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Cb caped damage and debuff

Cb caped damage and debuff

Dec 6, 2019, 20:1512/06/19

Cb caped damage and debuff

A few questions. My clan is still only doing cb in hard. 

What debuff can be applied to the cb? I am interested mostly in the decrease speed debuff. Does it work on him?

I usually apply 60%def debuff, 50%atk debuff, 25%weaken and then 7 stack of 5%poison.

Now for the caped damage... 

Does anyone knows how much 5%poison inflict in brutal, nightmare and Unighgmare?

What about the warmaster and Giantslayer? From easy to hard, they do the same damage, but because the boss def increase, they actually lower as difficulty augments. Are they capped higher at some point or do they stay the same?

I average 20m damage per run in hard. I am a bit bored and I wonder if I should change clan as the second on doesn't even do 10m per run and the 3rd less than 5m. But I have no idea how I would fit in brutal. I have room for improvement and can easily make 7 to 8 more millions once I pass the last 2 members of my team 60 and get them warmaster. 

My team:

Tayrel 50(lead)

Dracomorph 50

Vizier Olis 60

Zavia 60

Gorgorab 60.

Vizier is almost fully booked and 200+ speed to stack the debuff like ctazy. Zavia allows me to apply or remove the poison until the 3 other debuff are correctly applied. Gorgo is mainly there to boost the speed and resurrect when I make a mistake. 

Dec 7, 2019, 13:3512/07/19

Yeah - if you do decide to leave your team.

Join my team - I need more Brutal & Nightmare Clan Boss hitters lol
Dec 7, 2019, 14:0712/07/19

To answer your question:

The below debuff's you are doing on the Clan Boss are perfect!

60%def debuff, 50%atk debuff, 25%weaken and then 7 stack of 5%poison.

You want to have the above 10 on the Clan Boss forever.

They are perfect!

  • Tayrel 50(lead) 
  • Dracomorph 50 
  • Vizier Olis 60 
  • Zavia 60 
  • Gorgorab 60.

I think your team is fine for now.

I would consider replacing Zavia + Gorgorab down the road.

Zavia is 1 of the best Clan Boss heroes in the game - but I don't think you need her because of Dracomorph

Dracomorph + Vizir can probably keep you up with poisons forever.

I think you are missing a Counter Attacker.

I think you are missing a Cleanser or Block Debuff hero.

I think you are missing a Increased Defense hero.

The fact you have Vizir gives you so many options.

You only need to put Books on Vizir A1 skill.

Don't really need to fully book him unless you get some Bad RNG Book Upgrades.

Dec 7, 2019, 23:5812/07/19
Dec 8, 2019, 00:08(edited)


I have skullcrusher for counter, I just didn't pass him 60 and he his undergeared. I wish I had martyr but well, it's just a wish. I will replace gorgo with apo once I lvl apo 60. Pb is I need to pass tayrel a d Dracomorph 60 first. 

I got unlucky with Vizier booking. I am still missing 1 book to finish the a1

Then I will book Draco. His a1 already does 80k on cb with all the debuff... And he is still lvl 50... I am expecting a pure damage monster once he his 60 with masteries and books. 

I'll consider your team if there is space tomorrow morning. What's the name of your clan? 

Dec 8, 2019, 03:4312/08/19
Dec 8, 2019, 03:45(edited)

Nico Traveler said:


I have skullcrusher for counter, I just didn't pass him 60 and he his undergeared. I wish I had martyr but well, it's just a wish. I will replace gorgo with apo once I lvl apo 60. Pb is I need to pass tayrel a d Dracomorph 60 first. 

I got unlucky with Vizier booking. I am still missing 1 book to finish the a1

Then I will book Draco. His a1 already does 80k on cb with all the debuff... And he is still lvl 50... I am expecting a pure damage monster once he his 60 with masteries and books. 

I'll consider your team if there is space tomorrow morning. What's the name of your clan? 

Most players don't use any Turn Meter Filler or any Mastery related to Turn Meter Gain in Clan Boss when they have a CA strategy.

Most players use Turn Meter Filling + Manipulation when they lack a Counter Attacking hero.

When you do have a Counter Attacking hero, You want to speed tune your team to the Clan Boss Speed.

Running a Turn Meter Filling hero or Masteries which fill your Turn Meter can throw off your Speed Tuning.

So they don't run them together.

Sure, I should have a spot available for you tomorrow.

My team name is "Do You Event Raid, Brro"

I hang out in Channel 10 - So you can contact here or in the game if you want.

Dec 8, 2019, 10:1712/08/19
Your clan is full lol, I can't apply
Dec 8, 2019, 10:2412/08/19
Dec 8, 2019, 10:30(edited)

Hey Nico 

Try again I move 1 inactive out lol