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Arena Suggestions for a newbie.

Arena Suggestions for a newbie.

Feb 4, 2020, 17:0302/04/20

Arena Suggestions for a newbie.

I just cannot make headway into Silver 1 for this mission.

i'm pretty new to the game and i'm not sure what i should be doing, what offense is good, and what champs re good even.

Any resources where i could get decent help would be appreciated.

Feb 4, 2020, 18:4502/04/20

If you are F2p like me, be ready to face a life time of pain, suffering and broken dreams... like real life!

In my humble opinion Arena is VERY BROKEN!  entering the Arena for the first time in bronze 1 had to face level 60s and legendaries! no kidding! i wasn't even lvl 30 yet XD, the disappointment started really early in the game for me just because this unfair display.

So after some research and as a F2P player i am trying to gather a somewhat decent team of champions for Arena, but if you ask me, and i base this only on suppositions but... Seriously! i think the devs have lower the drop rate to attain rares on camping that are used on the fusion table in portal to be EXTREMELY low.  You get everyone as drop on those levels before any of this rares (is that or i have the worst of luck) I literally have spend DAYS and over 1000 battles in badlands to get ONE warmaiden and STILL nothing (warmaiden lowers enemies defense BUT you Still need to max her out, because as she comes is  useless as well)

Don't feel bad to be punish, I can totally understand the game developers  want you to invest money on their game.  that is the point exacly! to corn you down  and make you feel miserable to the point you start to think, man if i get lots of gems, shards and better champions all will be so much easier!

So F2p gamers have no voice or vote here for that matter because we don't provide income. Be happy to be able to play the game as it is and be thankful as this game for me is the only one i can play that i am aware of because the limitations of internet service and worst economy of the world Venezuela.

you have 3 options from my point of view, (please correct me if am wrong because i am still a noob and i may not know what i am talking about)

1) P2w and pray to the lucky gods (who never smile at me)  for a good epic or legendary (no guaranties as this is a gatcha game and you know your odds)

2) Again if you are F2P  become a masochist and enjoy the pain! also  take your time listen to some you Tubers like Chosen and Hail Hades, they are P2w but sometime give advice for F2p, but of course they had never suffer what a real F2p gamer have... so take their advice with a grain of Salt, of also "Salt" is in there too.

3) look for some other game or practice some outside sports. I recommend parkur or kapoeira.

Feb 4, 2020, 19:1502/04/20
Feb 4, 2020, 19:20(edited)

The thing is, Arena is pain in the @ss when you don't know what and how to do it and easy (thou not enjoyable) when you know what to do. 

It will help if you show us sreenshot of your roster, there maybe some hidden jems among your champs and will help other to give you more specific help,not just general "be fast, strike hard". 
Feb 4, 2020, 19:5902/04/20

What annoying is when i have a speed team and i still don't go first.

I will send a screenshot of my smallish roster later tonight. 

Feb 4, 2020, 20:3102/04/20
Feb 4, 2020, 21:09(edited)

sorry to intrude, but please let me bug in! any help is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance! this is my noob roster

I actually got two Spirithost, and one rare lizard men, but will  gladly change booth for one Warmaiden T_T i also want to get Diabolist to be part of my Arena team, but can't beat the lizard mans in the Godfrey Crossing almost all are strong in affinity to my 4 main players, and Hallow halls seem even worst because the enemy are all force related which are strong against my two MVP Athel and Kael.

i got the tall barbarian guy as a reward in the noob tournament and Adel (rare) and the dwarf Rare) in the summoning x2 even (only had 2 ancient shards, I try really hard to get a 3erd ancient shard doing the challenge quests, but couldn't beat level 3 of spider  to complete that dungeon challenge, couldn't even beat stage 1 on spiders... pathetic! xDDD)

you may notice i have lots of commons and uncommon all maxed out on their levels, it's because i am going to use them as food, here is good because the drops of uncommons with 2 stars is like a dime a dozen, but STILL NO warmaiden, after days and days of not having ANY luck, in the meanwhile leveling up characters to use as food to turn Kael to 5 stars level 50 also selling the shields for silver, shields sale better than any other crappy gear given here.

Feb 4, 2020, 21:5202/04/20

You are still in the very begging of the game, don't worry, things will get better over time.It's normal you have hard time as f2p because you still have limited pool of champions to work with. But over time you will get weekly shards, you will start to beat KB (the sooner - the better) for some equipment, you will progress in missions and challenges, where you can obtain different loot. That time and making your first 6* are probably the most discouraging time in game. 

  You are almost ready to 5* Kael, that will help a lot. but I'm not sure its good idea to rush Kael to 5* and end with him 5* and bunch of low 3* champions. If i was you, I definitely will want to 4* Spirithost - she is an excellent early/mid champ, that +50% attack is a thing. Even if (and you will)  replace her, she is a part of Justicar/Relic Keeper fusion and you will need her for that fusion, as that is a part of progress mission. When you form 4* party you will push further in campaign, progress missions and challenges.

Make your active party all 4*, and start to work of your first 5*, that probably will be Kael. You never know what you may pull from your weekly shard or other random shard, but there is no point of waiting at this stage of the game. Almost all of your current heroes you will eventually use like food (or fusion) so any investment is not wasted.

Feb 5, 2020, 00:3202/05/20

I’m having a hard time posting my roster.  Can upload files. 

Is this normal on these forums?  How do you post pics?
Feb 5, 2020, 01:1102/05/20

FIgured it out.  here is my total roster.

Should i continue in arena or concentrate on building a roster?

Another thing i'm confused about.  Should i hold on to every rare champion?  if so how can i rank them up being f2p?

Feb 5, 2020, 08:4102/05/20
Feb 5, 2020, 08:49(edited)

Like it or not, Arena is important part of the game, as it gives you better bonuses with every tier, Great Hall upgrades gives you significant boost and you will face many Arena missions when you progress. You will want to work your way up to G4 and sooner - the better. 

First of all - your gear! You don't keep 6* champ with 3* gear even it it's of celestial quality (if that is a thing). Every 5* green boots is better than 3* high quality. Even it is roll some usefull stats, they will be too low. 

You will want to have speed boots with as much speed as you can have. Especially for Arena. Almost no exeptions. 

Zavia and Kael both hit hard, but they have low basic defence and will not endure prologue fight. I don't see any aura that will boost your speed, maybe Zavia's +33% attack is your default choice. 

Apothecary is your other default choice at the moment for Arena for his speed buff and most importantly 15‰ turn meter boost. It will not win battles by itself, but can give others those presious 15% to start early. 

That means your Apothecary have to be fast. How fast? Well, faster than enemy team. Fast in S3 is usually deadly slow in G2. Other must be fast too, because +15% turn meter is not game breaking in any means. It helps, but can't win your battles. 

Not sure for your 4 Arena member. I'm not fan of Jizoh, he may be some sort of troll in Silver, but I don't think he is good beyond Silver, especially in fast, damage oriented aproatch. Also I don't know how his AI will work in your team and how he will use his CA. Use him, but don't overinvest in him. 

Run through your equipment and try to optimise it. There may be situations that breaking bonus from sets maybe benefitical, but that usually is when you start to collect good 5* and 6* gear and try to min/max stats. At your stage it's better to stick to set bonuses. Those part of shield set on Zavia probably didn't give you enough to compensate for 1 speed set,for instance. 

Also, Zavia and Kael are part of your CB team, boost their accuracy so they can land those poisons. And I mean boost it by large margin, as this will help you to use them more efitientlly in Arena, not just like row damage dealers. 

Well, I will stop here, you probably got sick of my bad English 😂

Oh, about rares. There are some end game rares, some realy good, but most of them are... well, lets just say begginer choice. More of us try to keep champs that dont use for future fusion. 

You definetly will want to keep atleast those that are part of Rhazin fusion. You will want that Lego and you will get it eventually. 

Feb 5, 2020, 13:4902/05/20

Daering said:

Like it or not, Arena is important part of the game, as it gives you better bonuses with every tier, Great Hall upgrades gives you significant boost and you will face many Arena missions when you progress. You will want to work your way up to G4 and sooner - the better. 

First of all - your gear! You don't keep 6* champ with 3* gear even it it's of celestial quality (if that is a thing). Every 5* green boots is better than 3* high quality. Even it is roll some usefull stats, they will be too low. 

You will want to have speed boots with as much speed as you can have. Especially for Arena. Almost no exeptions. 

Zavia and Kael both hit hard, but they have low basic defence and will not endure prologue fight. I don't see any aura that will boost your speed, maybe Zavia's +33% attack is your default choice. 

Apothecary is your other default choice at the moment for Arena for his speed buff and most importantly 15‰ turn meter boost. It will not win battles by itself, but can give others those presious 15% to start early. 

That means your Apothecary have to be fast. How fast? Well, faster than enemy team. Fast in S3 is usually deadly slow in G2. Other must be fast too, because +15% turn meter is not game breaking in any means. It helps, but can't win your battles. 

Not sure for your 4 Arena member. I'm not fan of Jizoh, he may be some sort of troll in Silver, but I don't think he is good beyond Silver, especially in fast, damage oriented aproatch. Also I don't know how his AI will work in your team and how he will use his CA. Use him, but don't overinvest in him. 

Run through your equipment and try to optimise it. There may be situations that breaking bonus from sets maybe benefitical, but that usually is when you start to collect good 5* and 6* gear and try to min/max stats. At your stage it's better to stick to set bonuses. Those part of shield set on Zavia probably didn't give you enough to compensate for 1 speed set,for instance. 

Also, Zavia and Kael are part of your CB team, boost their accuracy so they can land those poisons. And I mean boost it by large margin, as this will help you to use them more efitientlly in Arena, not just like row damage dealers. 

Well, I will stop here, you probably got sick of my bad English 😂

Oh, about rares. There are some end game rares, some realy good, but most of them are... well, lets just say begginer choice. More of us try to keep champs that dont use for future fusion. 

You definetly will want to keep atleast those that are part of Rhazin fusion. You will want that Lego and you will get it eventually. 

The 4 i've been using on attack are Apothecary, Kael, Zavia, and Shaman (for revive).  Apothecary has a spped set on him. Really want to replace Shaman, but i don't have anyone to revive to replace her with.  I have to learn about Fusion.
I finally understand gear somewhat and will be working on that.  I've equipped I want to use arena to get medals for ACC in the great hall.

What is a CB team?
Also, your English is fine.  I had no issues understanding you. 

Thanks for the advice.

Feb 5, 2020, 14:5102/05/20
Feb 5, 2020, 18:55(edited)

CB = Clan Boss. Sorry, I wasn't clear enough.

 You are on the right track, just keep your whalet safe and all will be fine hehe. Good luck. 

Feb 5, 2020, 22:5802/05/20

oh boi you have some good stuff there. zavia/kael is endgame quality kael combined with warmaiden have 1 shot 3/4 of my 60 teams so many times its a horrid combo. 

so focus on kael/zavia the stronger the better do kael first since he will be easier to max out. Then get a warmaiden from campaign aswell as a spirithost. 

Zavia/kael and the rhazin from the fusion will be a top team for clan boss endgame and at brutal he starts to drop pretty good stuff. 

jinzo is one of my mains i focused from my noob days and honestly he has not let me down. there is better options but that char is a one man army and can hold hes own agaist 1-2 enemys in arena depending on gear. he has also been my guy to solo carry me trough hard minotaur and arcane/red pot stages all up to the very final stage and is now doing carry for me at stage 14 golem and he also was my carry for normal hard and brutal 3 stars so yea i suggest puting some work on him. he will on auto target himself with the buff or a support so he is quite useless in a defense arena team. In offense i use hes buff on my skullcrown to gets some extra aoe dmg out there.  

arena setups for you atm could be glasscannon zavia spirithost warmaiden kael 

more survival= kael/warmaiden spirithost jinzo. (kael again is gonna be easier to max then zavia) 

last and most important when spending arena medals go for resist acc and crit dmg first. for zavia/kael/warmaiden you want to lookout for chest with main stat acc and gloves with main stat crit rating they are both vital.... later get a amulet with crit dmg as main stat. 

there is a workaround with arena where if you spin the wheel for new teams you sometimes just get weak/noob teams in the entire battle roster so be patient and refresh often its the best way to climb. 
Feb 5, 2020, 23:1302/05/20
Fuse Relic Keeper and level him to 60, as a f2p player he enables you to go from early game to mid game all by himself. Zavia is awesome also
Feb 6, 2020, 09:3402/06/20
Feb 6, 2020, 09:36(edited)

Here is a Beginner set up which both AnimeJay + Hank can use:

Leader: Spirithost - Speed Aura 10% 

1st move: Diabolist -------------------> Turn Meter Filler 15% 

2nd move: Spirithost ------------------> Increase Attack 50% 

3rd move: Warmaiden -------------------> Decrease Enemy Defense 60% 

4th move: Kael ------------------------> AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

The only thing I will say is AnimeJay does have slightly more options vs. Hank.

AnimeJay seems to have been lucky enough to pull a few heroes.

Apothecary & Zavaia are amazing champions

You can substitute them into the set up I am saying.

Apothecary is better vs. Diabolist - but you got to get lucky to pull Apoth

Zavia can do more damage vs. Kael - but again got to get lucky to pull Zavia

AnimeJay set up could be something like:

Leader: Spirithost - Speed Aura 10%  

1st move: Apothecary -------------------> Turn Meter Filler 15%  + Speed Buff

2nd move: Spirithost ------------------> Increase Attack 50%  

3rd move: Warmaiden -------------------> Decrease Enemy Defense 60%  

4th move: Zavia ------------------------> AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

The set up stays the same

You just have upgraded heroes which do slightly better.

Its a great Arena Offensive team which is designed to be Fast + Hit Hard!

Feb 6, 2020, 09:4902/06/20

Another thing I would like to mention is an Arena Defense team.

I made an Arena Defense Guide on the Forums for Beginners.

You can find the link below:

A few people have told me they had success with it.

They said it has some nice insight.

They gave me some feedback.

I was able to give out other options as well.

If you feel like giving a shot, Go for it!

Let me know how it does for you.

Let me know what changes I should do or if you didn't find it working as well.

Enemy Team will usually go before your team: Than the team I am recommending tries to make a come back!

Leader: Executioner - Defense Aura 17%

1st move: Shaman ---------------> Revive Dead Ally

2nd move: WarPriest ------------> Team Healing

3rd move: Executioner ----------> AOE Damage Dealing Defender 

4th move: Jizoh -------------------> Counter Attack

A few people told me: 

They put Froze Set on Shaman

They put Lifesteal Set on Executioner

They put Shield Set on Jizoh

So yeah - Those are a few options you have