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A paradox with Paradox?

A paradox with Paradox?

Jan 27, 2020, 19:1001/27/20

A paradox with Paradox?

anyone else think specialties should have some sort of balance?

Champ Paragon has a specialty which grants an unkillable buff for 2 turns with a cooldown of 4 turns. after upgrading skills his cooldown drops to 2 turns. so essentially he picks up an unkillable buff as soon as his current one expires, making him impossible to kill.

the only way i can think of killing him in this scenario is with a stun or freeze, forcing him to give up a turn and the opportunity to re-use his unkillable buff.

is this the direction the game is going? you will need a specific ability to kill certain champs? and unless you have that specific skill you cannot do anything? A reply from plarium rep would be appreciated, If this is the direction of the game i'll make an exit promptly before spending any more money on game. I am fairly new so I rather know this now than later. Instead of waiting to find out i need to chase specific abilities in order to battle specific champions. 

here is what i mean, sorry in advance for any language due to frustration:

Jan 28, 2020, 00:2701/28/20
You can remove his unkillable with champions who removes buffs, one of them is Conquerer and he is available in the campaign.
Jan 28, 2020, 02:4501/28/20
Don't give up on a Paragon. This makes the game more fun, strategize and obtain a certain champion that you need.
Jan 28, 2020, 04:4501/28/20
Jan 28, 2020, 05:35(edited)

Valdys said:

You can remove his unkillable with champions who removes buffs, one of them is Conquerer and he is available in the campaign.

yea just my point. why should i require a specific skill to battle a champ? that makes no sense. whos to say i even have one of those champs? since summoning champs is random. so now its not enough that i have geared up my champs for battle, they either have to be the correct champ or posses a specific skill? does that sound reasonable to you? does that sound at all like balance?

lets consider stun as the solution. what if i didnt setup my champions to use those types of debuffs? now i have to pay to change my artifacts depending on what champ i will be fighting because he requires a specific skill in order to kill him? and lets say i just happen to have a champ with that artifact set. whos to say he wouldnt have died in battle earlier? or lets say he made it. now each shot has a what 15% chance to stun? 15% does not mean it will happen 15 times out of a hundred. it means on average it will happen 15 out of 100. what that means is it can also happen once or 0 out of 1000. because its based on random. likely for 15% a random number is generated between 0 and 99, where number is less than 15. so out of 100 tries, it can still be 0 (number can be greater than 14) . and to complicate it, it is 15% EACH time. not combined. does that sound reasonable and balanced?

so now in your scenario, of using a specific champ. i have to just happen to obtain one of those specific champs. otherwise everyone else is useless? do you realize the chances of summoning specific chances are very low. and each draw is a brand new random draw. out of 8 yellow shards, 20 purple and 30 blue - how many legendaries you think i have? 0! NONE! i got some epics, about 4 of them were double or triple and the rest rare. i have done campaign several times over. I am working on last 3 castles to 3 star brutal and i am on second castle in nightmare. I have not obtained EVERY SINGLE prize that can be randomly received from the campaign, because it is random. does that sound reasonable or balanced?

lets assume i had the same champ on my team. and he was the last survivor. who wins the battle? hmmmmmm.... does that sound reasonable and balanced?

there's what 500 champs in the game? and now i have to start remembering which champs require a skill or champ i may or may not have?

if this were a stage boss, then that might be reasonable. unorthodox, but maybe within some strange logic as a challenge. not against other champs and not against another player.

in Suggestions that will not be iplemented it specifically stated that being able to swap artifacts for the sake of having a better opportunity to beat an opponent is a reason to charge for artifact swapping. as a way to deter that behavior as to keep the game balanced. And now you're trying to tell me that i have to pay up to swap artifacts or go on a frenzy to try and obtain specific champions in order to play? 

so what happens when the list of champs goes from 500 to 1000 and 200 of them require a specific champ or skill to beat them? how is randomness going to work then? and who's going to memorize all that?

so i appreciate you taking the time to answer. judging from the other response, others actually want this odd logic. I guess he would probably appreciate the Infinite arena battle. I see these situations as undesirable behavior. But to each their own I guess. Glad i learned this before i spent too much. I wouldve surely been pissed.

Good luck with your game.
Jan 28, 2020, 11:0201/28/20

Because this game gives an utility to every champions, they're not just food.

Every dungeons requires different types of skills, so you have to collect more heroes to complete them... it's impossible "finishing" the game with only 5 champions.

And that's why we have faction wars and so many activities. 
Jan 28, 2020, 17:4501/28/20

Valdys said:

Because this game gives an utility to every champions, they're not just food.

Every dungeons requires different types of skills, so you have to collect more heroes to complete them... it's impossible "finishing" the game with only 5 champions.

And that's why we have faction wars and so many activities. 

im not sure what you are talking about. it seems you are answering a completely different conversation.

I never said you should be able beat the game with 4 specific champions. I never said i only have 4 champions. I was not talking about how to beat dungeons. And I was not talking about faction wars. either you are in a different conversation , or you are putting words in my mouth.

i dont use these champs for Fire Knight, and i dont use them for spider. And i cant use them for faction. I was at stage 11 in Fire Knight, 9 in Spider and 1 stage after 1st boss in Dark Elf Faction, stage 4 in High Elf Faction - and i dont remember the others. So i'm not sure what point you were trying to make or what you were trying to imply.

the conversation was about an arena battle and what seems to be unbalanced champ dynamics. And judging by your response, what i was trying to explain went over your head. You didnt understand my point, nor even the topic for that matter.

does not matter. the game is uninstalled, you can safely close and lock this post.

i simply thought the game was different. this is not what i thought nor what i am looking for in a game. the videos are closed to public but accessible via links for historical purposes.

Jan 28, 2020, 18:2601/28/20

v3nd3tt4 said:

Valdys said:

Because this game gives an utility to every champions, they're not just food.

Every dungeons requires different types of skills, so you have to collect more heroes to complete them... it's impossible "finishing" the game with only 5 champions.

And that's why we have faction wars and so many activities. 

im not sure what you are talking about. it seems you are answering a completely different conversation.

I never said you should be able beat the game with 4 specific champions. I never said i only have 4 champions. I was not talking about how to beat dungeons. And I was not talking about faction wars. either you are in a different conversation , or you are putting words in my mouth.

i dont use these champs for Fire Knight, and i dont use them for spider. And i cant use them for faction. I was at stage 11 in Fire Knight, 9 in Spider and 1 stage after 1st boss in Dark Elf Faction, stage 4 in High Elf Faction - and i dont remember the others. So i'm not sure what point you were trying to make or what you were trying to imply.

the conversation was about an arena battle and what seems to be unbalanced champ dynamics. And judging by your response, what i was trying to explain went over your head. You didnt understand my point, nor even the topic for that matter.

does not matter. the game is uninstalled, you can safely close and lock this post.

i simply thought the game was different. this is not what i thought nor what i am looking for in a game. the videos are closed to public but accessible via links for historical purposes.

I said you didn't understand the game and you don't want to understand my response. 

I said that every champion has a particular utility, specific champions can face other specific champions.

For example: you see a Reinbeast in the arena and you decide to press "battle", but she heals the allies or himself every turn and you can't win... then you need a champion with heal reduction.

This is why this game has more than 400 heroes and people don't use only 10 of them. 

Jan 28, 2020, 21:4201/28/20
Jan 28, 2020, 21:49(edited)

V3nd3tt4 wrote: Anyone else think specialties should have some sort of balance?

Your question is spoken from a person who lacks understanding.

What you don't understand is Paragon is balanced.

Paragon can only place multiple unkillable buffs under specific circumstances.

Paragon only places 1 unkillable buff on a single target.

If you run a team of 4 heroes, Paragon doesn't place the buff on himself!

Paragon will place the buff on 1 of his allies.

This means in order for Paragon to even be able to put an unkillable buff on himself.

You can't have any allies in the fight.

You virtually have to put yourself into a handicap with only 1 hero vs. rival team of 4.

Furthermore, Paragon can be countered several different ways.

  1. You can nuke him down before he even gets a turn.
  2. You can stun him
  3. You can provoke him
  4. You can freeze him
  5. You can remove his unkillable buff
  6. You can steal his unkillable buff
  7. You can block his unkillable buff

Raid Shadow Legends is a strategy game.

If every hero is exactly the same, There is no strategy.

You have to have heroes with unique kits which force players to think up/use different counters.

If you don't, The game is no longer a strategy game.

The diversity among the champions is what makes the game fun.

You said it yourself

You said the way to counter Paragon was with stun or freeze.

You knew how to counter him.

You chose not to use the heroes in your Arena Line up which gave you the best chance of success.

You lost the match because you didn't implement your strategy.

Which ultimate comes down to the final point, I wish to make.

If you didn't want to give yourself the best chance of success vs. the rival Paragon.

Why did you chose to accept the fight?

No one is forcing you to do the fight in arena.

You chose to do the fight - You could have refreshed your list and fought someone else.

You knowing went into the fight fully aware that you didn't have the right counter.

So the person to blame is yourself

Jan 28, 2020, 21:5501/28/20

Player J said:

Furthermore, Paragon can be countered several different ways.

  1. You can nuke him down before he even gets a turn.
  2. You can stun him
  3. You can provoke him
  4. You can freeze him
  5. You can remove his unkillable buff
  6. You can steal his unkillable buff
  7. You can block his unkillable buff

Raid Shadow Legends is a strategy game.

If every hero is exactly the same, There is no strategy.

You have to have heroes with unique kits which force players to think up/use different counters.

If you don't, The game is no longer a strategy game.

The diversity among the champions is what makes the game fun

100% agree. Myself also, when firstly met Paragon I asked myself if there is not a problem, but this "unkillable" thing  is very easy countered (above). Just find the suitable champion in your storage, this makes them feel needed 

Jan 28, 2020, 23:3901/28/20
Um, I think every champ has specific skills.  And every specific skill has a counter.  I don't get your argument at all. YOU DO NEED specific skills all over the place in this game.
Jan 29, 2020, 01:1001/29/20

The part of Paragon that annoys me most is the intentional AI nerf.

In Faction Wars, when you encounter Paragon, he will effectively render himself unkillable by refreshing the buff every time he is able to.  Yes, it can be countered, but that's not my problem...

My problem is that while his AI when you encounter him uses the ability effectively, when you own him personally and turn on the auto-battle for him, he doesn't refresh the unkillable buff on himself when the cooldown runs out!!! 

Since the AI opponent does it, this was clearly an intentional AI nerf, and extremely annoying.  His AI should work for us just as effectively as it does when encountering him.