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Unkillable nerf is a bad move

Unkillable nerf is a bad move

Jan 14, 2020, 22:4301/14/20

Unkillable nerf is a bad move

I can tell half of my guild will quit after this unkillable 50 turn nerf.

Most of them spent anywhere from $200-1000++ just to set up everything right, couple of them bought all void packs available on x 2 event just to get the maneater, and one of them still don't got it with over 65+ shards.  Let me tell you its not ez for all these dolphins who only allowed to spent couple hundred bucks a month, you are letting them down completely.  Even tho they only spent few hundreds monthly but collectively that's few millions for you plariums per month, u do not want to chase them away.

What's next for you to do?  Try to get whales like me who have 321+ speed unm team that can still 1 key cb?  

We are ur paying customers treat us with rewards and respect instead of making us regret and angry when spending money, one day when you realized none of us around anymore it will be too late.  Channel ur focus on improving the game not on how efficiently u can fk ur players patch after patch, event after event.

What will "unkillable" be called if you can just one shot kill after patch?