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My 2 Cents

My 2 Cents

Jan 14, 2020, 20:2901/14/20

My 2 Cents

I read allot on the forums and post a little about all kinds of topics. Lately it seems there is a large rift between the F2P and the P2W sides and I want to show maybe a more neutral side of all this and spark maybe some understanding from both sides. I will start with the F2P side first


I understand your frustration and anger at the way some thing are going and how some things are playing out. I see how unfair it seems when a change comes along that totally upsets the way you play the game or even changes how your teams play (currently the tormin and unkillable issues). Keep in mind though that the F2P is a slow grind because we are playing at the pace of the game, take time to play not just 1 day or 2. Play a few weeks, remember your pull chances are just as good as any other if they are pay to win or free to play. Research a few starter guides test the waters.  Try to remember that the devs are trying to keep both sides of the fence as happy as possible and still make a profit. They wrote this game to profit and thus that is the ultimate goal. Everything in the game is available to you, it may take time to achieve but it is achievable. If you need to leave the game because something feels unfair that's fine I encourage you to do what you think is right. The best thing for the devs to improve the game is truly productive criticism not the "I hate your game you money grabbers" attitude.


In this game I think that the Pay to Win idea is false. I feel its more of a Pay for faster advancement. I feel this is a genuinely accurate way to put the game for paying players. While yes you have a greater odds of getting better champs, gear etc because we buy bundles the chances are still the same per crystal or per artifact drop to get what we are looking for, we just can do it more often. I also understand the absolute frustration with the changes for pay players as we feel it's a betrayal of the work and many in many cases the money we put into it. (again Tormin and Unkillable issues). Remember that even though we pay to play the devs need to maintain balance. Sometimes this is a champ balance, sometimes this is a nerf or change in a way a game is played. I don't feel this is always bad, not favorable at times yes but not always bad. Just like I stated above they wrote this game to profit and thus that is the ultimate goal. To meet this goal changes are needed, be understanding and if you decide that you want to leave the game that's ok, it just was not for you. If you want to leave genuinely constructive criticism that's fine and encuraged.

My 2 Cents:

I see both sides as I consider myself a dolphin when it comes to this game. I have spent some when I feel its a good deal. I spend allot of time researching, studying and testing new things within the boundaries of what I have set. I enjoy reading the debates as it sparks conversation and Ideas others have not had before. I also understand that my chances when I pay are just as good as when I don't to pull what I want. I don't get upset, irritated yes but I don't run and bash game to vent my frustration. I turn and focus on 1 thing, right now its CB. I also noticed the monitors and the devs seem to respond to the comments that are more positive and constructive. So I implore everyone that plays to be constructive as I do feel that this will be the best way to get what we want and need in this game.

Jan 15, 2020, 01:3101/15/20
Excellent post!