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Legendary drop rates are way too low.

Legendary drop rates are way too low.

Dec 6, 2019, 03:2712/06/19

Legendary drop rates are way too low.

Just spent like over one hundred dollars on the game. I opened around 60 ancient shards. I got no legendaries...... Seriously? The legendary rates are way to low and shards are way too hard to get. There sjould at least be a pity timer or something.
Dec 6, 2019, 04:4912/06/19
You knew the drop rate before you summoned. They dont hide it.  The drop rates are fine.  
Dec 6, 2019, 05:5812/06/19

licrontium6 said:

Just spent like over one hundred dollars on the game. I opened around 60 ancient shards. I got no legendaries...... Seriously? The legendary rates are way to low and shards are way too hard to get. There should at least be a pity timer or something.

Hey Hey

Welcome to the forums,

Sorry to hear about your RNG, these days I like to collect my shards for 2x events, though even that its a very low chance to get a legendary, RNG can be hard on you but it also can be nice, I've played for a long time and when I have pulled a legendary, because of the current rates it makes it feel quite special. 

many thanks and good luck.
Dec 6, 2019, 06:1312/06/19

Hello, MyNamesJebb here. I started playing in Novemeber, so ya, a month. I just read about 2× legendary chance coming up. GREAT. I went and looked and still only one Legendary. Hmm. I think ok. I will put more money on for the shards. Not sure what I will do., cant buy them.

I take a quick look at money spent on Raid thinking I should have more by the amount, but I suppose $714 spent on your game in a month isnt enough for anything. What an super aggrivating situation. Seriously.
Dec 6, 2019, 12:1612/06/19
Just wait until people start sueing them over it. That's a ton of money to spend on a game that's all about legendary pulls and yet nothing. I've spent thousands of dollars on this game and have jack compared to precious YouTubers! It's interesting how they almost always pull legendaries and we don't. 
Dec 6, 2019, 13:5312/06/19

jsunshinefloors23 said:

Just wait until people start sueing them over it. That's a ton of money to spend on a game that's all about legendary pulls and yet nothing. I've spent thousands of dollars on this game and have jack compared to precious YouTubers! It's interesting how they almost always pull legendaries and we don't. 

Sue for what?  you understand the odds b4 you open those shards just like you understand the odds b4 you pull the slot machine in Casino.  Besides the company is in Israel well protected from attacks, law-wise and terrorism-wise. 

You ppl need to stop crying like this for real now.  They already lowered shard price so much it made us whales looks stupid after purchased sizable sacred for $35+ for a year, now it costs what?  freaking $15 or lower!  If you cry enough they might up the chance from 6% to 60% 1 day and that would be a double slap on us whales, please for gods' sake, stop!!

Show me which youtuber can have an amazing roster of legos without spending tens of thousands $$,  you can watch them pull shards in real time, sometimes its amazing like 2-3 legos out of 20 shards, sometimes its ZERO out of 200 shards.  As myself pulled sh!t load of shards on my own I can assure you RNGodness favors no1 in long run, it will evens out after thousands pulls, if you are lucky now you know sh!ts awaits you on next major pulls, and opposite is true.

This game aint for poor peasants like you, if you dont plan on spending tens of thousands $$ please dont join or complain.  the odds stated clearly there, convert the % into fail % rate like for ancient shard its 99.5% fail, there, now ask yourself if you want to take the risk.  I am so pissed this game is going down the sh!t hole as it is now because cry babies like you made Plarium lowered shard prices which made us whales stopped spending and it leads to the game's demise, GG enjoy $1 sacred soon.
Dec 6, 2019, 19:5512/06/19

lol badsad

telling people that the game isnt for them is against forum rules.

I am a peasant and do absolutely fine , have many bad legendaries, done many fusions and have not spent a penny, and you chose to spend all that money, you knew the rules would change and the prices and percentages would change, if you dont like the odds and not playing with others well.... take your own advice but dont knock people for having a rant, and dont it so personally.

We both know nobody is sueing anyone, the comment is laughable, casinos dont get sued because people keep getting 22 at blackjack tables.
Dec 6, 2019, 20:1012/06/19
Dec 6, 2019, 20:16(edited)

licrontium6 said:

Just spent like over one hundred dollars on the game

It's nothing. Plarium wants you to spend thousands, this is why the rates and packs pricing are tuned the way they are.

And it's always a gamble, so don't ever expect your "investment" to give you something good back.

Also, 60 ancient shards is decent amount, but if opened them just now, you've made a big mistake, because there are no double rate event for ancients going on. Always wait for double rate unless you have some specific goal, like completing an event or fusion.

And even during double rate your chance of getting at least one legendary out of 60 shards is just 45%. Without double rate, it's 25%.