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My thoughts on the training event and the point cap

My thoughts on the training event and the point cap

Jan 4, 2020, 21:0201/04/20

My thoughts on the training event and the point cap

In my opinion the event on a whole is great, easy to complete for even the most noob of f2p players, but the point cap is unnecessary and downright bad for everyone else. I will explain why I think that through analogy.

Take the event as a journey with the rewards as nice tourist attractions or big towns with good food and entertainment, the point cap is every little village along the way. The uber noob is an old man shambling along that starts in the morning and gets to the next village (the point cap) late at night, finds a bed, and goes to sleep to do it all over again the next day.

The more experienced f2p player is a healthy young person who sets off at the same time as the old man but gets to the next village in time for lunch, and even though the next reward is just on the horizon, the villagers (Plarium) won't allow you to continue until the next day.

The p2w players are a guy with a horse named money. They set off at the same time and arrive at the next village in an hour where the villagers yank him off his horse and confiscates it for the rest of the day.

We were given enough time so that even the old man can compete the journey but everyone else just has to sit around with our thumbs up our butts and are discouraged from buying a horse.

TL:DR it's good that everyone is capable of easily completing the event, but I don't think everyone should be arbitrarily forced to complete it at the same time as the slowest people. But then again I'm just salty about forgetting the cap and wasting all the points from ranking up to 6.
Jan 4, 2020, 22:1701/04/20
Jan 4, 2020, 22:18(edited)

dugyduge1 said:

In my opinion the event on a whole is great, easy to complete for even the most noob of f2p players, but the point cap is unnecessary and downright bad for everyone else. I will explain why I think that through analogy.

Take the event as a journey with the rewards as nice tourist attractions or big towns with good food and entertainment, the point cap is every little village along the way. The uber noob is an old man shambling along that starts in the morning and gets to the next village (the point cap) late at night, finds a bed, and goes to sleep to do it all over again the next day.

The more experienced f2p player is a healthy young person who sets off at the same time as the old man but gets to the next village in time for lunch, and even though the next reward is just on the horizon, the villagers (Plarium) won't allow you to continue until the next day.

The p2w players are a guy with a horse named money. They set off at the same time and arrive at the next village in an hour where the villagers yank him off his horse and confiscates it for the rest of the day.

We were given enough time so that even the old man can compete the journey but everyone else just has to sit around with our thumbs up our butts and are discouraged from buying a horse.

TL:DR it's good that everyone is capable of easily completing the event, but I don't think everyone should be arbitrarily forced to complete it at the same time as the slowest people. But then again I'm just salty about forgetting the cap and wasting all the points from ranking up to 6.

Hello there, dugyduge1!

That was quite the jolly journey you have just pictured! Very well worded, my compliments. 

I do semi-agree with the point-cap, the reason why I semi agree is for two opposite reasons:

The reason I agree is because it may be bothersome to those who are able to obtain the rewards faster, but are now slowed down by this point-cap which means they have to invest more daily time to get to the rewards they want. Besides, it's a little weird how the max amount of points to be earned exceeds the limit... 

The reason I kind of disagree is because I'd assume this measurement was taken to decrease the gap between F2P and P2W. Most of the time, players who are capable of spending lots of money, are obviously more efficient and get to the global leader-board fast while the players who don't or can't stay behind and miss on those rewards. 

Now there's still 2 weeks and 2 days left the moment I sent this reply and, if I'm not mistaken, we're already one or two weeks in. So there should be enough time for both the travellers (the old man and the guy with the horse called Money) to arrive on-time, right?  

Jan 5, 2020, 00:2601/05/20

The huge problem I have with this event is that it forces us to either:

1)  Use TONS of bonus xp packs to do this every day for weeks upon weeks.

2)  Use our energy in an inefficient way by foregoing the bonus xp.

The cap is simply annoying everyone.  I have yet to hear any positive feedback from even a single person.

This does not "bridge the gap."  It simply makes it take longer to get the rewards.  Paying players will have the advantage as always, as they will have the extra bonus xp packs to use for it, making it easier to obtain in a more efficient way.
Jan 5, 2020, 02:3701/05/20

The event doesn't really force you to use an exp boost, it's more along the lines of forcing you to find something else to spend energy on. On average I use around 500 energy a day just from natural regeneration and the 2 free refills.

I just used 80 to reach my daily point cap with exp boost. Without the boost it would have been 160 energy. That still leaves me with 340 energy a day that I can't put into the event.

And because you said you haven't heard anything positive about the point cap I might as well play devils advocate and say this: at least I have all this extra energy to spend grinding potions every day.
Jan 5, 2020, 18:4501/05/20
This cap i hearing about for the first time is b*ll shit!! Its the first time i have had the chance to get top rewards and i need them for this tournement and cannot get them!!! About enough to make me quit wasting 5 plus hours of my day each day!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 5, 2020, 21:2901/05/20

eugenecalli said:

This cap i hearing about for the first time is b*ll shit!! Its the first time i have had the chance to get top rewards and i need them for this tournement and cannot get them!!! About enough to make me quit wasting 5 plus hours of my day each day!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a cap to balance the difficulty of the event and push the players to be constant in the game everyday, in order to give them medium/high value rewards, using very few resources.

Jan 5, 2020, 23:3701/05/20
Cap= punishment to players who play your game daily. Pathetic and sad.
Jan 6, 2020, 00:5101/06/20

becker392199 said:

Cap= punishment to players who play your game daily. Pathetic and sad.

Why do you say it? You'll take a sacred shard and other nice rewards using very few resources, so what's the problem? You just need to wait 3 weeks to take that shard, but you can get a good reward everyday. Why do you need to be so hasty?