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Please remove the arena timer reset after purchasing a refresh with gems. This is completely unfair!

Please remove the arena timer reset after purchasing a refresh with gems. This is completely unfair!

Feb 8, 2020, 11:0002/08/20

Please remove the arena timer reset after purchasing a refresh with gems. This is completely unfair!

I have posted this in your Discord as well.

I just spend 47 gems on arena refreshes, hoping to get to silver to get the medals and finish the progress mission, only to run out of gems and completely fail in my goal.

The timer should not reset after I purchase a reset. It should keep its countdown. and I should get the free reset every 15 minutes without fail.

Feb 8, 2020, 12:1002/08/20


Well yes, cooldown should reset 15 mins or when you win all the battles, like it does at the moment.
Feb 8, 2020, 12:1802/08/20
Feb 8, 2020, 12:22(edited)

think that was a suggestion, he ask to NOT refresh the timer after you purchase a refresh with a gem but instead, you refresh with gems but the timer  keeps counting on the back ground.

for example: Timer is at 12:33, pay a refresh, timer starts at 12:33 NOT at 15:00, you fight one team timer now is at 8:45, you purchase refresh, timers starts at 8:45. you purchase another refresh, timer starts at 8:44 you fight a couple of fights. timer is 3:11, you purchase refresh, timer starts at 3:11, and so one till you get a the auto refresh.

Seems fair too me as you are investing your gems in a refresh.also refresh should be 1 gem not 5. because Arena is utterly unfair as it is now. (facing legendarily and level 60s at tier bronze 2, give me a brake please... )

Feb 8, 2020, 12:4502/08/20
Hank McCannon said:

think that was a suggestion, he ask to NOT refresh the timer after you purchase a refresh with a gem but instead, you refresh with gems but the timer  keeps counting on the back ground.

for example: Timer is at 12:33, pay a refresh, timer starts at 12:33 NOT at 15:00, you fight one team timer now is at 8:45, you purchase refresh, timers starts at 8:45. you purchase another refresh, timer starts at 8:44 you fight a couple of fights. timer is 3:11, you purchase refresh, timer starts at 3:11, and so one till you get a the auto refresh.

Seems fair too me as you are investing your gems in a refresh.also refresh should be 1 gem not 5. because Arena is utterly unfair as it is now. (facing legendarily and level 60s at tier bronze 2, give me a brake please... )

I know what he said and I'm saying that refresh works exactly how it should works.
Feb 8, 2020, 15:1402/08/20

Its a new player vs. elite whale kind of thing.

The current system hurts newer players and free to play as it can indeed be hard to find a team you can compete against some times.

However, the elite whale teams need the 15 minutes as a break on pay to win or winning the top slots would just turn into who can hit the refresh the quickest and spend the most gems.

Since elite whales will always be > then new players system will stay the same.

Apr 23, 2020, 21:5904/23/20
Apr 23, 2020, 22:00(edited)

I never thought about that, that in the upper tiers a timer that is not affected by purchasing an essentially a new selection of opponents would have a negative impact, as the whale or upper tier players would just use some of their 10,000+ gems to essentially purchase the ability to stay where they are in rank.

I guess this is not a good suggestion afterall, so please disregard, which it looks like you already have. But I can't play arena as it is either. In fact, it has even gotten worse over the last week or so. I am unable to find any teams I can fight and win, and I am not even trying to progress anywhere. I only went to the Gold tiers, briefly, because of your stupid Progress Mission. I only play arena now to get my energy refill. And I only played it as much as before because you had additional stupid requirements in the FTP version of the Battle Pass.

Maybe you could remove the Progress Missions and FTP Battle Pass arena requirements, or leave them there but make them optional, skipable? I don't want anything to do with the arena, in fact I absolutely hate it, and I do not want that to hurt my ability to claim rewards or progress.
Apr 24, 2020, 16:0204/24/20
I suggest not wasting gems on refreshes. Problem solved. 
Apr 24, 2020, 18:5204/24/20

dreambliss said:

I never thought about that, that in the upper tiers a timer that is not affected by purchasing an essentially a new selection of opponents would have a negative impact, as the whale or upper tier players would just use some of their 10,000+ gems to essentially purchase the ability to stay where they are in rank.

I guess this is not a good suggestion afterall, so please disregard, which it looks like you already have. But I can't play arena as it is either. In fact, it has even gotten worse over the last week or so. I am unable to find any teams I can fight and win, and I am not even trying to progress anywhere. I only went to the Gold tiers, briefly, because of your stupid Progress Mission. I only play arena now to get my energy refill. And I only played it as much as before because you had additional stupid requirements in the FTP version of the Battle Pass.

Maybe you could remove the Progress Missions and FTP Battle Pass arena requirements, or leave them there but make them optional, skipable? I don't want anything to do with the arena, in fact I absolutely hate it, and I do not want that to hurt my ability to claim rewards or progress.

I used to think like you are thinking right now: Super frustrated about the uselessness of the Arena and what felt like insurmountable competition to get anywhere, and I only played Arena to get an energy refill....even letting my daily 10 Token bag expire many times.  However, the Arena is where you earn the medals that allow you to upgrade the Great Hall, which you will find are required later on the Progress Mission if you are going to go for Arbiter.  

The Great Hall bonuses also give you stat increases for all of your champions, making them more powerful...

And sadly, if you don't play PVP, then this game offers nothing but Clan Boss & Faction Wars after you beat the Campaign...

Back then, I didn't understand what people on the forums were complaining about when they said "lack of content", but, well, Lack of Content...    
Apr 24, 2020, 20:1504/24/20

I suggest you buy more gems.

How are they supposed to make money off you if they implement this?

Apr 24, 2020, 21:0404/24/20

I started an alt account a little over 3 weeks ago. 

1) Yes, the Arena is way tougher than before.  So it is harder to progress.  BUT, the majority of peoples problems is focusing on the other easy missions.  You will get stuck in the missions again and again, and it gets worse.  It's not going to change.

2) You need to farm and rank up 6*s. You just have to. Most that struggle have 1 60, and 10+ 50s.  Well this is why you suck at this game. You already see all the teams in silver 2/3 have at least 3 60s for the most part so guess what my next step is...

3) I have 40 Spirithost 50 Warmaiden 60 Jinglehunter 60 Kael.  I need to rank up WM to 60 probably, make my team faster since I can't pull Apothecary :(

4) I have 1 GH to level 4, 400 more medals will take a while to have 2 for the next mission...oh well. I'm going to farm, improve the gear on my current arena team and hope for some shard luck. Also, I could fuse justicar in a couple days so I'll have the potions ready to go and do my last little bit of leveling as well. 

5) There is no rush with these missions. The Arena missions aren't holding you back. Things holding people back 1) lack of farming for 6* 2) wasting gems on refreshes/refills or to get an atk% of gear 3) spreading resources too thin (FOCUS only on core heroes)

6) If you can't get out of bronze/silver after 100 days, you should start over and listen to the advice of PlayerJ, Daering, Ethan, Valdys and others the second time around. 

I do think because the overall caliber of teams has obviously increased over time they should do something to help.  The easiest would be to include a token refill bag with every levelup to 60 sent to the inbox with 99 day expiration. Helping newb accounts makes sense as they will never catch up completely.  Doing a 10x from blue shards on Apo would also be good.
Apr 24, 2020, 22:0104/24/20

Don't waste your gems like that.

I don't have anything else to say about it. Just wait the 15 minutes.
Apr 25, 2020, 06:1604/25/20
dreambliss said:

I never thought about that, that in the upper tiers a timer that is not affected by purchasing an essentially a new selection of opponents would have a negative impact, as the whale or upper tier players would just use some of their 10,000+ gems to essentially purchase the ability to stay where they are in rank.

I guess this is not a good suggestion afterall, so please disregard, which it looks like you already have. But I can't play arena as it is either. In fact, it has even gotten worse over the last week or so. I am unable to find any teams I can fight and win, and I am not even trying to progress anywhere. I only went to the Gold tiers, briefly, because of your stupid Progress Mission. I only play arena now to get my energy refill. And I only played it as much as before because you had additional stupid requirements in the FTP version of the Battle Pass.

Maybe you could remove the Progress Missions and FTP Battle Pass arena requirements, or leave them there but make them optional, skipable? I don't want anything to do with the arena, in fact I absolutely hate it, and I do not want that to hurt my ability to claim rewards or progress.
Great Hall is more important than you think.
Oct 21, 2020, 08:5810/21/20

Honestly arena needs to be completely reworked... my suggestions:

1. Easiest of my solutions is tier based timers: *Bronze = FREE REFRESHES  - *Silver = 5 MINUTE REFRESHES or  50k SILVER  -  *Gold = 10 minute refreshes or 100k SILVER  - *Platinum = 15 minute refreshes or 200k SILVER or 5 gems *in platinum tier i agree with the mandatory payment of gems; being in platinum tier already gives those players a value of $5+ a week as a reward from their weekly chest, they should have to pay their winnings back into the very thing they made getting paid from* give free users a chance to compete an build up resources slowly but surely, remove the strangle hold placed on anyone who wishes to test the waters for a month or so before being financially invested into the game. Players will pay to keep their sh*t if they worked hard for it (if its on a EVEN playing field)  but no one who plays free at first will EVER stay around to spend any money knowing they have to match someone who has spent hundreds of $ over the last couple years just to progress into MID-GAME content, LET ALONE EVER seeing End Game content..., you've lost all those players who'd of spent money on your game but QUICKLY realize that the competitive play is based on who spends the most of their paychecks. 

2. REMOVE THE OFFENSE REFRESH & implement a DEFENSE COOLDOWN on a player. A player beaten on defense will be placed on 15 minutes instead, so their character  won't be populated into a new Opponent list once the countdown is initiated; however will remain on any current page that may have populated my character BEFORE the timer was initiated- if they challenge and you are beaten in such scenario the 15 minute countdown resets back to the top of the timer of 15 minutes. 

3. Opponent list should be based on your current player level in a value of 3 -/+ (will never have a player 3 levels higher or lower than yourself) along with a 5k +/- team power so you won't get players who are well above the average. This will keep anyone sitting in arenas who logs in perhaps only now to collect their weekly arena rewards, knowing they were safe for 7 days on Defense, never losing any score because like stated ...they're well above the average...

It seems that this is intentionally built as a ploy to force new users to use the refresh multiple times a day to even finish missions/challenges; further persuading the "freebie" to spend their cash even if its just once before they quit an give up.