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Need your help and knowlwdge please

Need your help and knowlwdge please

Jan 27, 2020, 19:3101/27/20

Need your help and knowlwdge please

I am a mid game player i think. I got a new few champs, but i can only book and lvl 1 to 60 so please help me, because some of you play the champions self.

My lvl 60 champs:

dutchess lilitu.....fully booked


royal guard


zargala..............fully booked

bellower............fully booked

coldheart...........fully booked

So i got last 2 month a few champs: juliana, aothar, steelskull, peydma, psylar, frostbringer, apothecary (is lvl 50 full ascended and masteries), royal guard, zargala, i forget bystophus (legi) but he isnt worth it i think

Which one you would lvl up to 60? And i have only 13 books left.

My favourite would be steelskull but he need all my books to be playable. I know i need to book jareg for clanboss...he would be the next one.

But you have more knowledge than me....what would in ur opinion be the best choice for me to lvl and book up. My focus is more on dungeons then on clanboss.

Thx for ur help!!!

Jan 28, 2020, 00:3701/28/20


I think you should focus on your clan boss team: Jareg, Steelskull, Septimus, Apothecary and Zargala (or Rhazin, if you can fuse him).

I'd say Rhazin as first 60 (same for the books), but if you can't fuse him, Septimus then (he doesn't need books).

Jan 28, 2020, 20:0301/28/20

Thx for ur answer.....i waiting for spikhead (think was his name) since 1 month to fuse razin. Is steelskull good in dungeons too? i saw he is not bad at spider and ice golem i heard. But i think he need to be fully booked because i use him one time at clanboss and he was useless because nearly no poison landed and the shield i have from jareg. At moment i have dutchess in my clanbossteam...i have her everywhere and the shield and increase attack is also not bad.

if i can fuse razin its ofc my next lvl 60 champ...but at moment i think steelskull is my best choice, or would u prefer peydma, juliana or psylar?

Thx all for ur help!
Jan 28, 2020, 20:3201/28/20

Hey hey

I agree with Valdys suggestion, but wanted to add to it and give some reasoning to it, Clan boss is a great place to really focus as this part of the game can well and truly reward you daily, at the higher end of clan boss you can get scared's and legendary tomes.

Steelskull is decent as is well-rounded support, which also provides poison damage.

I would suggest that you choose to focus on 1 part of the game and go for it, generally as you get stronger a lot of the other parts will progress as well, as this can change what champ you're focusing on.

Generally with questions such as "what champ should I 6 star next?" I would then ask "What part of the game are you choosing to do" and "what do you need for clan boss".

Just a quick checklist for clan boss mechanics you need (basics and not limited to)

1. Decease attack debuff

2. Poisoner

3. Weaken debuff

4. Decease Armor debuff

5. Healing

there are definitely other things then what I have said above you need to work on but I was going over the bare-bone basics.

many thanks and good luck

Jan 28, 2020, 20:4701/28/20

So thx for ur tipps.

i think i will go for steelskull....i know what a good clanbossteam should have, my problem was is steelskull worth the books or another champ of my list, because i think i will take 2 months to book another epic champ when my books are gone, and steelskull need it to be playable.

thats why i asked if he is good in some dungeons too.

But i agree totally with u all thx. My problem was clanboss was impossible for me to play on my tablet, because there where so many laggs and one fight was ca. 30 min on normal. Thats why i played no clanboss in the first 3 months and had no focus on heroes on it. But since i can play it on my pc it runs well. and i think royal guard dont need books (in future i want lvl up my second rg too). Would u not invest in juliana or aothar? because i have no other poisoner. Is steelkulls poison fully booked enough? and i have no counter-attacker.....scullcrusher or many legis dont likeme :-)

I know i ask a lot, but many of u have more experience than me. Thx valdys and kiwimcsheep
Jan 28, 2020, 20:5001/28/20
And i think for clanboss i need to reequip my septimus...was my first legi and i used him everywhere. but at moment i have him in arena and some dungeons and he is equipped for damage....i think in future i will only use him at clanboss, but i think then my focus is only on accuracy and not on that right?