 

Does he only feel to me like his hits are "piss poor" or are they actually getting better later on and does he become usefull? What do you use him for then and how well does he perform?

Feb 14, 2020, 16:3902/14/20

He was my first legendary too, I got him one year ago.

I hoped for a buff... and finally, it arrived sometimes ago. Now he's the best def buffer in the game. :)
Feb 18, 2020, 08:4702/18/20

Valdys said:

He was my first legendary too, I got him one year ago.

I hoped for a buff... and finally, it arrived sometimes ago. Now he's the best def buffer in the game. :)

Sorry for the late Reply, I was on a work-event the whole Weekend and no time to check Forums :D.

I got him to 50 and pushed him a bit (except books --- getting enough of those is a Dream, still) and he's actually quite good in healing the Group as it seems. It's still strange that his A3 is so "useless" as it's based off ATT instead of HP as it normally is with heroes like those and that his A2 is "good enough" but compared to others lacks some Utility in a way.

What would make him "better than average" (or at least stand out compared to many Purple ones who can do a very similar Job but offer more in one or the other Departement -- more dmg Output or additional Utility) would be one of the following in my opinion:

A) Change the A3 to also scale from HP (either his HP or the Targets max-hp --- would increase his Utility massive in Dungeons & clanboss)

B) Change his A2 for one of the three Options (dmg / Speed / debuff)

B1) Attacks all enemies (based on BK-hp), then sets a 15% heal for two turns and a Shield (based on dmg done) on all allies

B2) Sets a 15% heal and a 60% incr. Def on all allies for two turns. Fills the turnmeter by 50% (or gives an extra turn, many Purple ones even have that so he shouldn't loose a whole turn for Setting the buff compared to "lower Quality" heroes which don't)

B3) Sets a 15% heal and a 60% incr. Def on all allies for two turns. Has a 50% Chance of placing a decrease 30% def buff on all enemies for two turns (or even 60% - this would be more than enough compensation for the lost turn compared to "only buffing" the Team)

C) add a passive Talent (counter-attack if an ally is attacked, place a Shield once per turn on one of the allies attacked except him, reduce AOE of all allies by 10% or 20% when under incr. def-buff or whatever else passive would make sense for him)

again, even most Purple ones do more than "just" buffing the Team or debuffing the Team so I don't fully get why he A) only has three abilities in total where one of them is a "pure buff" for the Group where he loses the turn without anything else (where, like stated above even most Purple ones do something in Addition or even get an extra turn after using a buff-ability) and one is a skill which doesn't really do anything (as it scales off a stat you don't really have a lot on a HP champ). See Champfort for instance. He only has 2 abilities plus one passive which allign extremly nice with each other (and his base-stats also look way nicer ^^) or Sir Nichlas as a HP champ with his Shield (based on dmg-done based on his HP), two attacks based on HP and a heal+unkillable-buff on a 4 turn cd (yes, he looses a round here too, but a 2-round-unkillable on a 4-round cd is … absolutly worth loosing the turn for getting that buff up ;) ).

I just think they should chang his A3 to a passive (like Lord Chamford - two active abilities one passive), Change his A3 to HP based or at least add something to his buff-ability (some "active" element like dmg or debuff).

Else.... he seems to be quite nice as healer at least, like I said so I'll see if I can get him his masteries at least (books will be nearly impossible :( ) and try him out a bit more :) 

Feb 18, 2020, 18:3802/18/20
Thanks for your suggestion. :)
Feb 19, 2020, 16:0702/19/20

Valdys said:

Thanks for your suggestion. :)

You're welcome. I know the chances of any of this coming to pass (or any time soon) are nought but whatever. There is a Tiny Chance after all :)

Also, I know it's not the fastest time ever or anything "extraordinary" as it's only IG10 and not 15+ or even 20!? but BK actually made it possible for someone like me to Auto (full Auto // multibattle -- in the original Client, not some bluewhatever or anything) my grind with 100% winchance :).

And yes. Not the optimal Team and no, None of them are booked (except Sinesha, my farmer - and she is only 50%) or have their masteries (most of them have the two tier1 but Nothing on top of that --- after the IC-Tournament this will be the next Thing on the list to "use" Energy on :) -- but prio's are prios :D ;) ). So I'm still Pretty happy :) (and I think I could even go slightly higher on Manual mode :) ). So after all I found some use for BK, I guess ^^ (no, I still don't think he's strong or that he would be OP fully booked, but at least I think he might be somewhat usefull after all -- some buffs would still make him decent outside of just "def + heal plz!!!"-stuff :D ;) )

Feb 19, 2020, 17:1402/19/20
Feb 19, 2020, 17:15(edited)

Have you tried a Fury Set on Black Knight?

I think the 4 piece Fury Set + 2 piece Immortal Set would be great on him.
Feb 19, 2020, 17:3102/19/20

Player J said:

Have you tried a Fury Set on Black Knight?

I think the 4 piece Fury Set + 2 piece Immortal Set would be great on him.

Right now I have 2x immortal and the better life set. He heals himself up extremly nice for now and hits for 10-15k crit. For mostly 4* items @ LvL 12 it seems to be decent. And he stays alive Long enough to heal everyone else very reliably :D …. 

I might try Fury+Immortal once I got to the Mastery part (will be a lot of Energy to get him and some others up there, like I said most of my ppl are not booked (except Sin halfway) and only the two base-masteries (not one of them has a 30 scroll one) and see how it works. But I guess the masteries will have a bigger Impact on this than I thought (after seing a Video of him with decently poor gear but nearly full masteries) :)