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Change the Icons on the Main Screen

Change the Icons on the Main Screen

Feb 13, 2020, 20:4202/13/20

Change the Icons on the Main Screen

So, with this new patch you needed to make room for battle pass. Understandable.

But you squished ‘quests’ with ‘challenges.’ It’s things like this that make me think people who don’t actually play this game are making all the decisions.

Why would you do this, instead of squishing ‘missions’ with ‘challenges.’????

Quests= something we will ALWAYS NEED TO CLICK ON.

Challenges & Missions = something we will NEVER NEED TO CLICK ON AFTER COMPLETION.

Why did you make it more tedious, by adding an extra touch, to get to something we need to access on a regular basis???? 


Like, whoever made that oversight CLEARLY DOESN’T PLAY THE GAME.

You may be thinking that I’m overreacting. But honestly, from the moment that change happened, I was ticked. I couldn’t believe how stupid that decision was. Seriously, any 9 year old child, who actually plays the game, would have noticed that and made the decision to lump ‘missions’ and ‘challenges’ NOT ‘quests’ and ‘challenges.’

But I don’t have discord. So my ‘feedback and suggestion,’ will probably go completely ignored.

Thanks Plarium, thanks for making the game more tedious. Thanks for restricting the methods you collect feedback.
