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Champion training event caps daily!!!

Champion training event caps daily!!!

Dec 28, 2019, 13:3412/28/19

Champion training event caps daily!!!

First off tyvm for this awesome event. Probably the best f2p event since the game released.  Wp sirs/ma'ams.

Second everyone make sure you realize you can only obtain 150 points per day.

Good luck
Dec 28, 2019, 13:5512/28/19
Nice one.
Dec 28, 2019, 13:5712/28/19
Its dumb you cant get full credit for 6 star though
Dec 28, 2019, 14:2612/28/19
Ya, what is going on? I just boosted a bunch of people only to find it caps out. That is a rip off, actually thought you might have had a reasonable event going. 
Dec 28, 2019, 14:3812/28/19

rawjr said:

Its dumb you cant get full credit for 6 star though

This needs to be said more.  The event is fine, but how are you going to include a function that earns you 300 points when the event caps you at 150?

As a part of the event it tells you that you can get 300 points.  However, that's a lie. 
Dec 28, 2019, 15:5512/28/19
Plarium is just trying to make money, but this is not the way tho.
Dec 28, 2019, 16:2912/28/19
This is really awful execution, why would you create the limit less than the points from a single action.  What is the reason for the limit in the first place.  Why make people hold onto champs for 3 weeks that they have saved up for champ training events.  Really don’t like this model hopefully this is not their new event format.
Dec 28, 2019, 17:1912/28/19
Dec 28, 2019, 17:26(edited)

Seriously annoyed right now ... as a new player, this daily limit is ridiculous. I just wasted 3 days of cap worth points leveling/upgrading champs and building a Rank 5 champ. I didn't realize there was a cap until i restarted game thinking the points just weren't sinking up. So frustrating to spend 3 days grinding in preparation of the event only to the waste all the effort for no rewards ... Not to mention the wasted time watching videos to learn how to prepare for events like this (stupid videos didn't mention a daily limit either) ... Its no wonder I'm seeing videos that discuss how Plarium  barely has a 1-in-10 new player retention ratio.

This limit is actually making me NOT WANT TO PLAY the game ... shouldn't the goal of these events be to encourage play time?!? Whats the point in grinding levels and ranks if they don't count toward the event? I mean, I'm sitting here thinking, "should I bother playing any more today, or just try coming back tomorrow?" What kind of strategy is that ... making players NOT want to play? Seems counter productive to a profitable business model.
Dec 28, 2019, 17:3712/28/19

Ch0ps13 said:

Seriously annoyed right now ... as a new player, this daily limit is ridiculous. I just wasted 3 days of cap worth points leveling/upgrading champs and building a Rank 5 champ. I didn't realize there was a cap until i restarted game thinking the points just weren't sinking up. So frustrating to spend 3 days grinding in preparation of the event only to the waste all the effort for no rewards ... Not to mention the wasted time watching videos to learn how to prepare for events like this (stupid videos didn't mention a daily limit either) ... Its no wonder I'm seeing videos that discuss how Plarium  barely has a 1-in-10 new player retention ratio.

This limit is actually making me NOT WANT TO PLAY the game ... shouldn't the goal of these events be to encourage play time?!? Whats the point in grinding levels and ranks if they don't count toward the event? I mean, I'm sitting here thinking, "should I bother playing any more today, or just try coming back tomorrow?" What kind of strategy is that ... making players NOT want to play? Seems counter productive to a profitable business model.

This event makes me want to play. Every players, even f2p can easily get the rewards. 

Then, just leave the game and stop bothering us. Not our fault, nor Plarium’ if you can’t read rules of an event. 

Btw they should’ve written « not for dumb ppl game » on their loading screen. 
Dec 28, 2019, 17:4312/28/19

Yea wtf is everyone whining about. This event is awesome. In no way is it holding you back from leveling up like normal.  150 is INCREDIBLY easy to do daily.  

I really hope there are more events like this.  
Dec 28, 2019, 19:2412/28/19
Amplitudes said:

rawjr said:

Its dumb you cant get full credit for 6 star though

This needs to be said more.  The event is fine, but how are you going to include a function that earns you 300 points when the event caps you at 150?

As a part of the event it tells you that you can get 300 points.  However, that's a lie. 
Because that's a standard format.
Dec 28, 2019, 22:1812/28/19

I'm pretty into it. I'm F2P and just level champs when having weekly xp boost on. And 150 is no trouble to reach without going hardcore on campaign. Just feeding some commons to epics from my vault was enough.

Pretty like a new daily quest, that's nice
Dec 28, 2019, 22:3212/28/19
People are upset because resources are wasted.  If you make a level 6, you lose half of the points that are supposed to be granted.  Then you can't level up the new 6 without burning the points you should get.  150 slows F2P players that save up for events.
Dec 29, 2019, 10:4812/29/19

I am sorry, but where does it say anything about being able to get only 150 points a day? I just read the event screen several times through and didnt find it. Does this mean that if I start with the event for example one day late, I cant get max points? That I will stare at the sacred shard unable to get another 150 points to win it?

While I like the event for being F2P friendly, this will probably make a lot of people upset...
Dec 29, 2019, 11:0912/29/19

korinekvojtesky said:

I am sorry, but where does it say anything about being able to get only 150 points a day? I just read the event screen several times through and didnt find it. Does this mean that if I start with the event for example one day late, I cant get max points? That I will stare at the sacred shard unable to get another 150 points to win it?

While I like the event for being F2P friendly, this will probably make a lot of people upset...

Hi Guys and korinekvojtesky,

Here you will able to find the daily cap:

And what about losing point if you will upgrade a champion to 6 stars, the reasons for this Event it's only to prepare low level foods to store for the 

next event (wich will be the standard Event) or to prepare foods for the new 6 stars champions.

I wanna remember how much food is need for upgrade 1 champions to 6 stars.

5 champions at lv 40 (and 20 at 4 stars lv 1)

25 champions at lv 30 (and 75 champions at 3 stars lv 1)

100 champions at lv 20 (and 200 champions at 2 stars lv 1)

So you can prepare champions for the new 6 champions and take so easy this rewards and a bit relax.

Have a nice day and happy new Year!

Dec 29, 2019, 11:4212/29/19
Dec 29, 2019, 11:42(edited)

Hello and thanks for the reply. I must have missed that, probably because I was looking mainly in the lower part where the rules usually are - maybe that might be a suggestion for future events like this to make such special rules more visible.

And if I count correctly, I can miss one day and still claim all rewards - is that correct?

Dec 29, 2019, 18:4912/29/19

I like the event, it is like the first 90-days where you got every day something for free. 150 points a day can be reached by everyone. Great for f2p players

It could have been better communicated and the scores over 150 points could have been brought back to 150 in this template, but otherwise:

Plarium, well done!
Dec 29, 2019, 19:0812/29/19
Dec 29, 2019, 19:09(edited)
Wnterhawk said:

People are upset because resources are wasted.  If you make a level 6, you lose half of the points that are supposed to be granted.  Then you can't level up the new 6 without burning the points you should get.  150 slows F2P players that save up for events.
no-one stops you to do more in a day, I do atm since I need to level up a few champs. Not going to wait on the event, I will make daily 150 points anyways
Dec 29, 2019, 19:1612/29/19

Chops13 said:

>>>This limit is actually making me NOT WANT TO PLAY the game ... shouldn't the goal of these events be to encourage play time?!? Whats the point in grinding levels and ranks if they don't count toward the event? I mean, I'm sitting here thinking, "should I bother playing any more today, or just try coming back tomorrow?" What kind of strategy is that ... <<<

A stupid strategy. Seriously, you only play when there are points involved? You really have no other reason to play this game?

Dec 30, 2019, 17:4812/30/19
You are failing to see the point . The daily cap is just stupid and makes no sense . If I'm on an XP boost I want to do lots of levelling in those 24 hrs , anything over the cap is not giving me any more event points . My boost is still ticking away so I have to keep levelling and losing out on many more points that I could have had .Get rid of the cap altogether . For what reason is it even there ? Taureck said:

Chops13 said:

>>>This limit is actually making me NOT WANT TO PLAY the game ... shouldn't the goal of these events be to encourage play time?!? Whats the point in grinding levels and ranks if they don't count toward the event? I mean, I'm sitting here thinking, "should I bother playing any more today, or just try coming back tomorrow?" What kind of strategy is that ... <<<

A stupid strategy. Seriously, you only play when there are points involved? You really have no other reason to play this game?

Dec 30, 2019, 17:5712/30/19

WallyGator said:

You are failing to see the point . The daily cap is just stupid and makes no sense . If I'm on an XP boost I want to do lots of levelling in those 24 hrs , anything over the cap is not giving me any more event points . My boost is still ticking away so I have to keep levelling and losing out on many more points that I could have had .Get rid of the cap altogether . For what reason is it even there ? Taureck said:

Chops13 said:

>>>This limit is actually making me NOT WANT TO PLAY the game ... shouldn't the goal of these events be to encourage play time?!? Whats the point in grinding levels and ranks if they don't count toward the event? I mean, I'm sitting here thinking, "should I bother playing any more today, or just try coming back tomorrow?" What kind of strategy is that ... <<<

A stupid strategy. Seriously, you only play when there are points involved? You really have no other reason to play this game?

If you don't like this event, just don't do it. If you do it, it'll give  you some nice rewards and a sacred shard, at the price of a paltry effort. I don't see any useless event or useless cap... I just see a person in a hurry to take that sacred shard.

Btw I'm going to close this topic
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