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Clan vs Clan Battlefield tournament

Clan vs Clan Battlefield tournament

Feb 2, 2020, 15:2302/02/20

Clan vs Clan Battlefield tournament

Hey guys,

 I was thinking that clans should be able to battle each other in some sort of way, it would make the game much more fun. I was thinking of a map where there would be some citadels with slots where the clan can place champions for defense. The battle system is based on victories graded level wise, so if you are a level 45 and the defender is level 40 you would get a smaller amount of points, whether if one of your clan member that is level 39 would beat that defender he would receive more thus providing some stability and giving a little bit of strategy.

Furthermore, to avoid over playing you would have a limit of 10 keys to impact the results by searching for the best opponents. This concept could happen between more clans  with a map of 5 citadels and 5 clans which were selected by robot based on clan leaders event subscription, and it could be during a day and clan members have to keep filling slots for defense and keep charging on offense based on clan table, so maybe some clans which are weaker can focus on the one that is leading, with their victories they gain points, and because the leaders defense collapsed he looses points. We could set a life meter for the citadel which your clan is defending and the hp drops once the slots are not filled. Once a clan's citadel is destroyed,  the clan can no longer collect points and finish with the amount of points they have up until that moment. There would be a podium and rewards are spread between members that have participated.

Some champions don't get played so much so we can actually set a  rule that once a champion is defeated you can no longer use him therefore you would try to impact with others and keep the citadel slots filled.The citadel would have slots as stages and clan members can  fill with champions of a certain rank, so the first  stages can be filled only with rank 3 champions and higher ones with rank for 4,5,6.Offense and defense could be controlled by keys so no one can spam. For defense, you use a key you get to place 5 champions and offense one attack. If the slots are filled you can set the reserve and even if you don't have a team of five, other clan members can place champions from their side and combine a lineup.

The idea just came to me so we can further discuss and develop.
Feb 2, 2020, 23:0302/02/20


Thanks for your suggestion, I'm sure devs are already working on something to involve more clans. :)