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Raid Shadow Legends: Story

Raid Shadow Legends: Story

Jan 19, 2020, 19:0101/19/20

Raid Shadow Legends: Story

Preface, I've been playing 6 weeks, beat the campaign, signed up because of the clever advertising and stuck around because I'm a big fantasy\mythical creature\vampire fan and team turn based combat is my jam. In doing my ad homework, apparently there was a script given to YouTube channels to promote the game and part of that script was "great story". I don't see it. A point A to point B generic "our heroes travel East..." after 10 rounds with no dialogue or text isn't quite a "great story". When I started up the game there was voice work that was fun and an interesting exchange with a dragon and you meet this mysterious guide who only pops up when you beat the campaign again. By the time I completed the campaign I had forgotten this benefactor even existed because they were irrelevant.

If there's no plans for a story, just don't advertise there is one. It's not a big enough of a buzz word for sales and if you don't follow Bioware's creed in your game design that story is a pillar of the core gaming experience, then just leave everything as is call it what it is. I don't know the ties to the advertising engine, so apologies if the left hand and the right hand are independent.

If there is plans for a story, or lore buff, it could go a long way to adding flavor to the characters since they have no history (that I can find). In fairness, characters are gained at random and there isn't a monetary means to get a favorite. I love vampires, I don't have any. My fan boy dollars go to another game where I have history with the characters and when they release a femme fatale that game gets 40-100 dollars out of my paycheck that month so I can acquire and rank them up. That game and company are doing pretty well with profit margins when I did my homework. Story gives your characters that selling point. Are they serious? Sarcastic? Is there a reason I need two characters to get a skill to go off? I see the hooks, and hope the game embraces it's setting. Right now my only real compulsion is to figure out why there's an Ultimate Galek and an Undead Anthel. Am I missing the Epic rank other starter toons somewhere? What's the reasoning behind them existing at all? I hope to find out with meaningful content updates or for somebody to say "Hey buddy, all that stuff is over here in the tab you're too blind to see".
Jan 20, 2020, 10:1401/20/20


Thanks for your feedback, I'll send it to the devs.