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Feedback after 4 months of playtime.

Feedback after 4 months of playtime.

Feb 8, 2020, 15:1302/08/20

Feedback after 4 months of playtime.

So... My feedback after about 4 months of playing this game.

What i have 'achieved' so far:

*Can do 16-17 all dungons on auto, except spider (15 there).

"2 key NM CB

*Finished 9th part of NM campaign.

So with that out of the way the overall + the good and the bad.

Overall the game is okay, as a time waster when you have nothing better to do. There is no massive strategy, besides making a team comp and you run pretty much everything on auto for the sole reason to get better gear/characters to basically continue grinding. Nothing special of a game but it is a decent time waster when there is nothing better to do, so I kinda like it.

THE GOOD things about the game:

1)First month roughly is pretty fun cause everything is new and you get tons of energy to play the game, so the first month as a new player was really enjoyable.

2)A lot of characters and builds to experiment/ come up with.

3)Ok graphics, so it is visually nice to look at.

4)The 3 month continuous daily login rewards were nice to keep you going.


1)It is a massive RNG fest on every single level. I haven't gotten a single legendary from about 12 or 14 sacred shards (which I don't mind "reason following further") + RNG on gearing etc. Which makes progress for non whales sluggish.

2)After 3 months and to be fair after first month you really get no chance to play almost at all. You get 130 energy a day (@ LVL 60) and 2 refills a day so 390 + 1 energy every 3 minutes for most part. Which is completely nothing. This game is FTP on paper, but really you get enough energy to play 30-50 min trough out the day. And you get a ton of events which requires spending  a lot of energy AKA cash if you want to even finish one of them

3)Tomes are very scarce. And the reason from point #1 why I don't mind not getting a legendary. I was playing the game 3 months before I got my first legendary - ghostborn. I booked him fully and it is a decent character. Recently though with the 2x ancient event I pulled 3 more legendaries - Draco, Sir Nick and some crappy one. To the point - I don't even have a point of being happy since they are useless without books at my point in the game and I had barely enough books to even max draco (still need 3). So in 4 months I got enough books to barely max 2 legendary characters. And that was with free books from quests etc... So in the future it will be even slower - not a good motivator to continue playing. Same goes for epic champions and books - more decent champs then the amount of books I get. (And I'm not spending 20eur for 1 book)

TL;DR - You don't receive enough books to max characters and be happy about getting them.

4)I don't care about all the drama going on with this company with the recent draco, previous fusions etc. But this company definitely seems to give 0 crap about their average spender and just cares about the whales. Which is just terrible PR.

5)This game is too f-ing expensive and with too many 'micro' transactions. First of all what is micro about a 30+ Eur deal? I am not a 0$ spender. I spend probably on average 20-30 eur a month. But when I look at the prices I just think - WTF are you even on about. 30$ for 1 shard? 100$ for a pack. That is a Tooooon. In my country where average wages are 700eur. I'd rather buy a steak or something with actual value instead of a shard that will prob give me the middle finger when I open it. Even if I made 5k a month I wouldn't spend 100$ on a single purchase. The people who do it are just addicted gamblers or in youtuber case it is not their money for the most part. (Only decent deal I have ever seen in the store IMO was the black friday one)

TL;DR - Game is too expensive, offered product cost is not even near worth the cash they ask.


My main concerns are with three things - Books, energy amount and store prices. 

Books - Add some extra way to earn them - fusion, daily missions etc. It is a joke that i can max book 2 legendary chars in 4 months (or spend 200$+ on books.... Yeah not gonna happen)

Energy - I don't think energy should be unlimited, but there should be definitely a lot more of it 350-500 base pool at level 60 - give a chance to buy energy pool upgrades for silver like we can with the vault or something like that. And I don't think the game should be free, but also you shouldn't prep 10000 gems in advance to be able to finish an event.

Prices/Shop - Too high and too many of things to spend on. DXP concept should be done away with and base exp should be as it is boosted now - there is already plenty to spend on.

Main focus should be on shards, and gems, not trying to milk every penny out of a person. Personally seeing the shop just.drives me away.

Try for a month lowering the prices and see what happens. I would gladly spend if the prices would be reasonable as they were on the black friday deal. But me and probably many others won't spend 100$ for 3 books, 5 chickens and some gems...  The value just isn't there.


In all of this I didn't mention the arena - it's a grind fest, but so is the rest of the game. Plat and gold rewards should be better. But besides that it is fine IMO.

That's about it. I hope some of it gets taken note of, but besides that...


Feb 9, 2020, 04:3302/09/20


Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. 
Feb 10, 2020, 13:4702/10/20
Very nice, very nice. Lets hope they will wake up, or we will sleep on em.