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Advice for potential Clan Boss Team

Advice for potential Clan Boss Team

Dec 17, 2019, 03:3012/17/19

Advice for potential Clan Boss Team

So I've started trying to take CB a little more seriously and need to up my damage and survival a fair bit.  Currently still using Relic Keeper and Bellower but keen to shift them on for something better.

I have been looking to build around Draco, Apoth and Jareg (gets me speed, attack down, defence down, weaken, an emergency heal and of course, plenty of poisons). Jareg as my defensive option worries me though as it's only a 60% chance to apply, that leaves some RNG room to completely screw me over.

The other two spots are  up for debate due to my bad luck and not having any of the go-to champs (Draco is my only Lego).

So the choice seems to be between Kael, Yaga, Jotun and Marksman for the last slot, unless I opt for another healer/surv option.  I'm currently favouring Yaga for the Accuracy buff and Marksman for the turn meter fill but I don't feel either are optimal and I might get more damage out of Kael.

Just after some thoughts and some tips on how I should be gearing them as well (any break-point numbers for things like accuracy I need to be aiming for?
Dec 17, 2019, 06:5012/17/19
Dec 17, 2019, 07:14(edited)

I just tell you what I know. I do not play with your mentioned champs except Kael. Concerning cb you would mostly choose livesteal, so your champs do need no heal buff. T6 mastery on every cb champ is a must of course. As much life and DEF is also important. Speed must be high enough, too. Nightmare has approx. 180 speed if I am right. Imho at least counterattack buffers and other supporters should be at least slightly faster than the cb, so that they can cast their buffs regularly before cb attacks. CB champs should be fully "booked". Kael is still my cb champ with the highest dmg output (the other four are Foli, Scullcrusher, Steelskull and Tayrel). With ACC I am not sure how high it should be (do not know if plarium have said anything about that topic so far). With the Great Hall buff I have got ACC on debuff cb champs at least at 170. I think the higher your ACC is the better.

Dec 18, 2019, 00:2712/18/19

Do you have a screenshot of the heroes you own or can you write a list of the heroes you own?

It would make helping you alot easier
Dec 19, 2019, 01:2712/19/19
Dec 19, 2019, 01:31(edited)

Most of the Rare's I've seen recommended I don't have, but here's the list of potentials.  I certainly don't have a counter-attack option.  Currently Apoth, Draco and Jareg are my must haves, it's more those last two slots.  I've still working on maxing my masteries on everyone (actually, still wondering which one would be best for Draco?)

Dec 19, 2019, 02:3112/19/19

The 5 heroes I would use would be the following:

  • Jareg
  • Draco
  • Apoth
  • Aothar
  • Flesh Tearer

The important thing will be making sure you get your move orders right

1st move: Apoth - Turn Meter + Speed Buff

2nd move: Jareg - Atk Down

3rd move: Draco - Def Down + Weaken

4th move: Aothar - 4x Poison

5th move: Flesh Tearer - Extend Debuffs

The second most important thing will be making sure you get the right debuffs to land on Clan Boss!

Draco + Aothar can do 8 poisons in 1 go.

You have to be extremely careful.

You want to make sure you have Atk Down + Def Down + Weaken on the Clan Boss before you do your crazy poison spam.

Otherwise, What will happen is you will have no room left on the Clan Boss to put them!

The Clan Boss can only have 10 Debuffs on him at 1 time.

So you have to make sure you can get the other stuff on before your poison heroes go wild!