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New Clan Weekly Tournament: Clan Roulette

New Clan Weekly Tournament: Clan Roulette

Oct 16, 2020, 16:5010/16/20

Jakomaru said:

well what exactly did you suggest to them? if all you said was "make a clan tournament where clans are matched based on power", that's not much info to go on. it raises more questions than answers. anyone would be confused.

playerj and t3god completely misunderstood my OP and had complete misconceptions about the way that players are matched together, as well as misunderstood the responsibility of the clan leader. 
closedpoly did not seem to read far enough into my OP to know that it was a tournament and would be using similar tournament matchmaking, instead thinking that it would be the same matchmaking as arena.

i mean... you can agree with them if you want, but all three of them either completely misunderstood my OP and/or just didn't know what they were talking about. 
quite literally everything that they made claims about has absolutely nothing to do with CR. it says a lot about you for agreeing with them.

I never misunderstood your post.

Your post has nothing in it which can be misunderstood.

- 30 Players in a Clan.

- Each Player selects 1 hero

- Each Hero gets randomly added to a team till there are 6 Teams Total (Each filled with 5 heroes).

- Each Team gets randomly selected to fight a Boss (4 different Bosses Total).

Removing all the Fluff from your post.

It all gets reduced down to 4 lines.

And I still think it is a bad idea.

Oct 16, 2020, 21:2210/16/20

Player J said:

Jakomaru said:

well what exactly did you suggest to them? if all you said was "make a clan tournament where clans are matched based on power", that's not much info to go on. it raises more questions than answers. anyone would be confused.

playerj and t3god completely misunderstood my OP and had complete misconceptions about the way that players are matched together, as well as misunderstood the responsibility of the clan leader. 
closedpoly did not seem to read far enough into my OP to know that it was a tournament and would be using similar tournament matchmaking, instead thinking that it would be the same matchmaking as arena.

i mean... you can agree with them if you want, but all three of them either completely misunderstood my OP and/or just didn't know what they were talking about. 
quite literally everything that they made claims about has absolutely nothing to do with CR. it says a lot about you for agreeing with them.

I never misunderstood your post.

Your post has nothing in it which can be misunderstood.

- 30 Players in a Clan.

- Each Player selects 1 hero

- Each Hero gets randomly added to a team till there are 6 Teams Total (Each filled with 5 heroes).

- Each Team gets randomly selected to fight a Boss (4 different Bosses Total).

Removing all the Fluff from your post.

It all gets reduced down to 4 lines.

And I still think it is a bad idea.

this is why you said you don't like my Clan Roulette:

Image spending money on shards to get your most favorite champion Valkyrie.
Image joining the best teams in the game to get the best advice.
Image leveling your Valkyrie up to max level.
Image ascended your Valkyrie up to max level.
Image buying the best gears money can buy for your Valkyrie to be peek performance.
Your Valkyrie is so decked out it has over 7k Defense
All Legendary Gears
All Perfect Rolls
Maxed out Skills
Maxed out Great Hall Bonuses
Your most prized hero is your beloved Valkyrie!
You decide to chose Valkyrie to represent you in the battle.
You get paired up with Little Joe Bob & his terrible Raiding Friends!
Little Joe Bob is a New F2P player only been playing for a week.
Little Joe Bob is rocking his level 50 Saurus!
Why is Little Joe Bob using the Uncommon hero named Saurus?
Someone told Little Joe Bob Saurus is a great Campaign Farmer!
And Guess What?
Little Joe Bob loves Lizards.
Using Saurus to represent him in this battle is a no brainer!
You get matched up with another team.
The shocker is the other team doesn't have any heavy hitters in it.
On turn 1 - Your whole team dies except your Valkyrie.
Its a 1 vs. 5 fight.
Normally, 1 vs. 5 would be an instant lose.
You begin making a come back.
You take out 3 of there heroes before you go down in a 1 hour fight.
Little Joe Bob starts freaking out.
Wooooooooooo Hooooooooo - I just got awesome rewards.
I knew picking my Saurus was the best option - Took out 3 of those enemy hero's.
He doesn't even realize his hero died with no damage done to enemies.
Little Joe Bob says this is the best event in his entire life.
Your first response isn't of Joy.
It is of total disgust.
It is of total anger.
Why are you disgusted & angry? Because
You got paired up with a person who doesn't know what they are doing.
You got paired up with a person who has no ambition to be the best.
You got paired up with a person who is satisfied with mediocre rewards. You hunger for the best rewards
You got paired up with a person who isn't commitment. Your whole being is fully committed.
Financially committed - Emotionally committed
What do you think this above person I am talking about is going to do?
They are going to raise hell on the developers in discord.
That is what they will do.
And that is why I think your idea is trash.
You are creating a system which matches people with other people randomly.
You can't measure the traits of the people being matched.

you were clearly implying that in CR (Clan Roulette), players would be matched up with completely random players, or blatantly misrepresenting it. no, players are matched with other players in their clan. ANYONE who cares enough about the game to spend enough money to get their valkyrie as high as it can go will be in a clan that consists of endgame players.

it is very easy for players to measure the traits of their clan members, and i made it very clear that the champions and stats for champs that are thrown into the roulette will be available for all clan members to see on the CR interface.

also the bit about the 1v5 is complete misrepresentation as well. CR does not have those type of battles at all, and the battles are on a 10 minute timer.

obviously there is still the randomness of team selection and the boss. yeah, not everyone would love that. the problem with your complaints is that you completely misrepresented the nature of that randomness; twisting it into something that has nothing to do with CR in attempts to make your point stronger.

you can dislike it without completely misrepresenting it.

Oct 17, 2020, 09:5110/17/20
Oct 17, 2020, 09:52(edited)

It seems you are the one who misunderstood the situation.

I never said a player would be matched up with completely random players.

I said a very strong player would get matched up with a very weak player.

All of which can happen with in the same clan.

Your response to me previously in regard to what I said above was to say it was the Clan Leader job to regulate the situation.

This is when I decided to stop talking on your post.

Why did I stop? Because you lost sight of your post.

- 30 Players in a Clan.

- Each Player selects 1 hero

- Each Hero gets randomly added to a team till there are 6 Teams Total (Each filled with 5 heroes).

- Each Team gets randomly selected to fight a Boss (4 different Bosses Total).

^^^ This was the goal of your Clan Roulette.

Yet, you said a Clan Leader can regulate who enters the draft.

This means a Clean Leader can ban 25 members from participating which results in 5 players being put into a team.

The players will than be able to control who gets paired up + which heroes get picked.

What safety measures do you have from stopping a Clan Leader from banning his whole team except 5 people.

Oct 17, 2020, 12:1110/17/20

Player J said:

It seems you are the one who misunderstood the situation.

I never said a player would be matched up with completely random players.

I said a very strong player would get matched up with a very weak player.

All of which can happen with in the same clan.

Your response to me previously in regard to what I said above was to say it was the Clan Leader job to regulate the situation.

This is when I decided to stop talking on your post.

Why did I stop? Because you lost sight of your post.

- 30 Players in a Clan.

- Each Player selects 1 hero

- Each Hero gets randomly added to a team till there are 6 Teams Total (Each filled with 5 heroes).

- Each Team gets randomly selected to fight a Boss (4 different Bosses Total).

^^^ This was the goal of your Clan Roulette.

Yet, you said a Clan Leader can regulate who enters the draft.

This means a Clean Leader can ban 25 members from participating which results in 5 players being put into a team.

The players will than be able to control who gets paired up + which heroes get picked.

What safety measures do you have from stopping a Clan Leader from banning his whole team except 5 people.

in the second line of your post in my quote "Image joining the best teams in the game to get the best advice.". if someone joins the best clan in the game, how will they get paired with a weak player in the scenario that you proposed?

yes, weak players will get paired with strong players. players who want better teammates will at least join a clan who has the same tier of players as them (early game, mid game, end game). whaddya know, players already do that with CB.

there are no proposed safety measures to prevent the clan leader from banning as many players in the clan as they want. however, doing that would only hurt their clan's performance. it would completely kill the point of participating.

as i made it very clear in my OP from the moment it was first posted on these forums (which anyone would know if they read it). there are three reward brackets in CR. the clan bracket, the group bracket, and the global bracket.

the clan bracket rewards only yield higher tier rewards the more teams that participate. if the clan leader bans 25 members so only 5 participate (one team), they can only attain the tier 5 reward in the clan bracket (the shittiest reward). if there are two teams, they can only claim tier 5 and 4 (the two lowest tiers), etc.

the group and global brackets are based on total clan performance. the combination of score from all 5 clan teams. if only one team is participating, there is a low chance that they will do well in the group bracket, and no chance that they will do well in the global bracket.

the group bracket groups clans based on clan power. even if half of the clans in a group bracket banned 25 of their members to form the "perfect" team, they could not beat the scores of clans that had all of their teams participating together.

the score system is not based on damage alone. the score consists of all of the ways that a champion can contribute, and battles are on a 10 minute timer. 
so it's not like players can ban 25 clan members to make an unkillable team and go on forever.

in any case, if plarium sees it as a problem then they can simply limit the amount of players that the clan leader can ban. it's all around, a nonissue.

you formed such a subjective stance on my Clan Roulette without reading the basics of how the reward system works? 

the rewards are literally the only reason to actually do Clan Roulette, as with anything else in the game.

the boss battle system that i proposed could use some refinement, but obviously plarium knows enough about the game to balance it well enough if this idea were to actually be implemented.
Oct 17, 2020, 13:5410/17/20
Oct 17, 2020, 14:01(edited)

Jakomaru said:

in the second line of your post in my quote "Image joining the best teams in the game to get the best advice.". if someone joins the best clan in the game, how will they get paired with a weak player in the scenario that you proposed?

yes, weak players will get paired with strong players. players who want better teammates will at least join a clan who has the same tier of players as them (early game, mid game, end game). whaddya know, players already do that with CB.

All this time

- You said I twisted the situation.

- You said I had misunderstood your Clan Roulette.

- You said I didn't read your Original Post.

Yet, you finally admit I am right - weak players can get paired up with strong players.

It sure does put a Big Smile on my face.

You want teams to police there clans by weeding out weaker players?

Can't you see your Clan Roulette is going to cause conflict?

And I find it funny you mention Clan Boss.

Before the game made Clan Boss with Unlimited Health, Teams tore each other apart.

Team members fighting with other team members over Damage Amounts in Clan Boss.

Hundreds of Thousands of players quitting the game over Clan Boss Rewards.

Hundreds of Thousands of players quitting teams over Clan Boss Rewards.

I personally lost my fair share of friends over this situation.

And you are proposing to bring the situation back with your Clan Roulette feature.

Are you so blinded by your idea - you can't see the harm it will cause?

Oct 17, 2020, 15:1210/17/20
All this time
- You said I twisted the situation.
- You said I had misunderstood your Clan Roulette.
- You said I didn't read your Original Post.

yeah, because you complained about things that are either entirely preventable, or flat out a nonissue.

Yet, you finally admit I am right - weak players can get paired up with strong players.
It sure does put a Big Smile on my face.

are you daft? i'm the one who came up with the idea of random teams. obviously players of different power levels will team up with each other. it's not something that i wasn't aware of or trying to hide.

literally in the first paragraph of my first response to your first response:

that is a false equivalence. players who are participating in Clan Roulette are teamed with their clan members. players who care about their performance in this game beyond a certain extent will join a clan that has players of comparable experience in the game. players who don't care will not be bothered by having weaker clan members.

so there you go. all this time you thought i've been avoiding the fact that strong and weak players will get teamed together. no, literally the entire first paragraph of my first response to you is dedicated to the topic of players of different power levels being matched together.

the issue was never that weak players are able to be paired with strong players. in your valkyrie scenario you said "You get paired up with Little Joe Bob & his terrible Raiding Friends! Little Joe Bob is a New F2P player only been playing for a week."

in NO competitive P2W game on the entire planet would a player who spends thousands of dollars to max out their stuff join a clan that would have a F2P player who started playing a week ago. 
not only does your scenario not exist and never will exist, but even if it did, it is completely preventable. news flash, players can choose which clan they join. players can choose to join or create a clan for a specific type of player.

You want teams to police there clans by weeding out weaker players?

no. clan leaders simply have that option. the reason i proposed that feature is so that clan leaders are able to remove champions in emergency situations.

1. if one of their clan members selected the wrong champion and cannot get online in time to change it.
2. if one of their clan members chose a champion that they forgot to build properly.
3. ETC

Can't you see your Clan Roulette is going to cause conflict?

my man, EVERYTHING in the game already causes conflict.

tons of players are salty in arena because they either can't pull good champions to compete or can't build their champs, while other players get better pulls.

TT Arena:
tiers are limited to a certain amount of players, which causes a ton of conflict. players are salty about not being able to form 3 strong teams.

conflict because not enough auto battles, not enough rewards, too grindy, etc.

conflict because the potion dungeons are boring and not rewarding or available enough, the minotaur is severely grindy, spider and FK requires extremely specific champs and builds.

Faction Wars:
do i even need to explain?

Clan Boss:
tons of players are conflicted because you need very specific champs to get far.

Doom Tower:
it took forever for this feature to actually become tangible. the amount of times you can do this per day is very limited, which severely reduces the dun aspect. and who knows if the rewards are even worth it.

And you are proposing to bring the situation back with your Clan Roulette feature.
Are you so blinded by your idea - you can't see the harm it will cause?

no, the issues that clan boss had are completely different from any potential issues that CR has. it is a complete false equivalence to say "And you are proposing to bring the situation back". how on earth is it the same situation?

Oct 19, 2020, 01:4410/19/20
Oct 19, 2020, 01:48(edited)

Jakomaru said:

that is a false equivalence. players who are participating in Clan Roulette are teamed with their clan members. players who care about their performance in this game beyond a certain extent will join a clan that has players of comparable experience in the game. players who don't care will not be bothered by having weaker clan members.

so there you go. all this time you thought i've been avoiding the fact that strong and weak players will get teamed together. no, literally the entire first paragraph of my first response to you is dedicated to the topic of players of different power levels being matched together.

the issue was never that weak players are able to be paired with strong players. in your valkyrie scenario you said "You get paired up with Little Joe Bob & his terrible Raiding Friends! Little Joe Bob is a New F2P player only been playing for a week."

in NO competitive P2W game on the entire planet would a player who spends thousands of dollars to max out their stuff join a clan that would have a F2P player who started playing a week ago. 
not only does your scenario not exist and never will exist, but even if it did, it is completely preventable. news flash, players can choose which clan they join. players can choose to join or create a clan for a specific type of player.

What if a P2W player who spends thousands of dollars decided to create his own team?

Than he recruits F2P players to join his clan such as Little Joe Bob & his Raiding Friends.

Looky there! 

I totally disproved you.

You said a P2W player would never be in the same team has a F2P player who started playing a week ago.

Yet, It happens every day in Raid.

I don't know why you keep saying absolute statements towards me.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

It is crazy for you to think a P2W person & a F2P person can't be on the same team.

I spend money on the game - People could consider me P2W.

I have teammates who don't spend money on the game - People would consider them F2P.

We get along perfectly fine.

Oct 19, 2020, 07:2410/19/20
This guy sure is stubborn. He keeps mumbling about a singular, imaginary, forced, extreme scenario telling it's the reason this idea is bad. 
Oct 19, 2020, 13:2510/19/20

I for one think it's a brilliant Idea worth studdying ! Great Job detailing including all impacts. 

If you have slides on it ( kind of a more broken down proof of concept version for the layman) I'd be happy to feature it in a video and why not talk to other more renowned content creators about it.  
Oct 22, 2020, 15:4410/22/20

dividiondr said:

While I love this idea I would rather see a clan vs clan similar to a game I used to play called little empire. Youd set your line up and have three lives. The battle would take place on a map by moving your marker across the board in real time while encountering other players doing the same. When you met an opponent an auto battle takes place. The winner continues moving across the map with whatever dmg he sustained while the loser respawns in the original spawn point. The battle is won when one team either takes the opponents castle or defeats all opposition. It was fantastic and so much fun. I doubt plarium would ever do anything like this but one can dream. 


that sounds interesting.
Oct 22, 2020, 17:2510/22/20

Jakomaru said:

dividiondr said:

While I love this idea I would rather see a clan vs clan similar to a game I used to play called little empire. Youd set your line up and have three lives. The battle would take place on a map by moving your marker across the board in real time while encountering other players doing the same. When you met an opponent an auto battle takes place. The winner continues moving across the map with whatever dmg he sustained while the loser respawns in the original spawn point. The battle is won when one team either takes the opponents castle or defeats all opposition. It was fantastic and so much fun. I doubt plarium would ever do anything like this but one can dream. 


that sounds interesting.

I doubt Plarium will create a real time activity with how badly their servers process usual tournament stuff.

But they may come up with some offline version of Clan Arena where one clan attacks defenses of another clan members.

It can be as simple as "defeat soldiers first, clan leader as the boss" (most likely) or feature elements of Clan Roulette where a single team can contain champions of multiple clan members.

Oct 24, 2020, 18:1710/24/20
mromg82 said:

This guy sure is stubborn. He keeps mumbling about a singular, imaginary, forced, extreme scenario telling it's the reason this idea is bad. 
lol agreed. i'm more than willing to discuss potential issues with CR that anyone discovers, but his scenario is easily preventable.
Oct 24, 2020, 18:3110/24/20

Lets not forget that the Clans  in the game right now that ONLY spam global chat for recruits request only UMCB players for their clans. Top end  players  only! No new players allowed. FACT!!!!! say what you want  it true I see  it day to day

Meaning they have the best heroes  in game. So they choose their best heroes and they beat and ultimately win this tournament. Who wins at the end of the day?? I will tell you. Whales and  pay to win players   NOT the free to play player  in a beginner clan 

Do you really want to support this event? I DO NOT!

I have spent $1000s  on this game  but this does  NOT  in any way support new  player/clan mechanics

Just not fair game mechanic which will ultimately in long run hurt the game

Oct 27, 2020, 02:0510/27/20

Player J said:

Jakomaru said:

that is a false equivalence. players who are participating in Clan Roulette are teamed with their clan members. players who care about their performance in this game beyond a certain extent will join a clan that has players of comparable experience in the game. players who don't care will not be bothered by having weaker clan members.

so there you go. all this time you thought i've been avoiding the fact that strong and weak players will get teamed together. no, literally the entire first paragraph of my first response to you is dedicated to the topic of players of different power levels being matched together.

the issue was never that weak players are able to be paired with strong players. in your valkyrie scenario you said "You get paired up with Little Joe Bob & his terrible Raiding Friends! Little Joe Bob is a New F2P player only been playing for a week."

in NO competitive P2W game on the entire planet would a player who spends thousands of dollars to max out their stuff join a clan that would have a F2P player who started playing a week ago. 
not only does your scenario not exist and never will exist, but even if it did, it is completely preventable. news flash, players can choose which clan they join. players can choose to join or create a clan for a specific type of player.

What if a P2W player who spends thousands of dollars decided to create his own team?

Than he recruits F2P players to join his clan such as Little Joe Bob & his Raiding Friends.

Looky there! 

I totally disproved you.

You said a P2W player would never be in the same team has a F2P player who started playing a week ago.

Yet, It happens every day in Raid.

I don't know why you keep saying absolute statements towards me.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

It is crazy for you to think a P2W person & a F2P person can't be on the same team.

I spend money on the game - People could consider me P2W.

I have teammates who don't spend money on the game - People would consider them F2P.

We get along perfectly fine.

well since you want to be so technical about it, i said "join" a clan. not create one.

What if a P2W player who spends thousands of dollars decided to create his own team?
Than he recruits F2P players to join his clan such as Little Joe Bob & his Raiding Friends.

yeah? and you know what? you just proposed a scenario where the P2W player CHOOSES to recruit new and F2P players. if the P2W player wants to play that way, what's the problem?

if you choose to play with F2P players and "get along perfectly fine" with them, what is the problem?

Oct 28, 2020, 00:1910/28/20
Rufus Shinra

I for one think it's a brilliant Idea worth studdying ! Great Job detailing including all impacts. 

If you have slides on it ( kind of a more broken down proof of concept version for the layman) I'd be happy to feature it in a video and why not talk to other more renowned content creators about it.  

thanks :)

i attempted to make slides a while back after posting this thread but since i suck with photoshop it didn't go too well.

i'll try it again when i have more time on my hands.

Dec 14, 2020, 17:5912/14/20

I was recently inspired by doom tower. The boss mechanics and what they're trying to do surprised me. It's enough to make me rethink my stance on meta and what's important in a boss battle. The fun in a boss battle revolves around conquering the boss. The higher the obstacle, the more fun it will be. That mindset is perfect for Clan Roulette, where players will work together to bring the boss down.

I'm considering a few changes to Clan Roulette. Feel free to give me some feedback on these ideas before I impliment them into the OP.



Currently all CR (Clan Roulette) bosses have the "Adaptive Immunity" passive, where bosses will gain increasing chance to proc immunity to certain debuffs over time based on which debuffs are used on it.

I'm thinking that this can change. Perhaps only one boss will have Adaptive Immunity and the other bosses can have different immunity passives depending on their mechanics and weaknesses?


Currently the boss affinity will be the same for all clans, but the boss that the players battle will be random per team instance. Also teams are randomized when the battle starts; so players will not be placed into teams until after they select their champions and the battle is starting.

This can change so that each clan is given its own affinity and boss to battle. Also players within the clan are sorted into random teams DURING the character selection process, so players can not only see the affinity and boss that they are battling, but also know who they are teamed up with and which champions AND the champion stats their teammates are throwing in.

The only risk I can foresee with this is that there can be multiple teams with less than 5 players if the clan leader bans players from different teams from participating in the roulette.


With these changes, the roulette aspect will come from the random boss and affinity that the clan is tasked with, as well as the random teams that players are put in. The main difference is that players will know what they are dealing with and have the ability to better coordinate their strategy.

This will revolutionize CR because the entire clan can see what everyone in their clan is doing. This will make it easier for clans to work together during CR.