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Are all the events impossible

Are all the events impossible

Feb 11, 2020, 08:4702/11/20

Are all the events impossible

I have to fight 500 times in arena to complete event how is that possible ? Haven’t had any I can complete a month in. Are they all this crazy ? 
Feb 11, 2020, 11:3502/11/20
Imho, arena event is one of the easiest event and very doable even to f2p players

deanwilkinson20 said:

I have to fight 500 times in arena to complete event how is that possible ? Haven’t had any I can complete a month in. Are they all this crazy ? 

Feb 11, 2020, 14:3302/11/20
How is it easy?
Feb 11, 2020, 14:3702/11/20
Trips said:

How is it easy?
Just do it without lose battles, use all your tokens.
Feb 11, 2020, 14:5702/11/20
Valdys said:

Trips said:

How is it easy?
Just do it without lose battles, use all your tokens.
hmm, I've been using all my tokens. winning at decent rate and have 120 points. No way I would get close to 500 even winning 100%
Feb 11, 2020, 15:4802/11/20

It also depends on what Arena Tier you are in.

Feb 11, 2020, 21:2002/11/20
I don’t see any point participating in the events when they are impossible 
Feb 11, 2020, 22:1602/11/20

deanwilkinson20 said:

I have to fight 500 times in arena to complete event how is that possible ? Haven’t had any I can complete a month in. Are they all this crazy ? 

No, you don't have to fight 500 times.  You have to win 500 tokens, of any type, even the lowest rank tokens count same as gold tokens for this event.

So you advance to a tier that rewards you with 2 or 3 tokens, reset your defense to keep you there so you only have to win 250 or 167.

If you can't do a tier that can give you 2 or 3 tokens then the problem isn't the event, its your pvp team and all I can tell you is if you keep working on it, watch some videos, check out reviews of characters and it will get better.

Feb 12, 2020, 15:0702/12/20
I understand that, best I can do right now is Silver 2. I think this event is 3 days, 250 wins is impossible to get 500. If the answer is that it is not possible for f2p at that level to get all rewards in event then ok. But don't see this event is easy, lol.  Correct me if I'm wrong about event length. 
Feb 12, 2020, 15:3002/12/20
For newbie f2P gamer stuck in bronze 1 - 3 tier because you have to fight teams with power levels over 50K with legendarily and epics in the mix, yes it is impossible.
Feb 13, 2020, 00:0402/13/20

I finished the event just playing 2-3hrs every night. That is wasting a lot of tokens in the morning when it reaches max. I did not refill. I just use free tokens given daily. By the way, i am farming lower half of gold4.

I just outspeed, nuke, and done less than a minute every battle. I am not saying that I am f2p but, i finished the event f2p way
Feb 13, 2020, 02:1302/13/20

deanwilkinson20 said:

I don’t see any point participating in the events when they are impossible 

I agree.

But Arena events and specifically for this one? Hm, they are quite achievable. I'm currently in Gold 4, strictly a f2p player, playing from my account and from my son's abandoned account and finishing it a few hours before the end of the event. I just use all my tokens for the day as early as possible and any token that regenerate during the day without buying additional arena tokens.

Generally, Arena events are among less stressful events.All that is required is to win most of your battles, use all your tokens and those that regenerate further during the day, and turn the tokens into a medal with good ratio. Аctually that what you do every day. right?

But you have to be there, where you will get most medals for token spend/win. In Gold 4 you take four medals with one token per win. At lower levels, it becomes more difficult to complete the event, obviously.

Feb 13, 2020, 16:3602/13/20
If you are in Gold 4, obv easy for you. You get 2x as many medals as I do in silver 2. 
Feb 13, 2020, 18:1002/13/20

Trips said:

If you are in Gold 4, obv easy for you. You get 2x as many medals as I do in silver 2. 

Gold4 = Silver4 = Bronze4

Gold2 = Silver2 = Bronze2
Feb 13, 2020, 18:3902/13/20

Valdys said:

Trips said:

If you are in Gold 4, obv easy for you. You get 2x as many medals as I do in silver 2. 

Gold4 = Silver4 = Bronze4

Gold2 = Silver2 = Bronze2


Gold 4 = 4 medals

Silver 4 = 3 medals

Bronze 4 = 2 medals

I am Silver 2, I guess if I focused on a better arena team I can get to S4 for next event.  My Arena team is terrible: Apo 60, Gorg 50, Zelotah 60 (need to replace to nuke I guess), Elhain 60 (poorly geared for Arena w/ Lifesteal).  But even with 3 medals a run, I'd need to hit 100% win with no breakage probably for 500. But at least doable.  

Speaking of events, I know someone asked if their was a rotation (answer was it was random). But can we expect a new one today or tomorrow? Any guesses?

Do they add new events or is it always one of the same? I recall Dungeon, Summon, Champ Level, Artifact Enhancement, Arena in my almost 2 months of play.  Are there any others I'm missing?



Feb 13, 2020, 19:4502/13/20

Trips said:

If you are in Gold 4, obv easy for you. You get 2x as many medals as I do in silver 2. 

You will notice that I have agreed that if you consider an event impossible, then there is no point in aiming to accomplish it. It was my first line.

Also I do not deny the fact that objectively Arena Events are more difficult when you win fewer medals per token used. This is the last line with which I end my post.

But how obvious is the fact that it's easier for me in Gold 4 than for you - that's interesting to me. Where did that conclusion come from? They don't give away medals here, you have to earn them, as you may know.

The players in Gold 4 didn't just get there by accident, did they? They didn't wake up one morning and find out they were at Gold 4.

If you think it's easy here, you're invited to join.

Feb 13, 2020, 19:5202/13/20


Didn't mean to offend.  I'm new to game, and if the event isn't designed for a f2p (less than 2 months in) to complete then I understand.  You earned your way to Gold 4, and it should be easier for you. I'm just basing my opinion on the math, lol. I think they should up the medals so S3 = 3 silver and S4= 4 Silver, not that it would impact me now. I appreciate your detailed responses to questions.

Now any guesses on when and what event will be next?


Feb 14, 2020, 06:2202/14/20

@Trips, sorry man, I may overreact, you didn't deserve that. We both are in same boat, facing same flustrations every day.

As for next Arena event I think it will be soon. They are about to run new fusion event and when that happens, they start series of events to complement fusion. 

Feb 14, 2020, 14:1602/14/20
No worries, looks like another training and summon event.  Good luck with your shards. No sacreds for me so maybe I get lucky with a void or ancient.
Feb 16, 2020, 12:5902/16/20
Feb 16, 2020, 13:05(edited)

I want to say Trips is correct in a lot of what he is saying here.

The game has always made the Arena event extremely tough for all players to accomplish.

Certain Arena Tiers will not be able to complete the Arena event, unless you spend for extra refills.

Lastly, I wanted to recommend something for Trips Team.

Trips wrote: My Arena team is terrible: Apo 60, Gorg 50, Zelotah 60 (need to replace to nuke I guess), Elhain 60 (poorly geared for Arena w/ Lifesteal). 

I recommend swapping out Zelotah for a hero like Warmaiden.

Decrease Enemy Defense can be very helpful.

I also recommend getting Elhain out of LIfesteal for Arena.

it is easier to hit certain stat amounts when your nuker is in regular gear.

Your heroes move order:

Leader: Gorgorab - Speed Aura 23%

1st move: Apothecary --------------------------------> Turn Meter Filler + Speed Buff 

2nd move: Gorgorab ---------------------------------> Increase Attack 

3rd move: Warmaiden -------------------------------> Decrease Enemy Defense 

4th move: Elhain --------------------------------------> AOE Damage Dealing Attacker