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New Clan Weekly Tournament: Clan Roulette

New Clan Weekly Tournament: Clan Roulette

Jan 27, 2020, 22:0401/27/20

New Clan Weekly Tournament: Clan Roulette

PSA: If you have mixed feelings, concerns, or doubts about Clan Roulette, scroll to the "Addressing a controversy regarding Clan Roulette" section near the very bottom of this OP.

Behold. Clan Roulette is a clan activity that is a weekly tournament involving all clans in the game. It will fully utilize the randomness of plarium and raid to its fullest and most appropriate potential.

Also apparently plarium is owned by casino people, so i'm sure that this theme fits right in.

What is Clan Roulette:

Clan Roulette is a special clan boss tournament that each clan can participate in. This tournament will take place entirely on weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). Once the clan leader has registered the clan for participation, each member of the clan can select ONE of their champions to join the roulette.

The roulette battles within each clan will take place in teams of up to a maximum of 5 champions. There is a maximum of 30 players per clan, so there is a total of 6 teams in each clan's roulette.
All champions that the clan members have selected for the roulette will be placed on a random team within the clan to participate in the battle. This means that players within each clan cannot choose who their champion teams up with.

Players also cannot choose the boss that their team battles. There will be FOUR different bosses in the Clan Roulette. Each boss will have a unique design, a unique skill set, and unique stats. The boss that each random team battles will also be random. This means that different teams can potentially battle the same boss (boss hp is unique per team instance).

Clan Roulette Tournament & Rewards:

The roulette battles will be automatic and will occur as simulated battles server side at a specified time. Battles will be based on a 10 minute timer, counting down to 0. This will eliminate the need to nerf unkillable champions and make it unnecessary for the bosses to become stronger over time.
Players will only be able to view replays of their battles and they need to view the replay before they can obtain their reward. However, the replay can be skipped after it starts.

The tournament and rewards for Clan Roulette will be divided into a few brackets. For example, with normal tournaments in raid we have group brackets as well as the global bracket. With Clan Roulette there will be three.

Clan Bracket:

The first bracket is the clan bracket. This will include all 6 teams within the clan. Each place will have unique rewards. Each player on the team will claim the same reward.

Group Bracket:

Group bracket is the second bracket. The score and rewards in this bracket will be based on total clan performance. This means that the score from all roulette battles within each clan will be combined for the total clan score.

There will be 10 clans in each group bracket. Each place will have unique rewards. Each member of the same clan will claim the same reward.

Clans will be matched together in the group bracket based on Clan Power. To ensure that this system does not get abused, players who join a clan cannot participate in Clan Roulette until the next weekend of Clan Roulette. 
So players cannot quickly join and leave clans in attempts to match against weaker clans in the Group Bracket to artificially raise their clan's performance.

Global Bracket:

The global bracket is the third bracket. The score and rewards in this bracket will be based on total clan performance. This means that the score from all roulette battles within each clan will be combined for the total clan score.

Naturally, the global bracket will contain the scores of all of the clans that participated in Clan Roulette. Each place from 1-10 will have unique rewards. Places from 11-15 will have the same reward. 16-20 will have the same reward. 21-30 will have the same reward. 31-50 will have the same reward. So on...
Each member of the same clan will receive the same reward, BUT THERE IS A TWIST (this might get a bit complex).

The twist is that clan members in clans that placed 1st-20th in the global bracket get an extra special reward based on their clan bracket. First place gets the best extra reward. Places 2-5 get the second best extra reward. Places 6-10 get lesser. Places 11-15 even lesser. Places 16-20 get the least extra.
For example, the clan that places first in the global bracket gets the top tier additional reward for all clan members.
The type and contents of the additional rewards are based on the place of the players within their clan bracket.


This system will ensure that players (on average) will attain better rewards if they perform better than other clans and their other clan mates, with the perfect touch of randomness to help lessen the gap between the top whales and the free to play players, without reducing player's motivation or desire to spend money on the game for chances to increase their performance.

Clan Roulette is quite literally the most perfect activity for this game, and i am magnificent for coming up with all of this on the spot.
(To be fair, i did read something that sparked the idea for Clan Roulette, and i will post it at the end of this thread.)


Everything below here will contain in-depth details and explanations on some features that were explained above. It is not necessary to read these for a basic understanding of how the event works.

Clan Roulette Bosses & Player Performance Details:

Clan Roulette Bosses:

There will be four Clan Roulette bosses. Each boss will have unique design, unique skill set, and unique stats. The only thing that will change based on the player teams is the stats of the boss.

All Clan Roulette bosses will have infinite hp, but other stats such as: accuracy, resistance, and speed, will change based on the team power of the players' teams. This will ensure that players will always have a somewhat fair challenge regardless of how powerful they are. This will NOT make weak players outperform powerful players.

The boss affinity will be the same for all clans, but the boss that the players battle will be random per team instance. The boss affinity for Clan Roulette will be randomized per week and the affinity icon will be displayed on all Clan Roulette interfaces for all players to see. Each affinity has an equal chance of being selected.

There is also a small chance that the affinity icon will display a "?" instead of the chosen affinity. This means that for that weekend, players will not know which affinity the Roulette bosses will have. This will spice things up from time to time.


The Clan Roulette bosses will NOT have the Almighty Immunity passive. Instead they will have a new passive called "Adaptive Immunity". Plarium can work out the fine tuning of this new passive ability, but the main point of this ability is that it will allow the boss to become immune to certain debuffs over time, based on which debuffs are used on it.
Each time this passive triggers, the boss will gain immunity to ONE random debuff based on which debuffs were used on it during the battle. The immunity for each debuff will start at a 10% chance to be immune and increase over time up to 100%.
This means that a much wider roster of champions will become available for Clan Roulette compared to clan boss, without the guarantee of overpowered teams due to the randomness of team selection.
For example, let's say 4 platium tier tormin end up on the same team for Clan Roulette. The Clan Roulette boss will quickly attain immunity to the freeze debuff.
The debuffs that Adaptive Immunity work for are: sleep, freeze, provoke, stun, fear, true fear, block buffs, decrease accuracy, decrease speed, etc (only the major debuffs).

The Clan Roulette bosses will have a passive ability called "Heart Lock". This passive will prevent the roulette bosses from losing more than 100k HP (or whatever amount plarium sets in their fine tuning) from hp exchanging effects and such. This will prevent HP exchanging abilities from being completely useless against this boss, while not being OP.

The Roulette boss will have a passive that limits the maximum damage from attacks based on enemy max hp and enemy current hp, because the roulette boss will have drastically more hp than clan boss.

All four of the Clan Roulette bosses will have at least one ability that grants itself at least one buff, and at least one ability that places at least one debuff on enemies. The buffs and debuffs that the bosses utilize need to be well balanced so that player teams and their scores aren't too easily destroyed by those buffs.
For example, if the boss should grant itself increase defense and/or increase attack, those buffs either shouldn't persist for too many turns, or the cooldown on the ability is long, or the boss has low resistance so that buffs can be stolen or removed. CR bosses don't need their resistance to be too high anyway because of their Adaptive Immunity passive.
Same deal with the debuffs. If the boss is going to stun players or block the cooldown on player abilities, it shouldn't be something that occurs too frequently.

Roulette bosses do not need abilities that heal or shield them.

Player Performance (Score System):

The score that player teams attain in Clan Roulette will be based on more than pure damage, but damage will remain the most important aspect. A completely new score calculation system needs to be created specifically for the Clan Roulette.
The reason why the score in Clan Roulette CANNOT be solely based on damage is to expand the range of meta. This system will allow many more champions to become useful in a team while performing and contributing to the best of their capability.

Anyway, plarium needs to come up with some type of algorithm to average the difference in values of damage, healing, etc, and combine those averages into a complete score.
That was not worded the way I envision it, but hopefully you know what i mean. Healing 1 million hp isn't as important as dealing 1 million damage, so the amount of healing should be counted as less towards the final score.

The new score calculation system should account for every single aspect of how champions can contribute to the battle, and add those contributions to the final score.
Contributions such as: damage, healing, shielding (the value of shields specifically), buffs & debuffs (counted as amounts), etc.
Damage will reign supreme and increase the score drastically more than most other contributions, but support champions need love too.

If necessary, there can be an additional aspect of scoring added to the system. 
Every 30 seconds the team score will increased by a fixed amount. This is to be considered a Survival Bonus.
This will help teams that excel in survival but not in damage. This will also help to prevent teams winning a high tier score exclusively by cheesing (for example extremely high damage but no survivability). 
the score increase through this method will NOT be too significant. only to provide greater incentive for clans to attempt throwing together well rounded teams and not only one type of team or champion.

Clan Roulette System:

Clan Roulette will take place entirely on the weekend. Starting from Friday morning, the clan leader can register the clan for Clan Roulette. Once the clan has registered for Clan Roulette, members of the clan can select their champion to throw into the roulette. The selected champion can be changed at any time during the selection process, and gear, level, etc, of the champion will be updated as the player uses and changes the champion.
Clan leaders will be able to remove specific clan member's champion from the roulette, and ban specific clan members from participating in that week's roulette.
On Saturday around noon, the registration & champion selection process will close for at least one hour before the battles begin. During that time, the UI for global bracket, group bracket, and clan bracket will become available. This will stir excitement in the player base as players will be able to see which clans are participating from the global bracket, which clans are in their group in the group bracket, and most importantly they will be able to see which team their champion is on and which roulette boss their team will be battling.
At a specified time on Saturday (at least one hour after the registration and champion selection process closed), the automatic simulated battles for Clan Roulette will begin, and likely end within a millisecond (because they happen server side. Also all battles will take place at the same simulation speed). After that, players will be able to see the replay of the battle, and the results of all battles within their clan, and the scores of all clans within the group bracket and global bracket.
It might be fun if clan members can access other clans' group brackets to see the result of those group brackets, and access the clan information within group brackets and the global brackets to see the details of how the other clans performed, what teams they had, what bosses they battled, etc.
On Sunday morning, rewards will become available from the Clan Roulette. This will also stir excitement.

Clan Roulette Reward System:

I didn't put too much thought into the rewards, but I suppose plarium can utilize chest tier rewards. However, it is necessary for me to lend my guiding hand to this process.

The names of each chest will be based on the bracket names. The clan bracket reward chests will be named "Clan Chest (1-6)". Group bracket reward chest "Group Chest (1-10)". Global bracket reward chest "Global Chest (1-1+)" (the maximum number for global chests will depend on how many clans participate).

In the event where multiple clans get the same total score in group and global bracket, The clan that has more teams with a higher score than the other clans' team gets the higher place.
In the event where multiple clans get the same total score and has the same amount of teams with the same individual score, the team that gets the higher place will be random.

Naturally, the clan bracket rewards will be the second best rewards. Rewards for this bracket can include: gems, all tomes, all shards, 4*-6* epic or legendary relentless or divine artifacts, 4*-6* epic or legendary accessories, 2x exp, etc. Cream of the crop stuff. Obviously the teams that place higher in their brackets will get the better rewards.
One more thing about the clan bracket. To prevent players from cheating, the rewards each clan can obtain in their bracket will be based on how many teams participate. If only one team participates, only Clan Chest 6 (the worst reward) will be available. If only two teams participate, only Clan Chest 6 and Clan Chest 5 will be available, and so on.
The group bracket rewards will be mostly different than the clan bracket rewards, and this bracket will contain the worst rewards. Rewards for this bracket include: gems, energy refills, arena tokens, silver, any shards, faction war energy, etc.
The global bracket rewards will mostly have quality that is between the clan bracket and group bracket rewards. Stuff like: gems, silver, energy refills, brews, clan boss keys, chickens, etc.
However, the reason why those base rewards are so tame is because of that twist we talked about earlier. Clan members of clans that placed 1st-20th on the global bracket will receive an additional reward based on how they performed in their clan bracket. This system ensures that players who performed at the top of the leaderboard will claim the most cream of the crop rewards, while also being based on their specific team's performance within their clan.
Additional rewards can come from a series of chests called "(1-20) Wildcard Chest: Tier (1-6)". The first number in that title from 1-20 will be based on the place their clan performed in the global bracket, and the second number from 1-6 will be based on the place that the player's team performed in the clan bracket.
1 Wildcard Chest: Tier 1 will contain rewards such as: chance for any legendary champion from any affinity, chance for any top tier epic champion from any affinity, guaranteed gems of random amount from 2500-5000, guaranteed silver of random amount from 20mil-50mil, guaranteed at least one sacred shard, guaranteed at least two void shards, guaranteed at least 3 ancient shards, etc. You get the picture.

Forge resources can be thrown into reward chests as well.

Clan Roulette ALTERNATE Reward System:

It has come to my attention that plarium might be implementing a "clan store" system sometime in the future. Or some type of store requiring currency that players can attain from arena and clan activities.
I assume that this store will contain cream of the crop items for players to buy. Stuff like a special shard containing a random legendary champion or random epic champion, energy or energy refills, arena and faction war tokens, gems, tomes, 2x exp, brews, clan boss keys, chickens, silver, regular shards, maybe high end artifacts and accessories that change on a timer, etc.

Even if plarium implements that kind of store system before Clan Roulette, Clan Roulette can still be implemented into the game very easily and integrate perfectly with the store system.

Each Clan Roulette bracket reward will contain a fixed amount of store currency that the player will get. The better the reward is, the more currency the player gets.
Players will still get chest rewards from all three brackets, but they will contain items such as: gems, silver, energy or energy refills, clan boss keys, shards, etc. The wildcard chests will contain: gems, a lot of store currency, shards.

Addressing a controversy regarding Clan Roulette:

The reason why there may be people who have mixed feelings about Clan Roulette is because it is anti meta to some degree.

This game embraces meta. Players enjoy being able to meet a new challenge and constantly improve to overcome that challenge. Players do this to find better ways to beat the spider or better ways to battle the clan boss. That seems to be what this game is all about. It is especially beneficial for content creators because it gives them something to share. 
Clan Roulette doesn't have that. the team composition is random and the boss is random. This means that players do not have full control over how their battle plays out. 
But consider this:

What happens when everyone gets an unkillable team for CB? What happens when everyone gets 2 royal guard? What happens when every player in the game simply follows the meta? only about 30 different champions will be used for all content in this game because that's the meta. Dozens to hundreds of champions that you max out now may become completely irrelevant or not worth using later. The ones who will win are the ones who can follow meta better than everyone else. 
Doesn't that sound hopelessly repetitive?

Clan Roulette will, without fail, offer a fresh and unique sense of excitement every single weekend. Clan Roulette has what this game currently lacks. It is a game-wide clan event/tournament that has an almost endless content variation. There can always be a new team composition, there can always be a new way to battle the boss, and there is always a chance to win.

Players can fully manage their own contribution towards their CR team because they choose which champion to throw in and the build it has.

How Clan Roulette Benefits Raid, Plarium, Aristocrat, ETC

It is essential for any game's long term survival to have at least one reliable player retention aspect. CR (Clan Roulette) is a reliable player retention feature. It is designed to give players (whether they be new players, or old players) something to look forward to every weekend, and it lasts for the entire weekend. 
This gives players a reason to keep participating in the game and coming back.

CR is a true weekly event tournament that is free for players to participate in (for example it does not require energy or shards being spent or bought). This means that players will not have any reservations for participation. This is good for plarium because it is incentive for ALL players to engage with the game.
At the same time, CR gives players a reason to continue spending more money on raid. Improving ones account overall will help increase their performance in CR. of course, it is a team activity for the clan, so whales will gladly spend money simply to make sure that they not only keep up with their clan mates but improve their overall clan's performance in the tournament.

Once the CR system is fully operational and automated, there will be no additional work required on plarium's part to keep CR running. Every Friday the tournament will begin and automatically progress to its conclusion. 
It is essentially free money for plarium at that point.

Work Load:

CR is not a difficult feature to implement. It is kind of like a combination of Clan Boss and tournaments.

All that needs to be done is to design 4 different bosses for CR. Some aspects of the boss animations can be reused from other parts of the game.

The only completely new ability that is required is the Adaptive Immunity passive, which has similarities to the Almighty Immunity passive, so the ability can be created without much difficulty.

The scoring system is new, but it is based on existing aspects within the game, such as damage, healing, buffs, debuffs, etc.

The tournament aspect is based on existing tournament features within the game. Any differences can be implemented as modifications to the current tournament system.

The rewards system is based on the current tournament rewards system, with only slight differences. Those differences can be implemented as modifications to the current system.

I probably forgot some stuff that I will edit in later. I probably could have worded some things better.

Feel free to correct me on some things and tell me about your opinions to this. Let's have a good discussion around this idea.

By the way, plarium. If you decide to implement a feature based on this idea and want to thank me, feel free to send me Martyr, Valkyrie, SkullCrusher, Rae, Tormin the Cheating, Dracomorph, Madame Serris, Black Knight, 4 Big 'Uns, 4 Norogs, 4 Ithos, 4 Krisk the Ageless, Duchess Lilithu, 4 Bad-el-Kazars, 4 Hegemons, 100k energy in packs of 1k energy each lasting for infinity, 150 legendary tomes, 300 epic tomes, 250 rank 4 chickens, 250 rank 5 chickens, and 100k gems.
lmao =P

No seriously, just put 100k gems into my account. If it will be in my inbox then make sure the timer is infinite.

Jan 28, 2020, 00:4301/28/20


Wow, what an accurate suggestion... I really like it, hope to see something like this in the next patches. :)

Of course I'll send it to the devs, thank you for your job.
Jan 28, 2020, 20:5601/28/20

Hey hey

Wow, this is amazing, well done.

many thanks
Jan 29, 2020, 20:0401/29/20

thanks :)

i've made a lot of improvements to the OP since i posted it and i will continue to make more improvements for a while.
Feb 2, 2020, 16:3802/02/20

hmm. i honestly thought that this idea would explode and become viral throughout the community. i mean, right now this game doesn't have any actual actual events.

does anyone else have opinions about this idea? regardless of if or when something like this would be implemented in the game anytime soon, it'd be nice to talk about the idea itself. or at least i think so.

actually one thing i was thinking about is if the bosses for CR are all void affinity, but still having more than one boss. it might be a bit of a slap in the face for a player's champion to go up against a bad affinity for it. if there are multiple bosses with the same affinity then the element of compatibility will still be present but without giving a pure advantage or disadvantage to a lot of champions.
Feb 2, 2020, 23:0802/02/20

Hi again!

Uhm, I don't know why people didn't replied at this, I personally like your idea.

If you want, try to share this link on our official server on discord, in the #general-game-discussion section.
Feb 15, 2020, 23:0702/15/20

well i linked it in the discord. i made my final update to this thread. at least the final that i can foresee. hopefully thousands of people will swarm this thread and make it go super viral in this community.

i quit this game a while ago. the reasons for why i quit are mostly personal. at this point in my life i am better off spending more time and money towards boosting myself up.

i don't know when or if i will come back, but i'd say there is a higher chance that i will come back eventually than not at all.

Feb 15, 2020, 23:1802/15/20

lol silly me. i completely forgot to post the thing that sparked the idea for clan roulette. i will post it here because the OP is massive enough already. i guess it's not too interesting anyway.

after reading this on one of stew's youtube videos i thought about it for a few seconds and then more than half of the clan roulette concept was formed in my mind.

Feb 15, 2020, 23:4302/15/20
Awesome idea!
Feb 19, 2020, 14:0102/19/20

Wow, very cool idea. Thank you for your work JAKOMARU

I hope the team behind the game notices this post.
May 3, 2020, 00:2905/03/20

thanks guys. it was a good effort on my part. this thread didn't blow up as much as i thought it would, so who knows if it will actually become a thing. perhaps it's still too soon to tell though.

i'm back on the game btw, for a while at least.
May 3, 2020, 16:1905/03/20
Jakomaru said:

thanks guys. it was a good effort on my part. this thread didn't blow up as much as i thought it would, so who knows if it will actually become a thing. perhaps it's still too soon to tell though.

i'm back on the game btw, for a while at least.
Well, I passed your suggestion to the devs, so... crossed fingers.
May 29, 2020, 00:1205/29/20

okay i have some pretty big news. i made a lot of changes and updates to the OP. I settled on a boss battle system which is different than the original. i also addressed a controversy regarding Clan Roulette. i made some other adjustments too.

if you already read the OP or know about Clan Roulette, i will copy-paste the main additions below so you don't have to search through the OP to find them. otherwise, i recommend you read the OP.

i am going to post this thread on the discord again, and for the first time i will post this thread on the raid subreddit in hopes that we gain a TON of traction.

Clan Roulette Bosses:
There will be four Clan Roulette bosses. Each boss will have unique design, unique skill set, and unique stats. The only thing that will change based on the player teams is the stats of the boss.
All Clan Roulette bosses will have infinite hp, but other stats such as: accuracy, resistance, and speed, will change based on the team power of the players' teams. This will ensure that players will always have a somewhat fair challenge regardless of how powerful they are. This will NOT make weak players outperform powerful players.
The boss affinity will be the same for all clans, but the boss that the players battle will be random per team instance. The boss affinity for Clan Roulette will be randomized per week and the affinity icon will be displayed on all Clan Roulette interfaces for all players to see. Each affinity has an equal chance of being selected.

There is also a small chance that the affinity icon will display a "?" instead of the chosen affinity. This means that for that weekend, players will not know which affinity the Roulette bosses will have. This will spice things up from time to time.

Addressing a controversy regarding Clan Roulette:
I'm not a raid developer, so i won't bullshit you or disappoint you. The reason why there may be people who have mixed feelings about Clan Roulette is because it is anti meta to some degree.
This game embraces meta. Players enjoy being able to meet a new challenge and constantly improve to overcome that challenge. Players do this to find better ways to beat the spider or better ways to battle the clan boss. That seems to be what this game is all about. It is especially beneficial for content creators because it gives them something to share. 
Clan Roulette doesn't have that. the team composition is random and the boss is random. This means that players do not have full control over how their battle plays out. But consider this:
What happens when everyone gets an unkillable team for CB? What happens when everyone gets 2 royal guard? What happens when every player in the game simply follows the meta? only about 30 different champions will be used for all content in this game because that's the meta. Dozens to hundreds of champions that you max out now may become completely irrelevant or not worth using later. The ones who will win are the ones who can follow meta better than everyone else. 
Doesn't that sound hopelessly repetitive?
Clan Roulette will, without fail, offer a fresh and unique sense of excitement every single weekend. Clan Roulette has what this game currently lacks. It is a game-wide clan event/tournament that has an almost endless content variation. There can always be a new team composition, there can always be a new way to battle the boss, and there is always a chance to win.

May 29, 2020, 02:0205/29/20
May 29, 2020, 02:08(edited)

I think your idea was trash.

I think it didn't get rolling because other people saw it as trash as well.

When I look at your idea, All I can see is angry players cussing out the developers in discord.

I can see the Slow Mode Chat feature being set to on in discord.

A 5 min delay between replies.

Why do I think this?

Image spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on this game.

Image you are the type of person that falls in love with hobbies and Raid Shadow Legend just so happens to be your hobby.

You love your hobbies!

In fact, you are so committed & obsessed with your hobbies

You spend your time, money, & energy trying to be the best you can be in your hobby.

Image spending money on shards to get your most favorite champion Valkyrie.

Image joining the best teams in the game to get the best advice.

Image leveling your Valkyrie up to max level.

Image ascended your Valkyrie up to max level.

Image buying the best gears money can buy for your Valkyrie to be peek performance.

Your Valkyrie is so decked out it has over 7k Defense 

  • All Legendary Gears
  • All Perfect Rolls
  • Maxed out Skills
  • Maxed out Great Hall Bonuses

Your most prized hero is your beloved Valkyrie!

You decide to chose Valkyrie to represent you in the battle.


You get paired up with Little Joe Bob & his terrible Raiding Friends!

Little Joe Bob is a New F2P player only been playing for a week.

Little Joe Bob is rocking his level 50 Saurus!

Why is Little Joe Bob using the Uncommon hero named Saurus?

Someone told Little Joe Bob Saurus is a great Campaign Farmer!

And Guess What?

Little Joe Bob loves Lizards.

Using Saurus to represent him in this battle is a no brainer!


You get matched up with another team.

The shocker is the other team doesn't have any heavy hitters in it.

On turn 1 - Your whole team dies except your Valkyrie.

Its a 1 vs. 5 fight.

Normally, 1 vs. 5 would be an instant lose.


You begin making a come back.

You take out 3 of there heroes before you go down in a 1 hour fight.


Little Joe Bob starts freaking out.

Wooooooooooo Hooooooooo - I just got awesome rewards.

I knew picking my Saurus was the best option - Took out 3 of those enemy hero's.

He doesn't even realize his hero died with no damage done to enemies.

Little Joe Bob says this is the best event in his entire life.


Your first response isn't of Joy.

It is of total disgust.

It is of total anger.

Why are you disgusted & angry? Because 

  • You got paired up with a person who doesn't know what they are doing.
  • You got paired up with a person who has no ambition to be the best.
  • You got paired up with a person who is satisfied with mediocre rewards. You hunger for the best rewards
  • You got paired up with a person who isn't commitment. Your whole being is fully committed.

Financially committed - Emotionally committed

What do you think this above person I am talking about is going to do?

They are going to raise hell on the developers in discord.

That is what they will do.

And that is why I think your idea is trash.

You are creating a system which matches people with other people randomly.

You can't measure the traits of the people being matched.

There is nothing wrong with Little Joe Bob - He is merely a causal player that is care free.

The other person I am describing - He is a serious player that has an inner fire pushing him to be the best.

These types of people exist in the game.

These types of people exist in the world.

Thousands of people around the world share similar traits.

May 29, 2020, 03:0205/29/20

Player J said:

I think your idea was trash.

I think it didn't get rolling because other people saw it as trash as well.

When I look at your idea, All I can see is angry players cussing out the developers in discord.

I can see the Slow Mode Chat feature being set to on in discord.

A 5 min delay between replies.

Why do I think this?

Image spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on this game.

Image you are the type of person that falls in love with hobbies and Raid Shadow Legend just so happens to be your hobby.

You love your hobbies!

In fact, you are so committed & obsessed with your hobbies

You spend your time, money, & energy trying to be the best you can be in your hobby.

Why are you disgusted & angry? Because 

  • You got paired up with a person who doesn't know what they are doing.
  • You got paired up with a person who has no ambition to be the best.
  • You got paired up with a person who is satisfied with mediocre rewards. You hunger for the best rewards
  • You got paired up with a person who isn't commitment. Your whole being is fully committed.

Financially committed - Emotionally committed

What do you think this above person I am talking about is going to do?

They are going to raise hell on the developers in discord.

That is what they will do.

And that is why I think your idea is trash.

You are creating a system which matches people with other people randomly.

You can't measure the traits of the people being matched.

There is nothing wrong with Little Joe Bob - He is merely a causal player that is care free.

The other person I am describing - He is a serious player that has an inner fire pushing him to be the best.

These types of people exist in the game.

These types of people exist in the world.

Thousands of people around the world share similar traits.

that is a false equivalence. players who are participating in Clan Roulette are teamed with their clan members. players who care about their performance in this game beyond a certain extent will join a clan that has players of comparable experience in the game. players who don't care will not be bothered by having weaker clan members.

i specified that clan leaders have the ability to remove their clan member's champions from the roulette or ban certain clan members from participating in that weekend's roulette.

so the reasons why you think my idea is trash are entirely preventable, unlikely to happen in the first place, and even if it does happen it is unlikely to be a real issue. do you like my idea now?

May 29, 2020, 14:4105/29/20
May 29, 2020, 14:43(edited)

Jakomaru said:

that is a false equivalence. players who are participating in Clan Roulette are teamed with their clan members. players who care about their performance in this game beyond a certain extent will join a clan that has players of comparable experience in the game. players who don't care will not be bothered by having weaker clan members.

i specified that clan leaders have the ability to remove their clan member's champions from the roulette or ban certain clan members from participating in that weekend's roulette.

so the reasons why you think my idea is trash are entirely preventable, unlikely to happen in the first place, and even if it does happen it is unlikely to be a real issue. do you like my idea now?

I am merely addressing the Elephant in the Room.

I have played other games which had similar things to what you are saying.

This is why I didn't like your idea.

However, I am not on a Witch Hunt. 

I'm not trying to ruffle your feathers.

I'm just sharing my concerns.

You made the post in January.

I read the post in January.

I didn't respond..

I only responded now because you was wondering why it didn't blow up.

I think it has to do with the Match making Turmoil.

You seem so confident that the Leader is going to micro manage all of the battles.

And everything I am saying is entirely preventable.


I have heard car sales men tell me a similar story.

Everything is fine - Is what they tell you.

Working like a charm!

Soon as you turn your back - The front of the car caves in.

May 29, 2020, 21:1905/29/20

Player J said:

I am merely addressing the Elephant in the Room.

I have played other games which had similar things to what you are saying.

This is why I didn't like your idea.

However, I am not on a Witch Hunt. 

I'm not trying to ruffle your feathers.

I'm just sharing my concerns.

You made the post in January.

I read the post in January.

I didn't respond..

I only responded now because you was wondering why it didn't blow up.

I think it has to do with the Match making Turmoil.

You seem so confident that the Leader is going to micro manage all of the battles.

And everything I am saying is entirely preventable.


I have heard car sales men tell me a similar story.

Everything is fine - Is what they tell you.

Working like a charm!

Soon as you turn your back - The front of the car caves in.

that's fine. i don't mind discussing controversy or potential issues with the idea.

the thing is, players will be teaming up with their clan mates for Clan Roulette. that is how Clan Roulette has always been ever since i first posted this thread.

to be clear, the leader cannot micromanage all of the battles. the only thing that the leader can do is remove individual champions from the clan's roulette and ban specific clan members from participating in the current roulette.

think of it this way. for clan boss, clan members are expected to work together to take down the clan boss every single day for the 2x chests. a lot of clans would want players of a certain power level to use at least 3 keys per day.
that kind of management is much more difficult and time consuming than Clan Roulette.

i don't think that there will be major changes to how players approach clans if Clan Roulette is in the game. players will still choose to join a strong clan if they want a strong clan. players will still choose to leave a clan if they don't like the clan.

if you still have concerns for Clan Roulette, would you mind explaining it using a hypothetical?

Sep 28, 2020, 00:5409/28/20

This is the official unofficial re-pitching of Clan Roulette. I figured it's a good time since plarium seems to have a good deal of new staff on the Raid team. Perhaps now there is a much better chance of Clan Roulette being implemented.

I added a new section to the op titled "How Clan Roulette Benefits Raid, Plarium, Aristocrat, ETC". In there I explain various ways CR (Clan Roulette) provides benefits and I also explain some aspects of the work load that it will take to create and implement CR.

I also made various changes to some other parts of the OP to improve and modernize it.

Sep 28, 2020, 01:3409/28/20
Sep 28, 2020, 01:36(edited)

Jakomaru said:

to be clear, the leader cannot micromanage all of the battles. the only thing that the leader can do is remove individual champions from the clan's roulette and ban specific clan members from participating in the current roulette.

think of it this way. for clan boss, clan members are expected to work together to take down the clan boss every single day for the 2x chests. a lot of clans would want players of a certain power level to use at least 3 keys per day.
that kind of management is much more difficult and time consuming than Clan Roulette.

i don't think that there will be major changes to how players approach clans if Clan Roulette is in the game. players will still choose to join a strong clan if they want a strong clan. players will still choose to leave a clan if they don't like the clan.

if you still have concerns for Clan Roulette, would you mind explaining it using a hypothetical?

Unless the clan is for "ELITES" only, then most likely there will be weaker clan members, Little Joe Bob with Saurus, like me.  So does that mean I am banned from participating?  I don't think this ban will be taken very nicely.

So what happens when this portion of the weaker players are being banned from the participation?  Daily complains?

So in another word:  This idea is only for the people with the strongest champions builds?

Sep 28, 2020, 01:3609/28/20
My only problem with your idea is that Plarium has a hard time with match making.  Look at our current situation.  Unbeatable Lego teams in Bronze.  Otherwise, you have put a lot of thought into it and it has a lot of positives.  After all the problems with Arena, many players are pessimisstic.  Its a hard time to pitch a new idea, but keep trying. 
Sep 28, 2020, 02:0009/28/20
Sep 28, 2020, 07:48(edited)

T3 God said:

Jakomaru said:

to be clear, the leader cannot micromanage all of the battles. the only thing that the leader can do is remove individual champions from the clan's roulette and ban specific clan members from participating in the current roulette.

think of it this way. for clan boss, clan members are expected to work together to take down the clan boss every single day for the 2x chests. a lot of clans would want players of a certain power level to use at least 3 keys per day.
that kind of management is much more difficult and time consuming than Clan Roulette.

i don't think that there will be major changes to how players approach clans if Clan Roulette is in the game. players will still choose to join a strong clan if they want a strong clan. players will still choose to leave a clan if they don't like the clan.

if you still have concerns for Clan Roulette, would you mind explaining it using a hypothetical?

Unless the clan is for "ELITES" only, then most likely there will be weaker clan members, Little Joe Bob with Saurus, like me.  So does that mean I am banned from participating?  I don't think this ban will be taken very nicely.

So what happens when this portion of the weaker players are being banned from the participation?  Daily complains?

So in another word:  This idea is only for the people with the strongest champions builds?


whether you get banned from that weekend's participation or not will depend entirely on your clan leader. it's very similar to clan leaders who kick weak members for having low CB damage, but no one really complains about that, and most clan leaders don't do that unless the player is extremely new.

if players don't like their clan leader or their clan leader is abusive, the best way to handle that is to leave the clan.

plarium should not dictate how clans are managed and Clan Roulette does not need to do that either.


as i explained in the Clan Roulette Tournament & Rewards section in the OP, each clan will have its own tournament bracket and rewards. even if the clan performs terribly compared to all other clans, they will still be rewarded within their own clan bracket. 

those rewards are based on the amount of teams that are participating. there are a total of 6 teams so there are 6 tier rewards within each clan. each team that does not participate will prevent the clan from attaining higher tier rewards. for example if only 5 teams are participating, they cannot claim the tier 1 reward chest within their clan bracket (only tier 2-6). that alone is incentive to have a full 6 team participation.