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Rant 2019

Rant 2019

Dec 31, 2019, 21:0012/31/19

Rant 2019

Ok, long story short.

A month ago, double chances on void legendaries - pulled AGNAR

Christmas - crunched 400 ancients shards - got Tyrant (good lego) - but still 400 shards.

New Years pack - ,,common, last time, maybe i'll pull a Valk or a Vizir and enjoy this game in the end (after thousand of dolars spent) ... bought the pack, made room in vault....aaaaaaaaaaand LIGHTNING.... 



It is my mistake i invested so much in this game, i accept that. That was 2019.

2020 knocking on the door. Will still play this ,,game" but i wont put another dime into it until i see a champion exchange program implemented. Why ? Well because after so much money invested i had enough. I have Angar, legendary void, affinity that Plarium says its very rare and has no weaknesses against other classes. I got Norog, Bloodgorged, Richtoff the Bold, Grohak the Bloodied, Smashlord, Mortu-Macaab, Foli.

I worked my ass off for that money and i gave it to you. What are you doing with that money? Ofc your answer wil be: ,,We are working hard to improve the champions and redesigning them."

No, that ship had sailed. You designed a game that works only a specific way. Not with improvements and stitching some champions. 

Again, Why a champion exchange program built into the game? 

Because i worked my ass of for the money i spent in this game, and had bad luck. I do not want to invest again and again for the same results and have the same BAD taste of RNG when i pull a legendary.

Do it however you want:

1) Legendarie for Legendarie

2) Fully asscended Legendarie lvl 60 for a Legendarie of my choosing lvl 1 rank 5

3) Even three fully assceneded Legendaries lvl 60 for a Legendarie of my choosing lvl 1 rank 5.

Just give us an option to feel good and happy when playing this game...

Problem with this might be the fallwoing argument: ,, If they do this they wont sell shards anymore"

Ok, please you as a client understand this: It is their JOB and their responsability to come up with new champions and/or reinvent the present ones, if they want to sell the product.

Happy new year to everyone and may the new year that comes bring you achievements in your professional life and warmth in your harts.

Dec 31, 2019, 22:2712/31/19

Haha this generation is screwed.  We demand a participation trophy!!!!! 

You know the drop rates before you open them bud.  

The drops rates are fine.  Quit crying 

Dec 31, 2019, 22:3812/31/19
Dec 31, 2019, 22:39(edited)

So just my 2 cents, as a FTP player (I did buy one $10 pack):

If you're going to spend money, it seems to me, it's best spent on the non-random packs, i.e., not shards. Yes, that means that you'll (mostly) be on par with the FTP players in terms of which heroes you have, but you'll be far ahead in booking/starring/etc. It just seems to me that the cost for shards (given the drop rates) makes it prohibitively expensive to try to get the very best heroes, absent extraordinary luck.
Dec 31, 2019, 23:4112/31/19

@LLAMAZOMBIES and the problem with your generation is probably that you dont know the value of money and time. Beside that you only red what i posted in order to reply to something and not to understand the message.

@LMAGGITTI Yeah, you are right. I think that is the only way to play the game and not be disappointed at the end of the day.

Jan 1, 2020, 02:3701/01/20
LMAO,  I got two leggios and 18 epics from 109 blue shards!  Odds seem more than fair to me.