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Undead Horde Summon Event - GG Plarium

Undead Horde Summon Event - GG Plarium

Dec 9, 2019, 13:0312/09/19

Undead Horde Summon Event - GG Plarium

This is the first time the game has ever done an Event around a specific Faction.

The Faction they chose is the Undead Horde faction which just so happens to be my most Favorite Faction.

I had 40 Ancient Shards.

I was expecting to get at least 3 Epic Undead heroes

I did get 3 Epic heroes - Corse Collector (Undead) - Maeve (Barbarian) - Grizzled Jarl (Dwarf)

Only 1 was Undead

You tricked me - Congratulations Plarium 

Your victory is a hollow win. 

I shall not fall for your trick again. 

Dec 10, 2019, 08:0312/10/19
Dec 10, 2019, 08:32(edited)

Sorry you felt tricked. Marketing is marketing, they make sound great something that must be thought about by yourself, in this case a bit of probability helps:

There are 13 faction. If undead has 5x chance, the 12 others have 1x chance, and if we assume for the sake of simplification that the number of heros of a given rarity is the same in each faction, the probability to pull an undead hero is:

5 / (12+5) = 5 / 17 ~ 30%

Now if we suppose we pull n epics, the number of undead follows a binomial distribution, the probability of pulling k undeads is:

P(k) = (n k) 0.3^k 0.7^(n-k)

for (n k) the binomial coeff n! / [k! (n-k)!]

In your case you have n=3 epics, so the probability to pull exactly one undead is:

P(1) = 3 0.3 0.7^2 = 0.441 = 44%

So you had 44% of falling into "your trap", which was very likely. 

You can use the above formula to compute the odds of pulling k undead out of n tries. You can even use it to compute your chances to get legos out of sacred/blue shards during events or outside of events. The general formula for an outcome of probability p (p=0.005 to get legos out of blue shards for ex) is:

P(k) = (n k) p^k (1-p)^(n-k)

The same formula can be applied to compute the odds of your favorite multi hit champ to proc his debuff on the enemy (ex Tayrel A1 dec atk out of 2 hits, Nethril A1 poison proc out of 3 hits, etc). 

Dec 10, 2019, 09:0912/10/19
Dec 10, 2019, 09:30(edited)

Calyptix said:

Sorry you felt tricked. Marketing is marketing, they make sound great something that must be thought about by yourself, in this case a bit of probability helps:

No idea what your blathering on about.

I don't feel tricked.

I was tricked.

There is a huge difference.

I pulled 40 Ancient Shards.

I average 3 Epic Heroes out of 40 Ancient Shards on any given day.

On this day, The game was doing a Undead Horde Summon Event.

I am suppose to have an increased likelihood of pulling Undead Heroes.

I pulled 1 Undead Epic + 2 Non-Undead Epics

I could have done the same 1 Undead Epic + 2 Non-Undead Epics on any other given day playing this game.

There was no difference between this day vs. any other day.

Which means the Summon Event for Undead Hordes is a lie.

Dec 10, 2019, 10:4712/10/19

in all the posts you act like you are smart and you know everything about the game, and now we see here that you have no idea about anything

everyone who play this game more then 2-3 month know this x5 cant to be good and u are elder-platinum so playing more than 5 month

426 champs in-game I don't know who would be crazy to go to this event ( ahhh u are)

if you haven’t learned by now ill explain u, the best time to open shards are on x2 chance...

so can u understand x2 or nothing, everything else is a big lie

Dec 10, 2019, 10:4812/10/19
And what's more funny, this event is for void shards too, but Undead faction has no void epic and legos :D
Dec 12, 2019, 13:1712/12/19

numenor said:

in all the posts you act like you are smart and you know everything about the game, and now we see here that you have no idea about anything

everyone who play this game more then 2-3 month know this x5 cant to be good and u are elder-platinum so playing more than 5 month

426 champs in-game I don't know who would be crazy to go to this event ( ahhh u are)

if you haven’t learned by now ill explain u, the best time to open shards are on x2 chance...

so can u understand x2 or nothing, everything else is a big lie

2x Chance is very good.

I do agree with what your saying about 2x chance.

However, I really like the Undead Faction.

I don't really care about Epics from other factions.

This event was new, It has never been done before.

I was curious.

I used 40 Ancient Shards as a test to see what would happen.

I would have been fine with the event if I was able to get 2x or 3x Undead Epics like I was suppose too.

The simple fact is the event felt like a lie to me.

I got 3 Epics - only 1 was Undead.

I saw no difference between this Undead event vs. any other Summon Event.

As I explained before, I can pull 1 Undead Epic + 2 other random Epics on a normal day playing this game.

I didn't feel like the 5x Undead Chance did anything to make it seem as if I had more of a chance to pull more Undead.

So as far as I am concerned, This event was a bust.

I will not participate in it ever again.

I lost 40 Ancient Shards testing out this event, but I gained information in the process.

I can always re-buy 40 more shards from the game.

They sell packs all the time.

I am a spender.

Sometimes, it pays to test things out.

Dec 12, 2019, 14:0512/12/19
Dec 12, 2019, 14:05(edited)
If you only care about undead champions then there is no point in you even playing this game.
Dec 12, 2019, 19:5212/12/19

fireblood said:

If you only care about undead champions then there is no point in you even playing this game.

On the contrary, Bad El Kazar (Undead Champion) is the only reason I even downloaded this game.

I saw an advertisement which featured Bad El Kazar in Arena fighting solo vs. 4 enemies.

Bad El Kazar was doing his Malicious & wrecking the rival team.

I thought he looked so amazing.

I downloaded the game and started playing it. lol

You see - I like Undead - Zombie - Vampire - Type characters.

So the Undead Champions in this game are the only reason I am even here playing the game.

Dec 12, 2019, 20:4112/12/19
I don't know.  I tried a bunch of green shards and got more undead then normal.  Seems to be working for me but I only tried green shards so...yeah, no, yeah.  Best of luck.
Dec 12, 2019, 23:5912/12/19
Yeah - I don't get your rant either.  There are 13 factions.  The odds of pulling any one faction, if evenly distributed is roughly 7.5 %.  If you were simply to multiply that by 5 (I know - bad math but I'm dumbing it down), you would be at about 35% probability of getting an undead.  You pulled 1 in 3.  Napkin math checks out.  What did you expect?  All 3 to be undead?  That's highly UN-probabilistic.   
Dec 13, 2019, 03:0512/13/19


I know this doesn't help much, but Grizzled Jarl is quite a great epic tbh

but yh, it would have been nice of a double chance was coupled with x5 faction chance, 

however this was the first time we ever get a faction increased chance, which is pretty cool, but we always have to remember the drop rates unfortunately, it can go wrong or right, eitherway, hopefully all goes well for ya player J

