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Suggestions: what to do with Yannica

Suggestions: what to do with Yannica

Jan 12, 2020, 14:4901/12/20

Suggestions: what to do with Yannica

So I've been playing for the better part of a year, and I'm doing pretty well, and loving the game, BUT I've not had much luck with legendaries. I've had a grand total of two, and one of those is Drexthar, and no complaints there, and the second is... Yannica.

She needs no introduction here. She's widely described as the worst legendary there is. FWIW she's still a legendary, and she's nearly all I have, so mine is at level 60, with maxed out masteries, and level 16 on 5/6 star artefacts and she's pretty punchy now, and to my surprise, she's not terrible on the clan boss (since her Leech debuff works with Giant Slayer and Warmaster, meaning that she keeps everyone alive longer).

Now I've also read a notice that she's due to be buffed in the next update? Hooray! 

But how? 

Her biggest problem seems to me that pretty much everything that is good about her is weird or conditional. 

A1: Attacks two (and specifically two opponents – is this unique?) and has a 50% chance of applying a Leech debuff.

Why only 50%? Why two opponents? Why not two hits at random or two hits on one opponent?


EITHER make it target all opponents 

OR make the Leech debuff 100%.

A2: hits super hard, applies Perfect Veil to Yannica on a critical. 

Damage is fine on this. My Yannica, who isn't the toughest, regularly drops 50 or 60k on opponents. But Why only on a critical? Plenty of Veil champs don't have that restriction - look at Duchess Lilitu who resurrects everyone else, Perfect Veils AND buffs. 


Just make the Perfect Veil automatic. 

A3: Nukes everyone on the other side, reduces max HP by a teensy bit


Well, this isn't horrendous. But it's not really in synergy with anything else she does. Maybe have another debuff applied, like Reduce Def, if the opponent already has a Leech debuff? I don't know. 

The thing about synergy is the problem, I think. She's not designed to be good against any specific type of opponen. Whisper is made to rock the Clan Boss, for instance. Dark Athel has a specific power that's supposed to kill Spiderlings. 

But Yannica has powers that only work some of the time and aren't designed to hurt any specific opponent. 

I'm not expecting my suggestions to be adopted, but if she's getting buffed, can we have her focused on something? Because if she's going to work, she needs to be designed for something. 

Jan 13, 2020, 02:4001/13/20
She's on the list for the next rebalancing. :)
Feb 13, 2020, 12:5602/13/20

Hi Arcanaphus,

now she got slightly buffed, I would be interested to hear, how your maxed out Yannica is doing now after the slight buff. I still have the feeling she has pretty meh multipliers for an attack legendary champ.