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Enchantment glyphs

Enchantment glyphs

Dec 30, 2019, 22:1612/30/19

Enchantment glyphs

I have enchanted artifacts with lvl 1 - lvl 4 glyphs (here: speed) and did never ever get a higher value then 1 additional point. What helps if there are dropping high lvl glyphs at higher stages but the value is always the same lowest possible. Is that a known bug? Please do not tell me that this is RNG. I mean there was already RNG in getting the glyphs. If I would have won a lottery, which is definately RNG at its finest, then at least the win is 100% sure and there is no further RNG in getting the prize. I am really missing this ape emoticon covering its eyes with its hands. 
Dec 30, 2019, 22:2812/30/19

Glyphs in general are a huge failure and need a rework. There are way too many variables including the fact that farming them is rather limited (especially when you get to higher level crypts that require 4+ keys per run) on top of the runs themselves lasting 7-8 min MANUALLY (unable to finish on auto because of absurdly broken champs being included on the 3rd wave that need specific skills not to be on Cooldown to beat),

I understand it's endgame stuff that you are supposed to grind for a long time, but the progress is so ridiculously slow and frustrating for small immediate benefit most people just give up and don't bother. I mean I don't see anyone ever talking about Faction Wars, not my clan, not on reddit and not on youtube either so ... 

It really sucks finally getting that 5* speed glyph only to see it fail on a +2 upgrade. Ridiculous and pointless. And then you take into consideration that I have over 20 champions I use for main content (dungeons, arena, CB) and you realize it will take years at the rate I'm currently progressing to get at least 1 maxed out champ. Sad.
Jan 2, 2020, 09:0501/02/20

Another possible request was the possibility of removing glyphs from artifacts.