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Upcoming Fire Knight Event Help

Upcoming Fire Knight Event Help

Feb 2, 2020, 17:0002/02/20

Upcoming Fire Knight Event Help

Assuming the prizes are attainable for a low level f2p player, which of these chars should I focus on either ranking up or fixing/improving artifact setup. I think I have enough food saved to either do 1 rank 6 or a bunch to 5. Here's what I have after 47 days of grinding:

60 Elhain (Lifesteal + Divine Offense, ring, amulet but need banner) 20k power. My campaign farmer

60 Zelotah (defense/offense/speed, probably wrong gear but all 5* +16) need amulet and banner still

50 Adriel (speed/divine speed/accuracy)

50 Occult Brawler (Accuracy/Speed/Resistance, terrible gear overall as HP is only 14k+7k currently speed is 172 acc 71)

50 Shaman (Immortal/Divine offense/Defense) - terrible set up but not sure if she is worth fixing

50 Apothecary (life/defense/immortal sets) - i think i need to fix this gear bad


40s with decent gear I think that have helped in various dungeons

Frostbringer, Whisper, Fellhound, High Khatun

40s with crap gear

Ragemonger, Valerie, Jizoh, Skullcrusher, Gorgorab, Crimson Helm, Valla, Berserker, Eviscerator

Naked 4* 1s

Grizzled Jarl, Seeker, Hordin 

Basically I want to get stronger for all the dungeons and keeps, while improving CB and arena (silver 2 currently) along the way. My thoughts are to take the 40s i have decent gear on up to 50 along with skullcrusher, gorgo and crimson helm. Or should I rank up Apothecary to 60? 

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Feb 2, 2020, 18:0302/02/20
Feb 2, 2020, 18:14(edited)

Hi mate,

Hard to make a definitive choice, but you have some very nice champions.

Skullcrusher is one of the unique champions with mass counterattack, you will need him absolutely on the class boss, unless you  have Martyr or Valkyrie. He's also good for arena, the build and gear is different btw. 

Gorgorab, High Khatun are also very nice for arena. 

Occult Brawler is a great poisoner for the clan boss.

Apothecary is a one of the best non legendary healers and I think you will raise him up to 60 sooner or later. Up to you to define the priority ;)

Regarding the 50/60 choice, no need to raise many heroes to level 50, go for the 60 directly. This will bring more advantage.

Feb 2, 2020, 18:5402/02/20

Thanks Aretha. So would using skullcrusher counterattack skill in combination with reflect damage (adriel or fellhound) be good for fire knight?

If you had the above chars would your first move be apothecary to 60? 
Feb 2, 2020, 23:3602/02/20

Trips said:

Assuming the prizes are attainable for a low level f2p player, which of these chars should I focus on either ranking up or fixing/improving artifact setup. I think I have enough food saved to either do 1 rank 6 or a bunch to 5. Here's what I have after 47 days of grinding:

60 Elhain (Lifesteal + Divine Offense, ring, amulet but need banner) 20k power. My campaign farmer

60 Zelotah (defense/offense/speed, probably wrong gear but all 5* +16) need amulet and banner still

50 Adriel (speed/divine speed/accuracy)

50 Occult Brawler (Accuracy/Speed/Resistance, terrible gear overall as HP is only 14k+7k currently speed is 172 acc 71)

50 Shaman (Immortal/Divine offense/Defense) - terrible set up but not sure if she is worth fixing

50 Apothecary (life/defense/immortal sets) - i think i need to fix this gear bad


40s with decent gear I think that have helped in various dungeons

Frostbringer, Whisper, Fellhound, High Khatun

40s with crap gear

Ragemonger, Valerie, Jizoh, Skullcrusher, Gorgorab, Crimson Helm, Valla, Berserker, Eviscerator

Naked 4* 1s

Grizzled Jarl, Seeker, Hordin 

Basically I want to get stronger for all the dungeons and keeps, while improving CB and arena (silver 2 currently) along the way. My thoughts are to take the 40s i have decent gear on up to 50 along with skullcrusher, gorgo and crimson helm. Or should I rank up Apothecary to 60? 

Thanks in advance for any advice.


First of all, power is not important, it depends on resistence mostly + crit damage.

Don't care about divine sets, they only give you some shield for 3 turns... use them only if you have good items, otherwise use "normal" sets.

Zelotah should have a lot of hp, defense and resistence (and speed, according ot other champions in your team).

I don't think you need Adriel...

Shaman is not a good champion, so you shouldn't upgrade her to 60.

Apo should be full speed or lifesteal + speed if you have to use him for cb.

Frostbringer, Whisper, Fellhound, High Khatun: I don't think you need these champions, but Whisper is ok if you need a dps for bosses.

Ragemonger, Valerie, Jizoh, Skullcrusher, Gorgorab, Crimson Helm, Valla, Berserker, Eviscerator: Skullcrusher is a top tier for cb and dungeons, Crimson Helm is a good tank, Gorgorab is reeaaally better than Shaman and he has a speed aura.

Grizzled Jarl, Seeker, Hordin: Jarl is really good for cb and dungeons, Seeker is a top tier for arena, same Hordin (until mid game).

-My suggestion-

CB: Occult Brawler, Skullcrusher, Crimson Helm, Grizzled Jarl and Whisper

Arena: Gorgorab, Skullcrusher, Crimson Helm and Zelotah or Gorgorab, Warmaiden, Hordin and Crmson Helm

Feb 3, 2020, 16:3702/03/20

Thanks for all the advice. Looks like I have alot of training and artifact hunting to do to completely revamp my lineups.

Couple questions.

1) Should I not rank up apo to 60 first? I've got skullcrusher to 45 (no tomes though). Apo is 50 fully tomed. I'm working on the food to get 1 to 60 today or tomorrow. Used some food to 5* skull and most of my red brews too

2) Is there a good artifact setup for skull that makes him versatile for both CB, Arena, Fire Knight? Obviously wouldn't be optimized for anything but I clearly dont have enough depth

3) Specific to Fire Knight, cant seem to get a good combination to use both skulls counterattack and reflect damage from adriel to beat stage 9. Maybe I'll try fellhound though at 40 he might not be strong enough but the reflect damage will always be on at least.

Thanks again.

Feb 4, 2020, 03:5902/04/20

Trips said:

Thanks for all the advice. Looks like I have alot of training and artifact hunting to do to completely revamp my lineups.

Couple questions.

1) Should I not rank up apo to 60 first? I've got skullcrusher to 45 (no tomes though). Apo is 50 fully tomed. I'm working on the food to get 1 to 60 today or tomorrow. Used some food to 5* skull and most of my red brews too

2) Is there a good artifact setup for skull that makes him versatile for both CB, Arena, Fire Knight? Obviously wouldn't be optimized for anything but I clearly dont have enough depth

3) Specific to Fire Knight, cant seem to get a good combination to use both skulls counterattack and reflect damage from adriel to beat stage 9. Maybe I'll try fellhound though at 40 he might not be strong enough but the reflect damage will always be on at least.

Thanks again.

You should focus on your cb team first :)

Skull build: lifesteal + crit rate or def set

Fire Knight: Skullcrusher, Apo + heroes with multi hits on their a1
Feb 5, 2020, 13:3502/05/20
Why the focus on Clan Boss team? And Lifesteal on Skullcrusher? I don't understand that.  The different builds are impossible for me, as my artifacts are limited and I cant afford the silver to switch gear daily. So do I basically have to build each for 1 specific area... CB, Arena, or dungeon?
Feb 6, 2020, 02:1602/06/20

Trips said:

Why the focus on Clan Boss team? And Lifesteal on Skullcrusher? I don't understand that.  The different builds are impossible for me, as my artifacts are limited and I cant afford the silver to switch gear daily. So do I basically have to build each for 1 specific area... CB, Arena, or dungeon?

Why the focus on Clan Boss team? Because rewards are awesome, do you know you can get sacred shards and legendary tomes from nightmare and ultra chests?

Lifesteal on Skullcrusher? Every hero in your cb team needs lifesteal, they will refull their hp with warmaster or giantslayer procs, so you don't need a healer.

So do I basically have to build each for 1 specific area... CB, Arena, or dungeon? Of course yes, you need specific team comps for everything.

Feb 6, 2020, 03:1402/06/20

Thanks Vladys. Your answers make sense. I'm not at the level for nightmare yet. So I think I'm going to build for Dungeons for now. I'm not close to doing high level masteries yet. Maybe I should pause on farming though and get masteries for my first 3 6stars. Going to get Crimson Helm, Jarl, Gorgo, and Seeker to 5 star this week. Maybe Whisper since I have tons of void potions.  Then I'll have 3 6stars (Elhain, Apo, Zelotah) and a bunch of 50s to mix & match for Dungeons & CB. And then see what works in arena. 

Thanks for all the advice everyone.