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Degrading Arena levels

Degrading Arena levels

Dec 16, 2019, 18:3812/16/19

Degrading Arena levels

I am confused by the number of Arena teams that are so STACKED in the Bronze 2, 3, and 4 levels. I want to progress through the game Progress Missions but when I hit the one where I have to reach Silver 1 in Arena, well I might as well pack it in! I have 2 lvl 50s and a bunch of 40s and can reach Bronze 3 but run into stacked teams of 4 lvl 50s and more, even teams with 2 and 3 legendary champs.....and then I run out of points to play with so that when I go to bed and wake up the next day, I have more points to play with, but my level has dropped all the way down to Bronze 1 again and I have to spend my NEW points to get back to where I can't progress any further, AGAIN.

WHY does your Arena level degrade over time like this????
Dec 16, 2019, 19:0012/16/19

As far as I'm concerned, if you reach Silver 2, you should remain at Silver 2......and progress from there. If you have to tweek your team to have better success, then tweek your team, but once you have reached a certain level, your playing level and posting level should not regress to a point below what you have already accomplished. If you've reached Gold 1, you should not show up in a Silver 2 lvl search, even if you haven't played in 3 weeks.

All these Arena teams with 2 fully ascended 60s and 2 fully ascended 50s, showing up in Bronze 2 searches, are garbage!
Dec 16, 2019, 20:4812/16/19

I recommend reading my Arena Defense Guide.

It can help you maintain your position so you can reach Silver 1

Dec 17, 2019, 01:5412/17/19

If you can convince Plarium to value tokens properly in the stupid arena events instead of making nearly mandatory to drop ranks to get 3 silver vs. 1 gold then this might stop.

As it is bronze and silver levels are the best place to be during these events if you not in the top 1/10th of a percent of pvp.

So don't hate the players, hate Plarium for a stupid event design.
Dec 18, 2019, 00:2812/18/19

James has a point