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merry x-mass to all the whales

merry x-mass to all the whales

Dec 13, 2019, 10:0512/13/19

merry x-mass to all the whales

merry x-mass to all the whales who have all the void champions and can do the fusion straight away.

as for the f2p community, FU if you not spending money on void shards, if you dont spend enough money we dont want you and you dont deserve to have a fusion legendary for x-mass
Dec 13, 2019, 10:2212/13/19
do they actually let int he spam so i topics are moved down??
Dec 13, 2019, 10:3612/13/19

They will just delete the topics when there will be an easy excuse to remove them. It would not be nice to have bad comments about the game if new players came by.

The best way is to post on playstores so people don't download that gambling game.

Btw it's time to update comments for me and see how CM copy paste its "you can get everything you're just too noob to prepare for events " (meaning saving everything for a year just for one event i guess)
Dec 13, 2019, 10:3812/13/19
Dec 13, 2019, 17:28(edited)
Guy (the ts), this does not help in any way. But you are right, why not making fusions last as long as s.o. would need to complete them? That's what you ment, right?
Dec 13, 2019, 11:1312/13/19

What is meant is we'd like plarium stop thinking how to milk whales and making a game enjoyable for everyone.

ATM, RSL is a pay2win not a f2p. In a f2p, free players eventually manage to achieve events in a reasonnable time, without paying.

In RSL, you can't achieve events without paying.

That's why we have to discourage people to download the game.

Mainly because it only targets people

  • who don't understand how abusive the prices are (children/teens),
  • with addiction problems ( it is said that rsl is a gambling game owned by a casino which wouldn't be surprising)
  • with too many money

They want to get the most of you in the shorter time and once you stop paying, you're no use to them anymore.
Dec 13, 2019, 14:5212/13/19
Dec 13, 2019, 14:54(edited)

Ne0deis said:

What is meant is we'd like plarium stop thinking how to milk whales and making a game enjoyable for everyone.

ATM, RSL is a pay2win not a f2p. In a f2p, free players eventually manage to achieve events in a reasonnable time, without paying.

In RSL, you can't achieve events without paying.

That's why we have to discourage people to download the game.

Mainly because it only targets people

  • who don't understand how abusive the prices are (children/teens),
  • with addiction problems ( it is said that rsl is a gambling game owned by a casino which wouldn't be surprising)
  • with too many money

They want to get the most of you in the shorter time and once you stop paying, you're no use to them anymore.

This side: I know everything I need to know. I started 10 months ago, spend some money and am f2p since approx. 5 months. I have never played a RNG game like RSL where there is no real longterm place for f2p gamers. You are right, the game gets boring after a while, because nothing really happens, while whales get one new champ after another, are buying artefact sets etc. Even when preparing for special events/fusions for weeks it is hard to finish them in a much too short time. 

The other side: game developing is nothing to be keen of, I think. It's hard business with limited salaries for the developers. Every whale does not support the developers but those who get the most out of it, those who scheduled these whale milk surroundings.

Dec 13, 2019, 15:4112/13/19

What i meant was that they should do a fusion everyone can do if the put time effort into it.

I for one have been hoarding all my rare epic champs for this event, but now all the rares and epic needed for the fusion are void.

void shards are very hard to obtain for f2p players, esp if we are not willing to leave our clan of friends to go to a big clan that can take down NM and UNM clanboss.

and even if i couldnt do the fusion, it would be nice if one of the epics was actually worth going for (like peydma)

Dec 14, 2019, 09:5112/14/19
Dec 14, 2019, 11:4612/14/19
Dec 14, 2019, 12:19(edited)

therealmike said:

What i meant was that they should do a fusion everyone can do if the put time effort into it.

I for one have been hoarding all my rare epic champs for this event, but now all the rares and epic needed for the fusion are void.

void shards are very hard to obtain for f2p players, esp if we are not willing to leave our clan of friends to go to a big clan that can take down NM and UNM clanboss.

and even if i couldnt do the fusion, it would be nice if one of the epics was actually worth going for (like peydma)

It's right what you have written though f2p gamers are not in the focus of a game developing company like plarium is. They simply cannot focus in f2p gamers, but they could do in between. E.g. after you bought a raid pass then you would get the guarantee of leaving drawing dupes behind  or kind of that. The existing system is undoubtable nothing else than forcing the gamers to spend much money into the game. I have opened a clan  and try to stay at 30 members. At least 70 % are giving up the game before they reach lvl 40 if not earlier. I think this game has such high whaling factor why this game will never ever get enough people together to vote for it getting a popular price. Compare it to the big fishes in the pond like Supercell is. There you can be successful even when spending no or not much money. E.g. Brawl Stars has more than 100 Million downloads. RSL will never ever reach this number under these circumstances and so the (whale) community will be much too small for enough votes. 

I cannot understand why those fusions are time limited. There is really nothing worth it playing the game for a f2p gamer except perhaps the monthly shards which bring no real benefit, 'cause every shard I opened since f2p playing brought either rare or epic crap champs or rare or epic dupes and so no real progress to the game. These fusions would even be hard to optain when there was no time limitation. 

The only reasons why I still play the game is that I try to improve some worthy champs like Gorgo to get a bit better at the faction stages or dungeons and because I want to see where the game is going to.
Dec 14, 2019, 12:2612/14/19

Are you serious Plarium? Harvester at 1400 on a summon rush within 2 days?? And according to the Event description, she cannot be attained anywhere else during this whole event... not in Spider, not in Dragon, not in Golem, not in Fire Knight... 

So right off the bat, it's already next to impossible to complete the Leg fusion without spending $$$$$$$$$$

At 1400, that's 70 Ancients (20 pts) or over 12 Void  (120 pts) or 3 Sacreds (500 pts)... which amounts to about $100 (or more to be honest)... all for a Rare that will be fused away. 

Are you serious right now Plarium???

So right off the bat, any non-whale players already are out of the running to try to get Tormin.

I mean, at least put Harvester attainable somewhere else! Like somewhere in the Dungeons! Or if it was a week long, ok... that's doable. But 2 days??? SERIOUSLY PLARIUM????

If we had to buy a few ancients here or there, that's slightly reasonable... but because Harvester is a Void character, all those Ancients aren't going to do me any good!

Listen to your player base! Listen to what the YouTube influencers are saying!

We're not saying you shouldn't earn a profit for this game, but with dumb paywalls and conditions like this with Harvester, please stop thinking the majority of the playbase is stupid.