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Chance of finding a legendary champion increased by 10 times didn't work..

Chance of finding a legendary champion increased by 10 times didn't work..

Jan 16, 2020, 22:2001/16/20

Chance of finding a legendary champion increased by 10 times didn't work..

Hi everyone, I just wanted to share my frustration for having found 3 legendary heroes from ancient and sacred shards tonight, but without having found Duchess Lilitu, despite the increased chances.

At this point I am very curious about the standard odds of finding each legendary hero. Is there any way to know these values?

Thanks for your attention, greetings from your lucky but very sad sicilian friend.

Jan 17, 2020, 01:3701/17/20

So, I think there are like 80 legs in the game.  You have a 6% chance of pulling one of them.  Now that you have pulled one, there is a one in 80 chance for any particular one.

Now, I'm not positive, but during this event you just add 9 to the pool.  So you have a 10 in 89 chance of pulling Duchess.  It's like rolling an 89 sided die (if it existed) and getting 10 or less.

Your odds were not great or even good.   Just better.  I didn't open any shards, I only open shards during double odds events.

If you don't mind me asking, how many shards did you open?
Jan 17, 2020, 06:4301/17/20

I was lucky, 55 ancient and 6 sacred.

I already decided that I will never never never do it again without 2x chances.
Jan 17, 2020, 08:4501/17/20

Ciao, Gabriele, mi permetto di risponderti in italiano.

Capisco la tua frustrazione, anch'io ho aperto non poche schegge e, non solo non ho droppato Duchess Lilitu (Lily per gli amici), ma non ho beccato neanche epici decenti. La mia, come la tua, è la solita sfortuna inevitabile... 

Purtroppo no, non si possono sapere i drop rate di ogni singolo eroe, ma dovrebbero essere tutti sullo stesso piano. Certo, a te è capitato di droppare altri 3 leggendari che non fossero lei, ma questo non implica che il x10 non funzioni (quindi direi che il titolo di questo topic sia fuorviante). È un x10, non un 100%, quindi non è garantito quel determinato leggendario ogni volta che ottieni un leggendario durante l'evento.

Per qualsiasi altro dubbio, scrivimi pure in privato qui o su discord: Valdys#9897
Jan 17, 2020, 10:0401/17/20
Sorry, but can't find news about Lilitu drop event... It's not for today must be? 01.17?
Jan 17, 2020, 11:2301/17/20
Muniss said:

Sorry, but can't find news about Lilitu drop event... It's not for today must be? 01.17?
it ended this morning 
Jan 17, 2020, 13:3401/17/20
Haha in this cas
Jan 17, 2020, 13:3601/17/20
Case I'm saved my shards:) but im this champion would be super for me:(