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HELLOOO!!! Black screen and broken client after latest update for 5 hours straight

HELLOOO!!! Black screen and broken client after latest update for 5 hours straight

Dec 13, 2019, 06:4612/13/19

HELLOOO!!! Black screen and broken client after latest update for 5 hours straight

I'm feel like the technical support side of the forum is like a dead zone no one goes even the moderators and the developers...

On PC:

The game is CRASHED. The game client is BROKEN and all that it gives is a black screen and loading type cursor that glitches out like crazy. 

That happened after the lasted update that took place around 5-6 hours ago. Since then its full on blackout. 

Uninstalling and installing the game client and the game DOES NOT work and results into the same problem. 

Tons of people have that problem, some even shared it in the technical support side as I did, but no response no nothing. 

My resources are going to waste by the numbers each hour and soon time limited resources I had in my inbox will go down the drain with the rest as well. 
The events are about to start in couple of hours and .... no, I won't swear but that's how I feel like doing right now, especially as an f2p player waiting for so long for these events and now THIS....

Look at this problem ASAP, please.
Fix it even faster. :D 
At least report it to the proper/responsible people.
Thank you.

p.s.Really, if that is how the event starts for the majority of people, better be a damn good event otherwise it will have double negative effect.
