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Arena is broken

Arena is broken

Dec 31, 2019, 16:0412/31/19

Arena is broken

I shouldn't be versing level 100 Champions it's hard to do tournaments and its hard to find people with Champions my level pls fix that 

Dec 31, 2019, 16:1712/31/19

the forrgotten said:

I shouldn't be versing level 100 Champions it's hard to do tournaments and its hard to find people with Champions my level pls fix that 

I think your lying!
Dec 31, 2019, 16:3812/31/19
the forrgotten said:

I shouldn't be versing level 100 Champions it's hard to do tournaments and its hard to find people with Champions my level pls fix that 

I don't understand... what should they fix?
Jan 22, 2020, 10:0101/22/20

I'm guessing he means 100k power teams while he got a team much lower in power.

I've noticed power doesn't really mean that much. I got a 90k power team, but because they aren't speed focused I will sometimes loose to teams with half that power, simply because the opposing team gets to 2 or 3 actions for each of my actions.

Honestly, if anything should be balanced in this regard, I would think it is the fact that most teams are using the same setup (indicative of poor balance) and how speed just seems to triumph other stats. There should be actual choices involved, rather than just: use this setup and get as much speed as possible, or you loose.

Jan 22, 2020, 14:2701/22/20

The issue isnt power lvl, its literally the amount of turns people get off and otks. damage and speed need reduction in arena to allow competitive play. Teams that can get 3 or 4 rounds in before a person gets 1 is broken. Otk is a little dumb as the majority of comps go like this: speed boost/damage increase>debuff def/weaken>aoe for kill. that is not a competitive arena. 

I dont mind your trying to add new champs like tormin, but releasing a broken champ to fix broken mechanics isnt helping. The system needs a revision, your taking champs that deal with high health bosses and putting them against champs that are more where near as strong as the bosses. It's just too unbalanced. 

Jan 23, 2020, 19:3901/23/20
The arena is broken. I'm getting ready to quit playing, I'm frustrated and tired of it not making any sense. no way I should be getting smoked checked by a time that's half my power level. 
Jan 23, 2020, 22:1601/23/20

What's broken with arena is that there is no cap on stats. This is the only rpg I have ever played where you can have more than 100% crit rate. What's the point?

Because there is no cap on stats, and this is a turn based game, speed becomes disproportionately more important than all other stats, at least for arena. 

Likewise, champions that can augment speed with a buff, or skill that increases turn meter, are mandatory to remain competitive. 

This horrible design flaw shoehorns the player base into a very small pool of champions to remain competitive, in a game with over 300 champions. 

Another area that suffers greatly from having no cap is resistance vs accuracy. It ultimately doesn't matter how good the kit is on a champion like Madame Seris or Tormin, if you stack enough resistance you can completely deny their skills. 

On the flip side of that coin, if you don't stack enough accuracy, your champions become impotent. 

My suggestion for the speed problem would be to cap it at 150. 120 from base + artifacts, 30 from speed buff.

For resistance and accuracy, change them to a percentage base and cap them at 70%

Jan 24, 2020, 11:3801/24/20
Jan 24, 2020, 11:39(edited)
Ijessfarded said:

What's broken with arena is that there is no cap on stats. This is the only rpg I have ever played where you can have more than 100% crit rate. What's the point?

Because there is no cap on stats, and this is a turn based game, speed becomes disproportionately more important than all other stats, at least for arena. 

Likewise, champions that can augment speed with a buff, or skill that increases turn meter, are mandatory to remain competitive. 

This horrible design flaw shoehorns the player base into a very small pool of champions to remain competitive, in a game with over 300 champions. 

Another area that suffers greatly from having no cap is resistance vs accuracy. It ultimately doesn't matter how good the kit is on a champion like Madame Seris or Tormin, if you stack enough resistance you can completely deny their skills. 

On the flip side of that coin, if you don't stack enough accuracy, your champions become impotent. 

My suggestion for the speed problem would be to cap it at 150. 120 from base + artifacts, 30 from speed buff.

For resistance and accuracy, change them to a percentage base and cap them at 70%

If you increase crit rate over 100%, you'll have less chances doing weak hits. 
Jan 25, 2020, 15:4001/25/20

I think a lot of people don't understand that team power is a bit misleading.  It doesn't truly reflect a team's power, it is merely the additive of each individual champs power.  E.g. if you have 4 champs each with 25k power, the team's power is 100k.

This does not take into account synergies and tweaking which are critical.  If you are getting beat by much lower power teams it's b/c you are not using the right mix of champs and/or not tweaking them.