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Equipment Questions

Equipment Questions

Feb 12, 2020, 17:4502/12/20

Equipment Questions

I am a mid-level player I think (3 6* almost 4 heroes, can farm 12.3 brutal ... making progress in dungeons), 

Let me know if this sounds correct:

1) Sell anything less than 5*

2) Boots should always have Speed as primary, otherwise sell 

3) DEF and HP Primary needs to be % otherwise sell

As for sets:

1) Speed, Lifesteal seem to be most used, and then ACC

2) Are any sets complete garbage? Do they ever rework sets to make them better? My first 6* item was Taunt with bad primary stat...

I know these are generalizations, but I can't afford to waste any more silver on crappy gear.


Feb 12, 2020, 20:5802/12/20

2) In the future, have def% boots (with speed sub) is helpful for cb ultra

3) Same for atk%


The most important thing is the quality of your artifact, you can build your hero without completing sets, but always look at his stats.
Feb 12, 2020, 21:3902/12/20
Feb 12, 2020, 21:42(edited)

Ok, let me try my English here.

For most of your question the correct answer is "depends", but here some additional info from my understanding

1. I still keep unequipped some good quality 4* equipment with very good substat and rolls, they are mostly "yellow" tier, but you will find, that lower tier with more stars can beat low stars/better quality just by their better scaling of stats. So, at some point you will start to clean your storage starting from lower tier and lower stars.

2. For me personally and for my play style and roster = always, anytime. But... this is, where my first "depends" comes. There may be certain situations, or more likely champions/builds/compositions, when champion's kit can actually may benefit more from maxing some other stats than  speed boots, say those, that have build in CA. This is way to niche, so, yes, speed boots is almost always not just the right choice, but a must.

3. Most of the time - yes. Still, there are situations, when if you want to boost way too low champion basic defense stat, (and thus they benefit less from that % increasement) you may get better result with better/best quality equipment with flat defense. It will not be big of a difference but still can give you some precious points. 

4. Speed, as a set, is probably one of the most used and useful set, in my opinion. The thing is - speed is useful in every aspect of the game and for some part its just mandatory.

As for Life steal set - yes, it is useful too, some may say "most useful set in game", but i don't think that can be correct statement. There are way too many "depends" here. Way too many.  For example - i can't find enough reasons to use it in Arena. Maybe it is just my Arena composition, but generally I think you must sacrifice way to much in term of other set bonuses or other more useful sets for Arena, when battles don't usually go many, many turns. Still, i know some good players that run some of their Arena champs with LS set  and that works for them. It is mostly ...."depends" :)

As for Acc set - i like it, but I use it only if I can't get desired acc from substats and those acc is important for my champion.

Another personal preference, judging from my play style - I really like Provoke Set. Paired with suitable champion this can be really useful and sometime slightly OP :)

But not all sets are generally useful if paired with suitable champion and in proper situation. Some are just not that good, have way too niche usage or have better version, like Sleep vs Stun sets.

But generally, I find sets to be that good or bad as you manage to make them. If you can fit them well in your team composition and they enhance your team performance, so they are good. If not, then... it's time to to rethink your concept.

Feb 13, 2020, 16:5302/13/20

Thanks guys. I think I',m getting it.

What type of hero and where would you use Taunt? In Arena?
Feb 13, 2020, 19:1802/13/20

Trips said:

Thanks guys. I think I',m getting it.

What type of hero and where would you use Taunt? In Arena?

Not only in the Arena, the Taunt Set can be very useful in advancing the Campaign and in most Dungeons and Keepс when you have to overcome both waves before reaching the boss.

The idea is to combine the Taunt Set with the appropriate skill set of the right champion. Obviously Attack Champions are not suitable candidates for the Taunt Set. Good choice are Defense and / or HP champions, because they have high basic protection and HP and therefore can withstand more damage.

In addition, the ideal candidate will have his A1 with AoE skill or AoE on other skills with a short cooldown. Single target skills can rarely use the Taunt Set to its fullest. You will want to provoke as often as possible your opponents (and as many as you can) so that they do not make the most of their skills.

The perfect candidate will have all of the above plus a skill set that adds to or benefits from the Taunt Set effect, such as a built-in counterattack, a suitable passive skill, or anything else that benefits you when the Champion is attacked or harms the opponent when attacking .

I can give an example from my game. When I fused the harvest Jack and tried it, I was a little disappointed at first, but then I found him a suitable role in my game. He is the HP Champion and his base HP is quite high and with the right equipment can be further enhanced. In general, you take HJ not because of the damage he does, but because of the many debuffs he can place, that can block the opposing team. Now add on top of that a good Taunt Set and you already have a great CC champion.

But the best part is his passive skill, which works great in conjunction with Taunt:


Leering Grin [Passive]
When attacked, decreases the duration of all buffs on the attacker by 1 turn.


This is just one possible use of the Taunt Set. Over time, you will find combinations of characters, skill sets, teams and places where you can successfully use them, because what works for me may not work for you and vice versa.Good luck!

Feb 13, 2020, 21:0602/13/20
Interesting.  My next 6 Star is going to be Skullcrusher, and I plan to use in Arena and/or CB. Taunt gear would be terrible for CB, but I see possibilities in Arena if I go a different direction for CB (Apo, Gorg, Occult Brawler, Elhain, Zelotah) for now. I get almost all my damage from Brawler poison.
Feb 14, 2020, 05:5402/14/20
Skullcrusher is a great choice for CB, he should be part of your CB team 
Feb 14, 2020, 14:4202/14/20

For Skullcrusher, priority stats are:




4) Resistance?

Speed is the tough thing to manage. 

Feb 14, 2020, 17:2202/14/20

Trips said:

For Skullcrusher, priority stats are:




4) Resistance?

Speed is the tough thing to manage. 

1) def

2) hp

3) crit rate

4) crit dmg

5) speed (slowest in your team)
Feb 14, 2020, 19:5902/14/20

Don't sell gears which you already have +16

Put them on Faction Wars heroes if you don't need them any longer
Feb 16, 2020, 13:1602/16/20

Trips said:

For Skullcrusher, priority stats are:




4) Resistance?

Speed is the tough thing to manage. 

I prioritize Skullcrusher differently

1) Speed

2) Defense

3) Health

4) Critical Rate or Resistance
Feb 16, 2020, 16:3802/16/20

Interesting. My Skullcrusher is now all the way to 60, definitely too slow right now but I'm loving him. My other team members often are so fast they "outrun" the counterattack. Also, I want him faster so he can get counterattack up quickly in Arena.  Hopefully I get lucky and I get the cooldown on that skill soon. No books left.