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Thank you to anyone involved with raid

Thank you to anyone involved with raid

Dec 22, 2019, 13:4812/22/19

Thank you to anyone involved with raid

First 2 things I need to say and make clear for everyone before I write my comment. 

1. I started playing raid December 26th 2018 so ive been around the game for a long time.

2. This is not a complain or plarium bash fest post like so many people make post about. If you are not going to say anything nice or just leave a complaining comment please don't even bother to write a response to this. 

This is for those players or devlopers or moderators or who ever is involved with raid,  that loves and appreciates raid and  what everyone does to make raid what it is..

 Like I said I have been playing raid for 361 days. I love this game.

 I appreciate all the hard work that you guys do put in to make new champs or new content or work on raid to make it better.

I appreciate all the hard work that the moderators on here marius and cirilla and valk and others do. 

The moderators on discord like dragon paws and others who help out and invest your own personal time to make sure that people are being on thier best behavior at all times. 

To all the youtubers who make videos, I appreciate the time money and resources that you guys use to make videos that helps that person who has been stuck on a certain dungeon stage or dosent have the slightest idea what gear to use and yes even those who ask "is ( insert champ name ) good" lol . 

To other players thank all of you for not being afraid to test out a champ or try out a different set up or different team comps. There are some very knowledgeable players out there who takes risk and because of it are able to help so many more.

 When a new player comes on to the game and goes into game chat has to ask how to acend a champ or where do I go to do this. Yes at first they may get the response to rank up a warboi to 6 stars by feeding him 5 legends and then sacrifice him in the campfire to make him become warman a legendary but after that yes most players will answer the original question or guide them to where they need to go. 

You guys the players keep me laughing and smiling everyday. You guys are some of the funniest people I have ever talked to. The things that I have learned from players in different country's about where they live or what they do the customs and food and everything. 

It's not just one person that makes raid one of the best games I have ever played and a game that no matter what I have going on in my life stressed out at work or fighting with significant other death in the family or what ever I have going on that has turned my day into one of the worst days ever. 

I can open up the raid app and get my mind off of what ever is going on at that time. It's all of you and what each and everyone of you do that makes raid and has helped raid grow into what it is now. When I started playing this game, I never could have imagined how far and how much this game has grown in almost a year. 

All I see when I look on reddit or raids facebook page is people bashing this game or  they only make negative post about the game. I wanted to take the time to write this post to anyone whos involved in anyway with raid and just say thank you and there are players out there just like me who absolutely love this game and very much appreciates and respects everything you guys invest into raid to help it become what it is now. 

Thank all of you for your hard work and dedication and just know they are people out there who really appreciates everything that u do. Thank you!

Dec 23, 2019, 00:1712/23/19
Dec 23, 2019, 05:1712/23/19

Umblin said:

First 2 things I need to say and make clear for everyone before I write my comment. 1. I started playing raid December 26th 2018 so ive been around the game for a long time. 2. This is not a complain or plarium bash fest post like so many people make post about. If you are not going to say anything nice or just leave a complaining comment please don't even bother to write a response to this. This is for those players or devlopers or moderators or who ever is involved with raid,  that loves and appreciates raid and  what everyone does to make raid what it is.. Like I said I have been playing raid for 361 days. I love this game. I appreciate all the hard work that you guys do put in to make new champs or new content or work on raid to make it better. I appreciate all the hard work that the moderators on here marius and cirilla and valk and others do. The moderators on discord like dragon paws and others who help out and invest your own personal time to make sure that people are being on thier best behavior at all times. To all the youtubers who make videos, I appreciate the time money and resources that you guys use to make videos that helps that person who has been stuck on a certain dungeon stage or dosent have the slightest idea what gear to use and yes even those who ask "is ( insert champ name ) good" lol . To other players thank all of you for not being afraid to test out a champ or try out a different set up or different team comps. There are some very knowledgeable players out there who takes risk and because of it are able to help so many more. When a new player comes on to the game and goes into game chat has to ask how to acend a champ or where do I go to do this. Yes at first they may get the response to rank up a warboi to 6 stars by feeding him 5 legends and then sacrifice him in the campfire to make him become warman a legendary but after that yes most players will answer the original question or guide them to where they need to go. You guys the players keep me laughing and smiling everyday. You guys are some of the funniest people I have ever talked to. The things that I have learned from players in different country's about where they live or what they do the customs and food and everything. It's not just one person that makes raid one of the best games I have ever played and a game that no matter what I have going on in my life stressed out at work or fighting with significant other death in the family or what ever I have going on that has turned my day into one of the worst days ever. I can open up the raid app and get my mind off of what ever is going on at that time. It's all of you and what each and everyone of you do that makes raid and has helped raid grow into what it is now. When I started playing this game, I never could have imagined how far and how much this game has grown in almost a year. All I see when I look on reddit or raids facebook page is people bashing this game or  they only make negative post about the game. I wanted to take the time to write this post to anyone whos involved in anyway with raid and just say thank you and there are players out there just like me who absolutely love this game and very much appreciates and respects everything you guys invest into raid to help it become what it is now. Thank all of you for your hard work and dedication and just know they are people out there who really appreciates everything that u do. Thank you!
This is why I love this community.