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Refund for Raid Card

Refund for Raid Card

Feb 12, 2020, 20:3802/12/20

Refund for Raid Card

I purchased one month of raid card with the agreement of a set boost to my silver and xp, and 3 days into it, you have now lowered and changed the mechanics of what we agreed upon, so I am receiving less perks. I am requesting a REFUND for your breach of agreement. You are not offering the agreed services for which I have paid.  
Feb 12, 2020, 21:0102/12/20
Feb 12, 2020, 22:2502/12/20

Before, if you had raid pass, you got 120% exp, and if you had double xp active, it doubled the boost, so you got 240% .

Currently it's doing 120, and then adding 100%, not doubling , so you're getting 220% XP.

Before it was wrong and now they have fixed it.
Feb 12, 2020, 23:1902/12/20
I appreciate the reply, but there is no fixing it, we agreed upon terms and they changed those terms.
Feb 12, 2020, 23:2902/12/20
King Wiyah said:

I appreciate the reply, but there is no fixing it, we agreed upon terms and they changed those terms.
Terms were right, but you got the wrong exp until now.
Feb 12, 2020, 23:5302/12/20
Feb 13, 2020, 00:00(edited)

Valdys said:

Before, if you had raid pass, you got 120% exp, and if you had double xp active, it doubled the boost, so you got 240% .

Currently it's doing 120, and then adding 100%, not doubling , so you're getting 220% XP.

Before it was wrong and now they have fixed it.

100% of 120 is 120.  Not sure what math you are using.  The raid pass says we will gain +20% exp on battles.  The XP boost states it increases the amount of XP you earn by 100%.   An additional 100% of 120xp earned is 240xp.  So it was right previously.  If Plarium wants to change it they need to change the wording of the XP boosts.
Feb 13, 2020, 12:4502/13/20
gfab2000 said:

Valdys said:

Before, if you had raid pass, you got 120% exp, and if you had double xp active, it doubled the boost, so you got 240% .

Currently it's doing 120, and then adding 100%, not doubling , so you're getting 220% XP.

Before it was wrong and now they have fixed it.

100% of 120 is 120.  Not sure what math you are using.  The raid pass says we will gain +20% exp on battles.  The XP boost states it increases the amount of XP you earn by 100%.   An additional 100% of 120xp earned is 240xp.  So it was right previously.  If Plarium wants to change it they need to change the wording of the XP boosts.
I've explained it.
Feb 13, 2020, 13:5802/13/20
gfab2000 said:

Valdys said:

Before, if you had raid pass, you got 120% exp, and if you had double xp active, it doubled the boost, so you got 240% .

Currently it's doing 120, and then adding 100%, not doubling , so you're getting 220% XP.

Before it was wrong and now they have fixed it.

100% of 120 is 120.  Not sure what math you are using.  The raid pass says we will gain +20% exp on battles.  The XP boost states it increases the amount of XP you earn by 100%.   An additional 100% of 120xp earned is 240xp.  So it was right previously.  If Plarium wants to change it they need to change the wording of the XP boosts.
100% agree. I've bought the 6 month one... I also want a refund or a fix! You sell it one way then change it in the middle of subsciptions. that is super shady... And not putting it in the patch notes makes it even more shady.
Feb 27, 2020, 04:5802/27/20
Valdys said:

gfab2000 said:

Valdys said:

Before, if you had raid pass, you got 120% exp, and if you had double xp active, it doubled the boost, so you got 240% .

Currently it's doing 120, and then adding 100%, not doubling , so you're getting 220% XP.

Before it was wrong and now they have fixed it.

100% of 120 is 120.  Not sure what math you are using.  The raid pass says we will gain +20% exp on battles.  The XP boost states it increases the amount of XP you earn by 100%.   An additional 100% of 120xp earned is 240xp.  So it was right previously.  If Plarium wants to change it they need to change the wording of the XP boosts.
I've explained it.
You are proving my point.  You even stated, "it is doing 120, and then adding 100%."  If you add 100% of 120 to 120 you get 240.  There is no way you can calculate it to be 220.  
Feb 27, 2020, 08:4702/27/20

Valdys. you are wrong and so are the devs.
If it is adding 100% of 120 then the total should be 240.
If it is adding 100, then the total would be 220. The % matters.
And, the op is correct in that what he paid for was stated as a 100% boost. That would be 120+120=240. 
You have acknowledged that he should be getting a 100% boost. 100% of 120 is NOT 100. It is 120.  

If the text regarding the item was worded poorly, that is not the op's fault. That burden lies with Plarium. 
Op purchased a 100% boost. That is what he should get.  

Plarium needs to fix the description. 

Additionally, Plarium should, as a gesture of good will, refund the op's purchase and allow the raid pass op purchased to continue to run until it expires. I am sure that OP would then be willing to accept the lower bonus and may even purchase another properly worded raid pass when the current one expires. 


Fix the text and do the right thing for everyone affected by this error. 


I am a strict free play advocate. That said, I have been considering obtaining a Gold BP.
Then I see a post like this and decide to not make the purchase. 

Your loss.

Feb 27, 2020, 09:0602/27/20

Valdys said:

Before, if you had raid pass, you got 120% exp, and if you had double xp active, it doubled the boost, so you got 240% .

Currently it's doing 120, and then adding 100%, not doubling , so you're getting 220% XP.

Before it was wrong and now they have fixed it.

The issue here is how it's calculated. In General the issue here is it's two offerings which also should be calculated seperately.

100 + 20% + 100% = 240.

Even the other way around 100 + 100% + 20% = 240

What plarium does is taking both as one and then calculating it

100 + (20% + 100%) = 220

which is not what People expect as they don't buy a 120% offer but one 20% increase and one 100% increase. It's like accumulated / compounded interest. Your bank also has to calculate it seperately and not just give you "all %-together and then times the Money" to put it simple. To Change the calculation and the way it is compounded without stating this openly is just plain wrong.

I get where this is coming from -- adding the BattlePass on top of the XP + Raidcard would net a massive amount of XP/Cred which means People would Need less Energy to farm "chickens" up to the rank they Need them meaning a massive net-loss (besides the BP-income) for the Company they don't want. But still, it's plain and simple wrong --- especially without being open About it.

Also, as a side fact, you should tell the programmers that they might consider that there's a "customary law" in nearly every Country they do Business in. Those laws state that if you got something Always in the same way this becomes customary for the user and he can accept that this is how it's intended to be. That starts at >6 Months of having a certain practise in this way, where the XP-Bonus and Raidcard definitely are over that Point meaning everyone KNEW they'd get THIS amount of XP in a compounded matter (240) and it is their Right by now to expect this. The Company cannot just (and especially without giving notice and everyone the Chance to opt-out or use it up) Change this. In General as they offer a 6-month pass they would have needed to offer a 6-month-grace-periode for everyone to opt out of the Service while the General Terms (240 not 220 ) remain the same --- or give a one-month-grace-periode for all Monthly subscribers and refund all 6-month-subscribers.

Just like the wording on some packs this Company sells they are Opening themselves to lawsuites which are not even an issue with the wide diversification of Locations Plarium uses (even in Israel they would lose this case --- and in Europe definitly).

Feb 27, 2020, 16:1102/27/20

Valdys is correct. They do the same with every other % in the game. It's a percent of BASE exp just like it would be for attack, defense, hp, etc.

It's 120% PLUS 100%. 20% + 100%!

Not 120% TIMES 100%. 

I want more exp just like everyone else, but there is not much ground to stand on for arguement.

Feb 27, 2020, 16:2102/27/20

Tagg101 said:

Valdys is correct. They do the same with every other % in the game. It's a percent of BASE exp just like it would be for attack, defense, hp, etc.

It's 120% PLUS 100%. 20% + 100%!

Not 120% TIMES 100%. 

I want more exp just like everyone else, but there is not much ground to stand on for arguement.

Hey Tagg101,

see my post. this depends on how you look at it. Until now it was calculated in a way of

100xp +20% +100% = 240xp

Why do we know this? Because we have the numbers to proof it. How is it calculated now without an update / newspost / etc?

100xp + (20% +100%) = 220xp

Again, as both are Independent purchases you can expect them to also be compounded individually (just like montly dividents and yearly
dividents are not just taken as a flat number and then rolled out ontop of what you have at the end of the year but seperately - meaning you
have more Money this way as if someone would just give you x% times 12 months plus the yearly times the final Money at 31.12. - they 
calculate each % individually and THEN at the end add the yearly % on top of the accumulated final sum).

Also --- as it was this way vor more than 6 months there is a "customary law". It worked like this for a Long time and there never was a Posting
that this was wrong and will be fixed -- or a warning that it will be fixed in X-weeks of time. It was just changed and this makes it wrong from 
company side. Each and every court would agree with this. If you go somehwere, start working and someone Pays you without saying some-
thing and you do this for more than a month you're actually in the same state of Rights like employees with a Standing contract. Even in the
US. Funny but that is how it works.

And in this way they sadly have to stay to what was comon and given and never remarked upon as "not working as intended".

Feb 27, 2020, 22:5102/27/20

Btw, they said they've returned it as it was before the patch.

Now, I don't know if it's the same as before, I don't have Raid Card.
Feb 28, 2020, 07:5502/28/20

As far as I see it the numbers still don't fully add up to what they used to be, but  I'll have to dig a bit deeper for that.

Thanks for coming back to the Forum though Valdys ;)