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Why is my Ultimate Galek getting killed in one hit in the arena?

Why is my Ultimate Galek getting killed in one hit in the arena?

Feb 4, 2020, 07:4002/04/20

Why is my Ultimate Galek getting killed in one hit in the arena?

I guess this is called one slotting? Never been an issue until recently. The screenshot below shows you how he is geared. I am not having issues with any other champions. At least not getting killed in one hit, and usually by champions far weaker than he is.

Currently in Bronze IV, fighting 40k average teams.

What's going on here?

Feb 4, 2020, 12:0202/04/20

Your to slow.

They are killing you before you get a chance to hit.
Feb 4, 2020, 14:5002/04/20
Player J said:

Your to slow.

They are killing you before you get a chance to hit.
that was the first thing i notice as well, guess i am not as noob as i though.
Feb 4, 2020, 14:5502/04/20
Feb 4, 2020, 14:56(edited)

I'm sure your Galek have hard time not only in Arena, he is probably default target in dungeons also. His defence is way, way too low, like naked low.

He is attack chapm, you boost his attack and damage, but he can't do any damage if he's dead, right? Try to boost his defence and HP when you get better equipment. 

Also, what @Player J says. You will want speed boots almost all of the time, for almost all of your champions and any speed from substats is nice addition. 

Another thing - if you manage to 5* ascend him, that will open second additional slot in accesory, where you can put something that will give you additional stats. Sometime every little bit helps. 
Feb 5, 2020, 05:0302/05/20
Feb 5, 2020, 05:05(edited)

I appreciate all your feedback. But it doesn't really address my question. Remember I said he is getting killed in one hit, and he is the only one. All my champions are slower than most of the champions i fight in the arena. They all can withstand the hits. Only Galek is killed. I once saw him get hit for over 20k in a single hit. That same attack did nothing to my other chanps, even Mistress of Hymns, who is a rare and has worse gear.

That said, I will re-gear him and work on his defense. Test that out, see if low defense and speed is the issue. I need to get his accuracy up anyway for more HP burn.

Feb 5, 2020, 05:2602/05/20
He is in really bad gear and only level 50... not sure what else you are hoping for in such a poor setup.  I'm not trying to be mean but you have done like literally nothing to him besides upgrade to 50.  Gear is super important
Feb 5, 2020, 05:3802/05/20
Ok, I will try to be more specific - your extreme low defence and HP are main reason your Galek got killed in one shot. 
Feb 5, 2020, 07:1402/05/20
also consider affinity advantage / disadvantages
Feb 5, 2020, 08:0302/05/20

dreambliss said:

I appreciate all your feedback. But it doesn't really address my question. Remember I said he is getting killed in one hit, and he is the only one. All my champions are slower than most of the champions i fight in the arena. They all can withstand the hits. Only Galek is killed. I once saw him get hit for over 20k in a single hit. That same attack did nothing to my other chanps, even Mistress of Hymns, who is a rare and has worse gear.

That said, I will re-gear him and work on his defense. Test that out, see if low defense and speed is the issue. I need to get his accuracy up anyway for more HP burn.

Mistress is an epic champion and she has higher stats than Galek.

Btw Joinme and Daering are right.
Feb 5, 2020, 09:2202/05/20
Feb 5, 2020, 09:27(edited)

I will have to verify. I could've sworn Mistress of Hymns was a rare. I will assume for now I am wrong on that.

@Spyder73 - 4 star gear and near full ascension is not nothing. As I have repeatadley said, others are in worse gear and doing better. I just started getting 4 and 5 star gear. I can't give him what I have no way of getting. Also if you look at the Index, you see that HP, Attack and Defense is the order of importance, based on the levels shown there. If Ult Galek was designed to thrive on Defense, he would be a Defense champion.

@all That said, I have changed his gear:

I have given him Divine Offensive and Defense gear - 5 stars on 3 of the pieces. He survived a little longer, but under attack by a lower ranked Elhain - same affinity - she took a huge chunk out of him, and only him. Every hit he lost more health than anyone else. The gear I have him in increases Defense and HP, as you can see.

There IS something wrong here, likely a bug, but I must be the only one experiencing it. Then again, the game keeps crashing on me when trying to collect Accuracy gear on Brutal, and I haven't heard anyone else saying anything about that. I will compile a bug report.

One last thing... I know what I am doing with the gear I give my champions. And I know I have been doing it right, because even though my champions may be slower, they can take the hits and deal a lot of damage. EVERY SINGLE ONE of my champions, except Galek, is hard-hitting and long living, from rares to my two Legendaries. Sometimes I can take out teams with far more power than me.

I am only having issues with Ultimate Galek in the arena. In the Clan Boss he survives long enough to deal massive amounts of damage. He is also deadly anywhere I use him in the campaign and dungeons. It is only in the arena that I have noticed this issue.

But I will use him more, study him more closely, and prepare a proper report.
Feb 5, 2020, 10:1202/05/20
Feb 5, 2020, 10:12(edited)

Additional Proof. Clan Boss on Hard, 4 minutes in with the new gear pictured above:

Here is how much damage he has done:

Feb 5, 2020, 13:0802/05/20
Can you please share your Arena team. Martyr, Ult. Galek and...?
Feb 5, 2020, 23:3602/05/20
Feb 5, 2020, 23:36(edited)
Souless and Mistress of Hymns usually. Sometimes I bring in Shaman instead of Ultimate Galek. But mostly it's my two legendaries (Martyr, Souless), Ultimate Galek and Mistress of Hymns.
Feb 6, 2020, 00:0902/06/20

you need a spirithost instead of mistress of hymns. 

atm you are gimping ult galek since he needs to be atk buffed to do hes best if we read into hes skills. 

if you still are convinced hes garbage in arena just use kael hes great for arena. 

both of the legos are tanks and get both high def and there dmg buffed by def gear so yea i can see why they can take dmg while the only dmg dealer get slaughtered on probaly the 1st to 2 turn of the game. 

biggest fault i can see is the speed most likely the enemy team always starts before you. spirithost is a great starter speedster and should be your leader it also have a atk buffer that gives you much needed dmg buff aswell as geting gael into the fight asap. i would also consider switching souless for a decrease defense aoer like warmaiden zargala tayrel. 

if you decide to ult gael and want to keep solid healing get a apothecary instead of a spirithost. 
Feb 7, 2020, 02:1702/07/20

The post on Feb. 4 told you how to fix the issue you are having.

I just didn't give a full on explanation.

I guess you didn't understand what I was saying back than.

So this time around - I will give an explanation + examples.

Lets say your opponent in arena is attacks you with an Elhain.

In this scenario, Lets assume your opponent has an Elhain with a total of 2k attack.

Now lets take a look through your heroes.

Martyr - You say she isn't that greatly gear.

Martyr has a base defense of 1,400.

So while you may not have her geared that well.

It doesn't take much gear to get her to 2k defense.

Your opponent has 2k attack.

Your Martyr has 2k defense.

We would expect a stale mate - Which would result in Marty still alive after being hit by this Elhain.

Now lets look at Soulless

Soulless - Is another champion you say isn't greatly geared.

Soulless is another based defense champion which can reach 1,300 base defense

How easy it is to get him to 2k defense.

Your opponent has 2k attack. 

Your Soullless has 2k defense. 

We would expect another stale mate.

Now lets look at Ultimate Galek

Ultimate Galek has a based defense of 900

You Ultimate Galek is no where near 2k defense.

What do we expect is going to happen when a 900 defense Galek gets hit by a 2k attack Elhain?

Galek is going to die! 

This is why everyone on your team is living except for Galek who is getting 1 shot.

The way to fix this is to make Galek faster vs. enemy Elhain.

Remember, The enemy Elhain has 2k atk, but she has only 900 or so defense.

Elhain is an attack type champion

Attack Type Champions have higher base stats in attack vs. other area's.

They scale more towards Attack.

This is more or less what your Galek is experiencing.

Galek is an attack type champion - who scales more to attack.

The goal would be to make Galek faster vs. Enemy Elhan.

Than have Galek kill the enemy Elhain before the enemy Elhain has a chance to hit and kill him.

Kill or be killed type of scenerio.

Feb 7, 2020, 04:4702/07/20

Looking at the status, your Galek focus on attack build. Defense & Hp are too low. No doubt he will died with single shot. 

The others champion can survive maybe because they have higher Hp & Def. Try to check their Hp & Def. 
Feb 8, 2020, 10:5402/08/20
Feb 8, 2020, 10:54(edited)

@ Player J:

Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me. So it seems what you saying is that for the arena, I have to ignore the fact that Ultimate Galek is not a Defense champion, and I have to bolster his defense and speed. Attack would have to be the next thing after these two.

Which leads me to logically conclude my best arena team comprises those champions with innate high defense and speed. Otherwise I will have spend millions of silver constantly swapping gear.

Feb 8, 2020, 12:2902/08/20
Feb 8, 2020, 12:35(edited)

You can go all out on speed and atk. Ignoring def completely - aka glass cannon.

"Go first and kill them all before they move" attitude.

Fail when:

- they go first (you have paper thin armor and they slice and dice you without a problem) - need more speed on your side

- they survive due to having better def than your attack - you need more atk

If you do not go first you need def and hp so they do not kill you with above tactics...

Having martyr I would think of going full def team and use her counterattack.

Shield set on high hp champ to give all initial buffer of hp to easier survive 1st hit,

Someone buffing your def / apply another shields / heals - even farmable rare Valerie might work in low tier arena.

Martyr does mass CA move as last one from your team and you are ready for next wave ...

"Come at me, I'll survive and retaliate" mindset

Fail when:

- you do not survive long enough - pump more def and hp

Feb 8, 2020, 12:4902/08/20

dreambliss said:

@ Player J:

Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me. So it seems what you saying is that for the arena, I have to ignore the fact that Ultimate Galek is not a Defense champion, and I have to bolster his defense and speed. Attack would have to be the next thing after these two.

Which leads me to logically conclude my best arena team comprises those champions with innate high defense and speed. Otherwise I will have spend millions of silver constantly swapping gear.

What @Player J said was correct and well explained, but it will not necessary lead to your conclusion. You still need your Ul Galek to do damage, as this is his role in your arena team. By dropping his attack you will make him useless the same way he is now, laying dead on arena floor. We all already pointed that you just need to pay more attention to his speed and defense. @Player J explained why.

And one last thing, this time it is my personal subjective opinion. I don't think Ul. Galek is a viable choice in arena, especially in your team. He may work well in some combinations for his HP burn debuff, but as someone already mentioned, your arena team don't have someone to apply ATK buff and that already make Ul Galek to underperform.

Another thing is - you have Martyr. You will want someone with something useful on his A1 when enemy trigger CA. Now your Ul Galek just go for raw damage, he can't apply HP burn. Even someone like Athel will do better job in your team combination, she can AoE enemy for pretty OK damage, have some self buffs and can apply Weaken all day when he is under CA buff.

My friendly advise is to observe what exactly happen on screen and think about that.

Why i just got beaten by team, way bellow my team power? Damn, they was faster than me, i need to fix that!

Wait, i wast first this time, why i don't win then? Hm, I just hit them like mosquito and they don't even notice. I need to boost damage of my hitters! 

All went well, i was first, i hit them well, now what? That ugly champ over there completely heal them, then that one block my entire team with provoke, now i just sit and watch how they play MY team!

There is a certain benefits  to watch, think and react not only when you win, but most importantly when you lose. 
Feb 8, 2020, 13:2302/08/20

dreambliss said:

@ Player J:

Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me. So it seems what you saying is that for the arena, I have to ignore the fact that Ultimate Galek is not a Defense champion, and I have to bolster his defense and speed. Attack would have to be the next thing after these two.

Which leads me to logically conclude my best arena team comprises those champions with innate high defense and speed. Otherwise I will have spend millions of silver constantly swapping gear.

Nope - that isn't what I am saying at all.

What I am saying is you have to Bolster Ultimate Galek Attack & Speed.

You have to accept in your heart that if the enemy hits U.Galek in arena - he is going to die.

You have to accept the above information while understanding that if U.Galek  gets his hit off first, before the enemy - They will most likely die.

U.Galek is the type of hero - Who is Kill or be Killed

Your U.Galek has a base defense of 600

Elhain has a base attack of 1,200

If you bolster U.Galek defense, while enemy bolsters there Elhain attack, you will never win the battle.

Why? because all gears go off your heroes base stat.

You put a 50% Defense chest on your Galek 

The 50% chest goes off the base defense of 600.

Thus, your Galek will gain 300 Defense.

The enemy puts a 50% Attack chest on there Elhain

The 50% chest goes off the base attack of 1,200.

Thus, enemy Elhain will gain 600 attack.

We will never be in a position to have more defense vs. the enemy attack because Defense isn't U.Galek strongest attribute.

U.Galek strongest attribute is his Attack stat.

You want to bolster U.Galek strength!

The only exception to the rule is when it comes to Dungeons.

They have a different type of mechanic.

Ideally, now that you have understood what I am saying. 

You will understand why U.Galek isn't really great for your current Arena set up.

Apr 23, 2020, 22:1204/23/20

Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to reply, and for your suggestions.

I use Ult Galek with Spirithost, Soulless and Martyr only when I am dealing with weaker opponents, and they are not the bait combo I see all the time now, Warmaiden, Kalek, Apocathery and High Khatuan - or sometimes a variation of this, coming in between 30,000 - 45,000K, yet when you get in there, you are slaughtered, because the player has given them special gear or Masteries or something. ANYWAY...

I changed Shaman's gear and may soon change Mistress of Hymns. Been depending on this Shield gear to withstand enemy initial attacks. But now I am gearing for speed and the type of champion I have. Doing a little better, my defense team is winning more. I have just accepted the Ult Galek is garbage in the arena.