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Do bombs scale off attack?

Do bombs scale off attack?

Jan 12, 2020, 00:1701/12/20

Do bombs scale off attack?

Just wanted to make sure that for champions that use bombs, the damage is based purely off attack, right?  I have a Souldrinker and wanted to try him out in an arena composition.  I am thinking I would want to load him up with as much accuracy and attack as possible to maximize his bomb damage, correct?

Also, is the diminishing returns for bombs comparable to regular attacks, where after about 4k, the increase tends to drop off significantly, or does bomb damage scale differently?

Lastly, do any of the offense masteries increase the damage from bombs?
Jan 13, 2020, 00:5701/13/20
Jan 13, 2020, 00:59(edited)

This is what the skill description says for the Bomb Debuff.

Soul Drinker skills scale off Attack.

So according to the Debuff list, you would need attack.

The problem is the aftermath!

I own SoulDrinker as well.

I didn't build my Souldrinker because I can't think up a way to get him to work.

Soul Drinker does a Bomb which detonates in 3 turns.

The problem is keeping Soul Drinker alive for 3 turns. lol

How does a person keep him alive long enough for his bombs to go off?

Maybe, if you have Warmother, You can instant detonate the Bombs.

I don't have Warmother so I can't seem to think up a way to get him to live long enough for his bombs to explode. lol

SoulDrinker has very low defense 800-ish.

I feel like the fight might end before the enemy even has a chance to explode.

Jan 13, 2020, 02:5501/13/20

I dont think you need HIM to be alive in order for the bombs to detonate. You may want him to be dead after he puts his bombs so he can put another 2 bombs. That is what i understand from his passive. If you dont have war mother it is hard to set up a bomb team in arena. 

Player J said:

This is what the skill description says for the Bomb Debuff.

Soul Drinker skills scale off Attack.

So according to the Debuff list, you would need attack.

The problem is the aftermath!

I own SoulDrinker as well.

I didn't build my Souldrinker because I can't think up a way to get him to work.

Soul Drinker does a Bomb which detonates in 3 turns.

The problem is keeping Soul Drinker alive for 3 turns. lol

How does a person keep him alive long enough for his bombs to go off?

Maybe, if you have Warmother, You can instant detonate the Bombs.

I don't have Warmother so I can't seem to think up a way to get him to live long enough for his bombs to explode. lol

SoulDrinker has very low defense 800-ish.

I feel like the fight might end before the enemy even has a chance to explode.


Mar 21, 2021, 16:5303/21/21
Mar 21, 2021, 17:06(edited)

Then again I have got a bad epic chamion 👎

just got Souldrinker , i think use him for food.

Mar 21, 2021, 18:1403/21/21

The champ that placed the bomb definetly does not have to be alive for the bomb exploding. If it would be like that, Souldrinker's passive would be quite useless.

Of course you need a team composition that makes the whole fight last long enough for his bombs to detonate (ONE champ of your team has to be alive, otherwise the fight is over).

I don't have a Souldrinker. I see him sometimes in Arena teams paired with champs that are supposed to make the fight last long, like Tormin, Scyl, Shield-set-HP-champs or stuff like that. If he gets his bombs placed from his A3 and then dies in the next round, 4 bombs are ticking. 

Mar 21, 2021, 23:5903/21/21

Souldrinker is a useful champ against the annoying skull lord var gall in hard doomtower. I eventually found better options.  But boosting even at 50 his bombs do decent damage. Just need a reviver to keep bringing him back lol.

Mar 22, 2021, 15:2203/22/21
Mar 22, 2021, 15:27(edited)

it takes a long time for these bombs to stay put .sould drinker, she must then be able to shorten the time it takes to go off . I noticed that the bombs do not go off, if the opponents are allowed to come twice. 

the fight is already over by now when the bombs go off.