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Noob Looking for Help on Lv. 60 Leveling Order and General Tips

Noob Looking for Help on Lv. 60 Leveling Order and General Tips

Feb 6, 2020, 14:5502/06/20

Noob Looking for Help on Lv. 60 Leveling Order and General Tips

Hey guys, 

I just started playing this game 5 days ago and have been trying to figure out who I should choose to make my next lv. 60 hero, my first lv. 60 hero I chose to create was Kael. I have no legendaries to my name and am working gradually towards getting Arbiter, currently in the 2nd part of the completion for her. I learned that I want to be farming uncommon heroes up as fodder as much as possible in brutal stages with 1 main carry farmer like Kael, but was wondering if leveling up Sinesha to lv 60 for farming purposes would be even better since she has that primary attack AoE. I also am not sure about when I should start doing dungeons. I can only get to around stage 12 on minotaur and dragon, and stage 9 on spider boss so far. In any event, here is a link of my current heroes I can choose from. Also, I can immediately level up 2 lv. 60 heroes, since I bought one of those rank up packages. Thank you for your consideration and any help/general tips offered.

One thing I forgot to mention that the pictures don't include is that I have Coldheart in my champion vault and I heard that she is really strong on clan bosses but not sure about dungeons.

Feb 7, 2020, 00:2902/07/20
level up coldheart, I dont have her. But she is great 
Feb 7, 2020, 00:5802/07/20
I think you should 60 Warmaiden because I don't see anyone else in your rooster which has Decrease Enemy Defense
Feb 7, 2020, 02:5602/07/20

Follow this order:

Sinesha > Reinbeast > Warmaiden > Gorgorab > Apothecary
Feb 7, 2020, 04:2502/07/20
Feb 7, 2020, 04:27(edited)
Thanks for the help. I'll do as you suggested and lrank up Sinesha to 6 stars next. What's the idea behind getting Rein to 6 stars before Warmaiden? I found him lackluster in my hyper-offensive arena team, and there was no room for him; have been having much more luck with Gorgorab as leader, Warmaiden, Kael and Apothecary (rank 5) or Sinesha depending on who i'm challenging. I also feel like Warmaiden would be more useful in dungeons than reinbeast? I could be wrong. Thank you for your insight, will try to follow what you suggested. Do you think Coldheart or Warmaiden is better to rank up first to 6 stars for strictly pve purposes? My clan boss dmg is really lacking, can only do about 1.6-1.8M dmg, and Kael is doing over half of it, and I've heard that Coldheart can do a lot of damage on clan boss but maybe Warmaiden does a ton of dmg at lv. 60. Any further clarification on this dilemma?
Feb 7, 2020, 04:3302/07/20
Riozin said:

Thanks for the help. I'll do as you suggested and lrank up Sinesha to 6 stars next. What's the idea behind getting Rein to 6 stars before Warmaiden? I found him lackluster in my hyper-offensive arena team, and there was no room for him; have been having much more luck with Gorgorab as leader, Warmaiden, Kael and Apothecary (rank 5) or Sinesha depending on who i'm challenging. I also feel like Warmaiden would be more useful in dungeons than reinbeast? I could be wrong. Thank you for your insight, will try to follow what you suggested. Do you think Coldheart or Warmaiden is better to rank up first to 6 stars for strictly pve purposes? My clan boss dmg is really lacking, can only do about 1.6-1.8M dmg, and Kael is doing over half of it, and I've heard that Coldheart can do a lot of damage on clan boss but maybe Warmaiden does a ton of dmg at lv. 60. Any further clarification on this dilemma?
Reinbeast is a support, he will help you everywhere in different cases. 
Feb 7, 2020, 04:3402/07/20
Feb 7, 2020, 04:41(edited)
I just acquired Steelskull tonight, is he high priority on the list for a lv. 60? I heard that he is very good. Would he be better to rank 6 stars than Rein now? the +60% defense buff to allies seems really useful for dungeons and cb. 
Feb 7, 2020, 04:3902/07/20
Riozin said:

I just acquired Steelskull tonight, is he high priority on the list for a lv. 60? I heard that he is very good. Would he be better to rank 6 stars than Rein now?
Sure. :)
Feb 7, 2020, 04:4202/07/20
Thank you for all of your help Valdys, appreciate it. I've been using ayumi love to try to learn the game gradually, and hopefully will be able to make my own better informed decisions in the future now that i'm starting to understand which champions are good. I apologize for clogging up the forums with what is probably a dime in a dozen post, lol. 
Feb 7, 2020, 10:5702/07/20
Feb 7, 2020, 11:03(edited)

Once, you have a hero who can farm Brutal 12-3 which in your case is Kael.

The next step is to get a Clan Boss team.

I think your Clan Boss team set up will be:

Crimson Helm -------------> Decrease Enemy Attack

Warmaiden -----------------> Decrease Enemy Defense

Kael ---------------------------> Poison

Sinesha -----------------------> Healer

Apothecary -------------------> Speed Lapping + Spot Healing

The 6 star rank up order I would go would be: 

Warmaiden > Crimson Helm > Sinesha > Apothecary > Gorgorab

The reason I like going with War Maiden first is because she can hit hard + does decrease enemy defense.

You can use her in Dragon Dungeon + Clan Boss + Arena.

No one in your rooster has decrease enemy defense other than her from what I saw.

So you would want to use her in several different places.

Making her level 60 would also help her deal out more damage.

The reason I would go with Crimson helm second is because the Clan Boss hits very hard.

Having a hero who decreases the Clan Boss damage by 50% allows you to live twice as long.

This lets you do more damage to him overall!

The reason I have Sinesha + Apothecury + Gorgorab last in my order is because they are support heroes.

Support heroes can function at level 50 - They don't necessary need to be level 60 to do what is required of them.

The only exception is Sinesha.

Sinesha can be used as a Campaign Farmer - You could potentially use her to replace Kael as your farmer.

Sinesha does farm the Campaign like 10-20 seconds fasters vs. Kael.

It depends on what your Sinesha intended role is!

  • If your intended role for Sinesha is merely as a Supporting healer, You don't have to rush her to 60.

She can be viable as a healer at level 50.

You could make her tanky + fast.

She would do fine.

  • If your intended role for Sinesha is to replace Kael as your Farmer, You will need her to be level 60.

She can farm the campaign a lot smoother at max level.

The rank up order I would go in that scenario would be:  

Sinesha > Warmaiden > Crimson Helm > Apothecary > Gorgorab

Obviously, you have a lot to think about.

You have a very tough decision ahead of you.

And I regretfully wish to inform you the decision on who to 6 star doesn't get easier. lol

Valdy brought up a very point about the hero named "Reinbeast".

Reinbeast is a great hero to 6 star as well.

Reinbeast isn't great in Clan Boss.

Reinbeast isn't great in Dragon.

BUT Reinbeast is a monster in the Minotaur & Arena Defense!

If you get your Reinbeast into a 1 on 1 fight vs. Minotaur, your Reinbeast is going to win!

The only thing you have to do is get your Reinbeast past the round 1 + 2 waves after that the Minotaur Boss is doomed!

Lastly, you have 2 other great champions which are worth 6 starring.

  • Steelskull is a beast in Clan Boss
  • Coldheart is a beast in Spider

It looks to me like you have a lot of Campaign Leveling to do coming your way.

The 6 star grind is upon you!

The good news is the game is got leveling up events going pretty regularly lately!

So you got nice opportunity to power level + gain bunch of rewards!

Feb 7, 2020, 12:5202/07/20
Riozin said:

Thank you for all of your help Valdys, appreciate it. I've been using ayumi love to try to learn the game gradually, and hopefully will be able to make my own better informed decisions in the future now that i'm starting to understand which champions are good. I apologize for clogging up the forums with what is probably a dime in a dozen post, lol. 
I don't like ayumilove at all... I understand it's not easy at the beginning, but I'd suggest you to see some videos on youtube, like StewGaming, Kizzle and HellHades. :)