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Save Tormin

Save Tormin

Dec 26, 2019, 15:2012/26/19

Save Tormin

Once again people that are complaining are the ones that didnt put in the hard work and dedication to obtain him. You cant casually play and than expect to be on the same level as everyone else. You are not going to be rewarded for doing nothing and you shouldn't cry because you didnt work to get him.  

I didnt spend a dime to get him fyi. I worked hours every day to get him. 

Instead of demanding you get a participation trophy start working on the champs you do have.

Devs, please dont cater to the complainers.  The amount of time/work/money people spent to fuse tormin shouldn't be so carelessly thrown away.  The people that didnt invest the time and work are the ones complaining.

Dec 27, 2019, 19:1812/27/19

Hi everyone,

I remembered that almost every player except whales complained about speed meta in arena and cried about it.

OK, devs give us a chance to obtain a new hero he can match speed meta and...... People cry about it.

No, Tormin no needs to be nerf. It's a question of time, when devs release new champs they will match freeze meta. And to be honest Tormin Is useful only in arena and maybe in nightmare campaign so far.

This game Is still growing And nerfing champs Is a Path to the hell. Devs want force us to invest to a new and new and new champs, it's all about business.

And Plarium must be very careful, if they don't want to gamble with their reputation.

RSL Is not the ONLY game Plarium released and they hope many other games will come in the future.

PS: I'm f2p, not a whale.

Good Luck and Happy New Year.

Dec 27, 2019, 20:1312/27/19

Tormin DOES NOT need nerf! as matter of fact His attacks hit only around 1/10 of other strong champions(Turv/Mking/Baron/skull etc), he only brings new and fun utilities to the game.   He makes this game fun and not boring like 1-2-3 fall to sleep arena fights.

There are already many many counters to Tormin like adjust your team to not have any auto heal, limit your buffs, control your speed boosts, use immunity sets.   Also Tormin has many counter champions that will do well against him like any champions with dispel/block debuff/.  And not to forget there are so many CC like Taunt/stuns/fears that can totally render Tormin useless.

People are just lazy as fk, they dont want to adjust their champions/gears to make a different, they kept complain about game is boring and lack of variety, now there is a chance for a variety to shine they cried to take it away because they don't want to think and work harder to adept.

Think about it!  Do you want the arena fight to be forever Arbiter + nukes' 5 second fight?  do you want to play/watch same old combination of arena teams doing 1-2-3 everytimes?  Do you want to encourage developers to be more creative and more strategic for the fun/longevity of this game? 

Nerfing Tormin will have serious impact on Plarium's reputation and revenue as so many players have already believed they had been "bait and switched" by Plarium's shady sales practice, the game is finally growing after a year, they can not afford this kind of chaos.  Just leave Tormin like it is I can bet you within a month when players figured out all the counters all cries will die down and players will start to appreciate the new arena variety.
Dec 27, 2019, 20:5912/27/19

Yeah, fix his buggs and glitches, and keep him as his skills are. 

OR if you do nerf something INCREASE his A1 damage or his overall damage. 
Dec 29, 2019, 18:4612/29/19
LOL destroys areana, nerf asap.
Feb 3, 2020, 13:4002/03/20
Does tormin need the books?
Feb 3, 2020, 13:5502/03/20
who is tormin the broken? i am already struggling in bronze 1 tier...
Feb 3, 2020, 20:4402/03/20
Hank McCannon said:

who is tormin the broken? i am already struggling in bronze 1 tier...
Void Legendary Dwarf