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Help deside wich ones to 6star next please.

Help deside wich ones to 6star next please.

Feb 6, 2020, 04:0002/06/20

Help deside wich ones to 6star next please.

Hey folks! I love some help to deside wich ones to 6star next. Im F2P and been playing for about 100+ days.

Atm i have Kael as my only 6star. Have farming food for 3 more 6star and got hard time to deside...

The ones i think about is:

Apothecary - Sinesha - Mausoleum Mage - Crypt-King Graal (my only Leg so far) - Rhazin (will fuse him very soon.. just need little more Force potions)

I also have these that might be good/better:

Gorgorab  - Souldrinker - Dark Athel - Rowan - Doompriest - Ultimate Galek - Zelotah.
Feb 6, 2020, 04:1802/06/20
Feb 6, 2020, 04:20(edited)

I say go with Crypt-King Graal because you can use him as your Attack Down Champion in Clan Boss

He is legendary as well so it will not be a waste since you will want him to full level anyway.

The only other hero I would do at the moment would be Rhazin.

Rhazin is a beast every where + Clan Boss.

However, you said you don't have him yet
Feb 6, 2020, 04:4602/06/20
I’d recommend apothecary he is amazing
Feb 6, 2020, 09:1502/06/20


I'd say Rhazin > Sinesha > Apothecary > Crypt-King
Feb 6, 2020, 16:1502/06/20
Feb 6, 2020, 16:17(edited)
If you have enough food for 3, what are you waiting for?  At least do one. I've been playing less than 2 months so I cant tell you which is best. I have Elhain (farmer), Zelotah, and Apocethary 6 star. Everyone seems to like Apo though, myself included. I like Zelotah, and I have the wrong artifacts currently but can't afford to change gear at the moment.  You would laugh if you saw the sets I'm using....I need to fix my gear on my current champs so back to farming silver and XP for me.
Feb 6, 2020, 17:4102/06/20

I"m going to jump on this if i may as well.

I have Zavia at 6*.  I currently have Apothecary, Kael, Shaman, Suwai firstborn, Jizoh, and i just got just got lucky from an Ancient and pulled Cupidus (don't know anything about him yet). I want to get one of these to 6*.  Thinking of Kael and Apo right now.  I have 3 chickens and i'm wondering if i should use suwai and someone else as food or wait for another chicken.

I have Warpriest as a 4*. I picked up Spirithost, Seducer, Elhain recently as well.

ANy advice for rank ups?  Im' still pretty new to the game.

Feb 7, 2020, 00:0902/07/20
Feb 7, 2020, 00:10(edited)


You should keep 1 copy of every rare - epic - legendary you pull.

It is because those champions might be used in a fusion later 


They might get a buff later - making them really good champions.

Use uncommons as food 
Feb 7, 2020, 17:1502/07/20
Player J said:


You should keep 1 copy of every rare - epic - legendary you pull.

It is because those champions might be used in a fusion later 


They might get a buff later - making them really good champions.

Use uncommons as food 
SO if i'm getting this right.  take your uncommons to 3* and use them as food to get rares to 4*