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To Spend or Not?

To Spend or Not?

Feb 11, 2020, 18:4902/11/20

To Spend or Not?

So I've been playing RSL since October, and I'm by no means a whale but I do spend a little. The past couple weeks I've been questioning whether spending any money on this game is the right decision for me. My main issues stem from a couple key points:

  1. Transparency: By this I mean transparency between Plarium & the player base. The recent issue with Cartman is one example, but even as simple as not having the odds posted for what your chance is to get certain items/tiers/raritys from each activity in game.

    I believe it would be better if in each activity (for example a campaign mission) it said for each difficulty level what the chance is of getting an artifact piece vs mystery shard vs champion, then further to that, what the chance is of getting a common vs uncommon vs rare artifact. It should list under Brutal campaign boss "70% chance artifact (60% common, 30% uncommon, 10% rare) (40% 3*, 30% 4*, 20% 5*), 15% mystery shard, 15% champion (80% uncommon, 20% rare)" or something like that.

  2. Deceptive Sales Tactics: I started tracking the cost of offers that come up and comparing it to the cost of the same special limited time packs that my clanmates get. Now I understand regional differences, because at the macro-economic level, certain areas of the world have different buying power as a absolute function (Region A people generally have higher income than Region B) and as a relative function (Region C people have a lower overall income than Region D, but they have a higher % of their income that is disposable due to cost of living).

    What bothers me is when I (someone who spends a bit every month) get an offer the cost of which is 100% higher than my clanmate (who buys a small pack every couple months), when that clan mate lives in the same country, and the same region as I do. That means that Plarium is specifically increasing the price of the same packs for certain INDIVIDUALS not based on their region, but rather on their own individual spending habits in the game. This to me is unethical/unfair business practices.

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So what is the point of this post? For the time being, I am going to stop spending. I am not telling anyone they should, because the decision to spend or not spend on a game is a decision for each individual to make based off their own personal beliefs, monetary situation, and interest level. Plus, I do not want to be in breach of the forum rules:

  • 3.11. Share content with the aim of inciting or appealing to users to leave the game, encouraging them to abstain from buying in-game virtual currency, or posting fraudulent or abusive personal statements relating to the Administrators or to Plarium employees.

What I will say is that until I see some improvement in one or both of these issues I mentioned, I personally will not be spending any more money on this game.

I have been spending approximately $25 per month on Raid SL, so not a whale for sure.

If anyone else has decided to take a break from spending, feel free to post how much you aren't spending as a result. If you are going to continue spending, feel free to post how much you still spend per month and also if you could articulate why you spend what you do on the game that might be interesting too.

Have a great day all!

Shaaw - $25 not spent per month...

PS: Community managers are awesome and work hard! Be nice to them, keep this thread constructive!

Feb 11, 2020, 22:2502/11/20
Feb 11, 2020, 22:27(edited)

People need to remember something about Plarium and this game.

They are here to make MONEY.

Plarium is owned by a casino.  Casinos exist for the sole purpose of parting suckers from there money.

All the MONEY spent is for non-existent digital data on a server somewhere.

If they don't make MONEY the game disappears and you have NOTHING to show for the money you spent except memories.

So if shiny new non-existent digital data on a server brings you joy and you can deal with the angst when the game folds and all that non-existent digital data
disappears go for it!

If not, the game is free-to-play.  I personally think its not as much fun that way, but I've lost enough money on other non-existent digital data before , Marvel Champions, Neverwinter, 3 boxes of video games requiring consoles that have long since died, etc.  come to mind, and I work hard at a job that pays me enough I can afford it.