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Christmas day x2 summons

Christmas day x2 summons

Dec 7, 2019, 15:2112/07/19

Christmas day x2 summons

Anyone else think it would have been a better idea to do x2 chance on christmas day?

Those leggos would have made some great christmas presents 😉

Maybe they should have done both a sacred and ancient x2 together. What a good gesture tht would have been.
Dec 7, 2019, 19:0212/07/19
I wouldn't be too excited about that. Just like now with the 2x legendary. A total of 2% isnt very good. The return for us isn't worth the flashy light show, but the dev knows idgits will buy the shard packs and bonus packs thinking a whole 1% will present them with a great new legendary champion. Maybe if they posted the drop rates (gambling odds) inside the game for every single item. It would wake up the player community a whole. I'll still play either, but at least my fellow players who willingly spend their money, will make tgeir purchases with the knowledge of the casino's odds (drop rates). I know I'm being a little hyperbolic, but there is truth in what I say.
Dec 9, 2019, 09:5012/09/19
Dec 9, 2019, 09:51(edited)

Personally - I would love the chance to get St. Nicholas + Jingle Hunter + Reinbeast for Christmas.

I want to make a Christmas Themed Arena Team.

I don't care about double chances - as I still get bad pulls even with those double chances.

Dec 9, 2019, 14:1312/09/19
Well I am not level 44, I have most of the best rares except Kael (I have Apothecary, Bellower, Coldheart, Galek, Athel, Ragemonger, Elhain, etc), some good epics (Juliana, Royal Guard, Aothar, Amarantine Skeleton, Gorgorab, Battlesage, Harvester, etc). Not bad at all. I am now doing around 5M on the CB and I am progressing. Nevertheless, zero legendaries! None, ziltch, nada... :-)
Dec 9, 2019, 19:2612/09/19
Dream too much. It is a Xmas day for Plarium not for players. Spend 2X to get 2X summons :)
Oct 24, 2020, 08:3110/24/20

I feel like they made ultra instinct Goku for the Christmas banner because they know we love that ultra instinct