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Legendary Champion Drop Rate

Legendary Champion Drop Rate

Feb 5, 2020, 08:2802/05/20

Legendary Champion Drop Rate

Hey All -

I've been playing Raid: Shadow Legends for a few weeks now. I must applaud the game play, graphics, structure, style, and complexity of the product. Well done team!  As a seasoned IT Guru, I can certainly appreciate the amount of time, effort, and resources it takes to construct a true finished product; with new builds as needed of course.

One point of important emphasis, generally that I hope every user will read and understand, is that "There is no such thing as perfect software; only excellent software which constantly evolves and improves when opportunities arise." I've read through the forums on this game a bunch and at times It's very clear where the gamer expectation is for the software to be perfect.

Back to the topic at hand.  My prelude seaways fairly well into the Legendary Champion Drop Rate topic I would like to discuss :)

As I run through this game and grind for potion, scrolls, champions, shards, etc... I find myself about to turn level 40 and just about to have my first full 4 champion 6 star squad. I look forward to getting through the Nightmare Campaign for the first time soon.

During this time span, I've opened countless shards of Ancient, Void, and Sacred. I was excited to see the bonus chance shard event the other day also.   Countless meaning that I don't count, but I have opened my more than fair share of shards eligible for a legendary champion.

My drop rate for a legendary champion, well, is 0.00. Out of all the shards I've opened, no legendary. My buddy who also started to play at the same time, has his fair share of legendary characters. I am really not sure what your legendary algorithm looks like and what the champion selection service looks like on the back end; not my ball game.  However, the fact that I have spent probably a few hundred dollars on this game to date and still do not have a legendary champion while my buddy has many is a bit unsettling.

I purchased your 5 Ancient, 3 Void, and 1 Sacred pack a little while ago. Upon purchase, i told myself that If a Legendary Champion did not drop, I would not spend another dollar until I posted this topic and open the dialogue.

The champion array I do have, is awesome. However, i must say that I feel isolated in the fact I have no Legendary Champion yet.  Moreover, I really had no idea what the third (largest size) ascension potion was for until my buddy explained it was to ascend legendary champions. I was over here looking for a way to break them down as I felt they were useless.  Across all potion types (5 types) I have 42 total XL, unusable, potions. 

I understand that all of the above compliments for A+ game play and other areas mentioned in my first paragraph cost money, and it's not cheap. I've worked for enterprise corporations in highly regulated industries for a long time, so I can only imagine from the outside looking in what your project team may budget.

My point is really simple, I would appreciate some feedback from both the project team and also gamers whom have invested anywhere in the neighborhood between $200 and $500 to have a fair sample and conversation. I am very disappointed that I have not seen a Legendary Champion open up yet. It should have dropped.

Knowing the cost of operations and new development, I have no problem with the pricing model of packages. My only issue is the drop rate of the Legendary Champion from applicable shards. Either the process is flawed via bug or other unintentional change made where drop rates are calculated and subsequently providing the end user with a shard based on said calculation. Is there even a threshold of max shard by type and IF no Legendary Champion after X amount of openings, drop the legendary champion and reset the "chance counters" as I will call them.

Again, I can only speak on what I can see from the outside looking in as a Tech guy. I just want to help out here a bit.  Maybe something I said sparks and idea, identifies an opportunity, detects a bug, or at the very least influences a review of the current process; stepping through each action and decision to verify integrity.

If you have any questions, feel free to fire away. 

Thanks everybody,

Rich - AKA "Daddy Dinero" on Raid

Feb 5, 2020, 11:2702/05/20


Thanks for your feedback!

I'd like to tell you this: my boyfriend and I started this game one year ago, we were f2p, but last october we decided to spend 50€ a month (on each account). I have 20 legendary champions and I got most of them as f2p... my boyfriend has 8 legendary champions and 3 of them have been fused.

As you can see, it's just RNG, so what can I say? You've been unlucky, but I hope you get better. :)