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Plarium, please tell us your findings from the ingame fault reporter.

Plarium, please tell us your findings from the ingame fault reporter.

Jan 21, 2020, 12:0601/21/20

Plarium, please tell us your findings from the ingame fault reporter.

We all know that you will have huge amounts of information from the community sending the ingame report for freezes and crashes.

Why have you told us nothing about the information you have been receiving?

What are the most common reasons for these crashes and freezes?
Jan 21, 2020, 15:3501/21/20
Be patient, pls, devs are fixing it.
Jan 21, 2020, 17:0801/21/20

Patient, are you serious? This has been going on for six months.You did not even answer my question.

What are the reasons for the problems?

Jan 21, 2020, 17:5801/21/20

Calm down.

Sometimes it's just server instability, but  most of the time it depends on the players' devices. Developers are trying to optimize the game even for those who have problems with their devices, but it takes time. Obviously what you are doing will not speed up the process.

Jan 21, 2020, 19:2301/21/20

Not trying to be difficult. Apologies if it appears that way.

It would be good for Plarium to acknowledge the issues we are having. So many people are having these issues. My clan are losing xb keys far too often, myself included. When a key is lost or a battle lost in dungeons those keys and energy should be replaced as the proof is given in the report about the crash/freeze.

It is becoming tiresome and frustrating and Plarium are not helping matters by not giving back what is being taken away. They should make the players aware of what they are doing and how close they are to fixing the issues.

Doing everything in secrecy whilst these issues persist just leaves us all with feelings of no confidence.

Please ask them to let us all know the stage they are at. Thankyou.

Jan 24, 2020, 06:1001/24/20

I too continue to lose clan keys. These are expensive to buy and should be replaced within 24 hours. Shards are also wasted and champions lost as they come thru the portal. Or in this case, they dont make it thru. Luckily have not lost a scared, but 4 void and 6 ancient to date. The freezes occur on my desktop, tablet or phone so hardware isnt the issue. I have strong 5g wireless internet. Nothing else I run ever freezes. 

I enjoy raid and often pay for the packages offered to enhance my play, but the loses are outweighing the fun and money lost is always a pain in the rear. Will stop playing if not addressed by Plarium. 
Jan 24, 2020, 11:3501/24/20

We can't refund energy or cb keys.