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Suggestion : to avoid the clan boss key loosing

Suggestion : to avoid the clan boss key loosing

Jan 26, 2020, 16:2001/26/20

Suggestion : to avoid the clan boss key loosing

Aloha ! 

We all know that sometimes the game is not stable and crushes from time to time.

For me it happens rather often when I go to the clan boss section after having played some dungeons or arena. My guess it's related to the lack of available memory on the phone but I can be wrong - anyway this can be a challenge to prevent the game from crushes totally and it's understandable. 

What is the most frustrating in this story is to loose every time the clan boss key. And here I have a question-suggestion: 

Why don't you just register the clan boss key consuming under the same transaction that a clan boss battle result??? In other words, you need to remove the key not before the battle, but after it, at the moment when you register the result of the battle

Please do it, I don't think this is too hard to change,  and I assure you, many people will be grateful !


Jan 26, 2020, 20:5401/26/20


Thanks for your suggestion. I'd like this too, but I think that the clan boss key has usually consumed before the battle because all the players would close the app brutally every time they see something wrong and they would restart it like 30 times, until they see the right battle.

Just imagine a "resisted" > close the app > restart the battle. 
Jan 27, 2020, 18:1501/27/20

Valdys said:


Thanks for your suggestion. I'd like this too, but I think that the clan boss key has usually consumed before the battle because all the players would close the app brutally every time they see something wrong and they would restart it like 30 times, until they see the right battle.

Just imagine a "resisted" > close the app > restart the battle. 

Hi Valdys,

Thank you for the answer.

Well, even we can debate on the "pro" and "contra" of this approach, I see the logic and I have my answer "why".

Then I have another suggestion :) It's a little more complicated but still rather easy doable in my opinion: 

  • When the battle starts and key is consumed, save somewhere locally the flag or data about the event(in memory or whatever)
  • When battle finishes correctly, remove this data
  • When battle crashes and you show the "send feedback" dialog - send the mentioned data and reimburse the key. You can put even some more or less complicated algorithm on crash type/reason  to prevent reimbursement on user manual restarts

What do you think?
Jan 28, 2020, 00:2001/28/20
It would be the same thing because you can disable your connection and it would result as an error with the server.
Jan 28, 2020, 03:0001/28/20

I think the proper solution is when your game crash or force closed,  when you re-login there should be a pop up that will ask you to re-join/continue previous battle. If you cancel, you will not be able to continue again and will lost the key/energy of the previous battle. And if you continue, it will go back on the battle with the current status before  you crashed. 

The problem that I see here is the amount of data that will be flooding the server, if every second of the battle of every player is being recorded in the server. If the data is saved on our device or pc, hackers may find a way to manipulate the data before the battle is finished.

Jan 28, 2020, 21:3501/28/20
Jan 28, 2020, 21:40(edited)

JoinME said:

I think the proper solution is when your game crash or force closed,  when you re-login there should be a pop up that will ask you to re-join/continue previous battle. If you cancel, you will not be able to continue again and will lost the key/energy of the previous battle. And if you continue, it will go back on the battle with the current status before  you crashed. 

The problem that I see here is the amount of data that will be flooding the server, if every second of the battle of every player is being recorded in the server. If the data is saved on our device or pc, hackers may find a way to manipulate the data before the battle is finished.

I don't think it's possible to retake the battle exactly at the same point as it was crashed or force closed, battle current status is in memory and after the crush it can not be recovered.

But  regarding the Valdys's comment, 

It would be the same thing because you can disable your connection and it would result as an error with the server.

In my experience, I never never lost the key due to the connection issue, normally I retried,  (press continue on the popup)  after re-connection,   and the battle was still saved. 

So if on the server side when recover information is sent with request to reimburse the key, we can just ignore such "connection lost" or other suspicious "crushes"  (this is a part of the my 3d bullet point)- I believe this will still fix the majority of key lost.

Jan 29, 2020, 18:1301/29/20

In my opinion, the solution is when the game crash or force closed, the battle will continue as an auto mode. I do not know the game's system can fit with my solution or not, but I know that the system can get a result of a battle immediately if the battle is auto mode.

Jan 29, 2020, 22:4501/29/20
Jan 30, 2020, 14:59(edited)
tranminhnhut1986 said:

In my opinion, the solution is when the game crash or force closed, the battle will continue as an auto mode. I do not know the game's system can fit with my solution or not, but I know that the system can get a result of a battle immediately if the battle is auto mode.

Well, no, this couldn't be possible. :/
Jan 30, 2020, 06:1001/30/20
it's not available memory for sure, happens to me frequently as well and I dont think i max my ram out, even with ZRAM enabled. 
Jan 30, 2020, 06:1101/30/20
try getting a logcat after the crash, that might give a better idea of what might be going on. Actually I didn't think if doing that until now ha.. 
Jan 30, 2020, 15:0901/30/20

GWARslave119 said:

try getting a logcat after the crash, that might give a better idea of what might be going on. Actually I didn't think if doing that until now ha.. 


I don't think this could work because I'm not sure if it's possible to determine how game crashes... the reasons can be many (device, connection, manual crash...), how can we say it's not Plarium fault?

I'm not a developer, so I don't know so much about this, I really want to help you all, but it's not easy.